The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: Conversation in the five hundred and eighty-eight canteen

"Strange..." Li Ping put down the tablet, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "And it's troublesome."

After the development of the "system", Li Ping did not stop collecting and analyzing intelligence in this mashup world.

Not to mention Zeon and the intelligence deception carried out on Earth, there are several secret organizations hidden under the society on a single Earth that are blocking and inducing certain intelligence.

One of them is the secret organization "Amalgam" that I found along Reynard's line. Unlike the private armed organization under the Great Trust in Li Ping's imagination, the amalgam is named after the "non-existent metal". The organization was formed by the Human Revolutionary Union, the AEU and the Empire of Brittany, in order to prevent a total extermination war similar to pulling the last reins of the organization.

Since this organization is jointly established by all the powerful countries in the world, this organization also takes into account the conduct of joint investigations concerning the interests of all mankind.

For example, the pollution incident of Europa eruption and the sinking of the Galileo Jupiter probe on Jupiter were all carried out by this organization.

Similarly, the target of this organization's intelligence operations is mainly various political events.

The second Li Ping did not find the name, but the information blocked by this organization was mainly related to religious archaeology. For example, the Mayan doomsday prophecy that disappeared from the world’s vision inexplicably, such as the Dead Sea documents that also faded out of the world’s vision. The sphere of influence is decreasing outward from the secular alliance and the capital group of the Brittany Empire. Li Ping tentatively guesses that it is Seele.

The third Li Ping believes that it is the organization of heaven and man. This organization relies on a certain trust group of the AEU to support fires around the world. It once presided over the Jupiter exploration program of the Galileo Jupiter exploration ship. In addition, it is also because the algorithm framework of quantum supercomputing used by Yui Ikari and Naoko Akagi here is the algorithm framework called the Aeolian-Neumann framework.

The fourth one was the one that made Li Ping feel the most... This organization is in a semi-public state, but what they are hiding makes Li Ping very entangled.

Well, the emperor organization, according to the organization's seventeen bases around the world, they probably sealed or monitored at least seventeen monsters called "Titans".

The word Godzilla also appeared in scattered information several times.

In addition, there are some traces of scattered intelligence processing, but there is no focus. Li Ping tentatively believes that it is a good thing done by the intelligence agencies of various countries.

Now Li Ping just hopes that there will be no more Ultraman Kamen Rider Space Knight Tiejiaman or something... This earth is already hard enough.


"I said that you can't take care of that guy Leonard? His whimsical ideas have seriously slowed down our progress!" Naoko Akagi's cheeks flushed, and she smashed the bowl with a small half bowl of sake brewed on the table. superior.

Li Ping's eyebrows jumped when he saw it. If you know it, you ordered a rice dumpling soup for lunch at noon. If you don't know, you drink heavily at noon, right?

"Indeed, Leonard's luck has been a bit bad recently, and he has to find time to consolidate blessings to improve his luck value." Li Ping suppressed the desire to complain that Naoko Akagi was a little drunk after drinking a bowl of fermented Yuanzi soup... Immediately, he rose up. It's because of the desire to complain about Leonard. It's for the development of a new type of comprehensive sensor, not for you to open a blind box here.

Last month, I finally threw Leonard's ECS and Director Chen to recruit people to continue development, and dispelled Leonard's idea of ​​integrating a set of tasteless equipment that was more expensive than the body into the comprehensive sensors he needed.

Turning around this month, Leonard put together the basic theory of λ-Drive.

At the cost of no new progress in the sensor for more than half a month.

"...Huh? What are you talking about and what I'm talking about! Is it a matter of luck?!"

"Well, unlike your researcher who pays attention to linear logic, Leonard's idea is similar to that of opening a blind box. When inspiration comes, he can come up with a technology that is a hundred years ahead of the world... Well, I actually think this is inspiration. It went astray, because it couldn't be created at all.

If the inspiration deviates, it will be like this, and suddenly there will be a super system that looks like magic. "Li Ping spread his hands and smiled. "It's not so much that it needs everyone's understanding, it's better to say it's helpless." When he got inspiration, he didn't know if this thing was useful or not. If he didn't write it down, it might be a loss. If he wrote it down, it would definitely delay the progress. It's probably something like this. "

"I said, you drink at noon?" Behind Li Ping, Kyoko's teasing voice came. "Are you still working in the afternoon?"

"Kyoko-chan, take a good look, there are no alcoholic beverages on this table." Li Ping looked up at Kyoko who came down to eat in the cafeteria.

"Huh?" Kyoko came over with a plate and looked at the plates of the two of them. Well, the cups seemed to be full of Coke. Then Li Ping was eating braised pork, lion's head and shredded potatoes, while Naoko Akagi was eating dry Pot cabbage and fermented rice balls.

... Have you been eating sake fermented Yuanzi?

Kyoko's eyebrows jumped, this is the lower limit of alcohol consumption after Yui Ikari's half-can of beer went crazy?

"Forget it, the auxiliary OS and auxiliary AI that I use to use the "system" to manipulate and assist the combat vehicle have been completed. What about my next job?"

"It's done?" Li Ping was a little surprised.

"The basic system is completed, and the rest is to grow according to the battle data. There is no difference between the current auxiliary OS and auxiliary AI and artificial mental retardation. Any game expert can hang and beat my AI." Kyoko smiled. He smiled, after all, he was just an ordinary student before, and being able to develop an auxiliary growth Ai in combat is already considered his own talent.

It really requires more than 3,000 hours of simulated combat learning depending on the actual application.

"Growing AI? Leave the Ai training to me. You can coordinate the production and debugging of the quantum supercomputing core in the next time."

"here you are?"

"I'll find a way to get combat data from the military."

Of course, despite what he said, Li Ping just submitted an application to his superiors, and then began to write auxiliary AI based on his own experience.

As UACE's Li Ping, he is an expert among experts in the battle between MS and fighter jets. Be it a rookie, a skilled pilot or a highly skilled ACE, Li Ping knows exactly what kind of auxiliary AI they need.

To put it simply, a rookie needs a gentle big sister who always tells you what you should do.

What a veteran needs is an experienced little After running in each other, they complement each other.

The high-tech ACE needs more complicated, like Kira Yamato, the first-generation super adjuster likes the extremely convenient streamlined operation and the extremely delicate pure manual operation when necessary. This makes Kira a non-ACE harvester and an ACE killer on the battlefield. As long as he appears on the battlefield, there will be continuous accurate artillery fire, and the body driven by ordinary soldiers is shot down like rain. . In the short firepower neutrality, either the Freedom Gundam weapon was dissipating heat and recharging energy, or Kira was taking the time to shoot down the opponent's captain plane.

What Li Ping pursues is the extreme sense of operation brought by pure manual operation and the thrill of being oppressed by ultra-high G-forces, which makes Li Ping a nightmare for the enemy on the battlefield, and most people can only see one Red afterimages rushed into their formation, and then their combat vehicles were continuously knocked down and exploded.

If you swap the OS and the auxiliary AI developed by each other, although it is not impossible to play based on the excellent quality of the two, everyone will be tied. A decent negative bonus.


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