"Variant No. 1 was hit, and the second floater was hit! Emergency blockade of the isolation gate."

"The output of the engine dropped, and the altitude could not be maintained." Neumann constantly changed the energy distribution through the front panel, striving for more power for the engine and the aerostat.

"Transfer the energy of the reserve power supply to the reserve floater, and the damage control team will immediately carry out damage control."

"CIWS No. 3 was hit and couldn't fire. Cut off the feed circuit."

"What are Strike and Divine Shield doing?"

"It's returning to the voyage, and it is expected to arrive in thirty seconds."

"Captain's hatred..." A Jean jumped to the bridge of the Archangel.

"Knock him down!" Sai Yi listened to Bucky Lulu's order, and directly forcibly turned CIWS No. 1 and No. 2 by hand, and found that the pit father's position was a dead end.

"The enemy plane is in the blind spot of firepower! Can't attack!"

"Archangel..." Li Ping and Kira fired at almost the same time. In the sky, Lieutenant Colonel Flagg, who heard Bucky Lulu's shout, also quickly turned his nose and fired with high-energy pulses.

"Go to hell!" But before the shot was fired, the Gene was hit by seven or eight beams at the same time, and was shot down.

"Fish, don't make fun of me!" Divine Shield accelerated forward, turned into a human shape with a sword and cut off a Gene who jumped over and tried to slash Divine Shield with the heavy slashing sword. The shield-attacking beam rifle kept firing, knocking down the surrounding Gene one by one.

Behind him, Kira, who was at risk of being shot down when the mothership was shot down and surrounded by himself, also began to be unable to keep his hands.

Most of the MSs that were parachuted down by airborne boats carried Valrus modified heavy particle guns. Although the charging before launching was a bit slow, it could indeed pose a fatal threat to battleships and GAT series equipped with PS armor.

"That white machine...isn't it not killing people!" After seeing his teammates being shot down one after another, the driver of a Gene stopped the machine and yelled as if he had been deceived.

"Idiot! Keep moving! Do you want to die!" After his teammate stopped beside him, he immediately jumped away.

All that was left was the wreckage of Jean that was swept into a honeycomb by the CIWS.

"Idiot..." The Gene raised the 500mm recoilless gun, thinking about the continuous firing of the Archangel's bottom. "The captain of the 8 teams has not stopped the two MSs yet..."

"Energy..." Li Ping shot down a Gene and a Zaut again, and the Holy Shield had less than 30% of its energy left. "This battery machine is really..."

"Speaking of which, wouldn't it be better to install a few diesel generators in the MS... We are too disadvantaged in this kind of battle."

"Hey Kira-kun... ZAFT army will cry..." Divine Shield cut off most of Jean's torso with his toe lightsaber. "We have already been able to forcibly fight against enemy planes that are several times larger than ours. Do you still dislike being at a disadvantage? If you can get nuclear power for you, wouldn't you have to ride as a thousand?"

Oh, it seems that you will do this in the future.

In places that Li Ping couldn't see, several energy circuits and mechanical structures on the inside of the Holy Shield's waist were beating arcs.

"WTF!" Divine Shield turned his body and swept his right foot to another Jean. But before the lightsaber cut into Gene, the lightsaber suddenly went out. Li Ping urgently raised his hand and used the shield-attacking 20mm cannon to shoot Gene's head, breaking Gene's main monitor. Then the face-to-face beam rifle hit Gene's chest.

"There's still electricity! What's going on?" Li Ping quickly conducted a self-check on the body. "There is a problem with the energy supply of the lower body? Is it a waist injury?"

"Captain, the energy is running out." After Kira also shot down several Jeans, the energy entered the dangerous area.

"You return to the ship to change your clothes. There are batteries in your weapon backpack."


"You can't die in a while, go quickly."

"Strike request to return to the ship, I need to change clothes." After hearing Kira's call, Frey relayed it to Bucky Lulu.

"Put the maintenance squad on standby and open the second catapult deck." Captain Ramias also heard.

"It's dangerous to go on like this, I'll take the Air Overlord to attack!" Cagalli's communication came from the hangar.

"No! Just the armor of the Air Overlord, it will be shot down the moment it takes off!" Ramias directly denied it. "Marines, prepare to use the MS rocket launchers to prevent enemy planes from invading this ship."

"Huh?" The marine who was part-time as a damage control officer was stunned when he heard this. After handing over the job to the damage control officer who rushed over, he ran to the arsenal to get the rocket launcher.

When the gate of Gnaku was opened, the Assault and the Aegis were concentrated at the hatch to guard against the intrusion of enemy planes.

"Okay, let's go." Li Ping glanced at the assault on his left.

"Lieutenant little..." Kira was very polite.

"Shut up, hurry up, don't leave Flagg." Li Ping intercepted two large missiles that wanted to take the opportunity to shoot in.

Lieutenant Colonel Flagg, who had just shot down a Dean while pinning down the ZAFT aviation and army units five kilometers away, felt persecuted again.

"Madok Chief Cao, cannon gear, please hurry up." The striker ran directly to the changing location and stopped. The shield and air pack were removed, and the artillery pack was reloaded. The attack was instantly revived with full blood.

"Please, boy."

"Well, please eject me."

"Understand ~www.readwn.com~ the catapult is activated, open the hatch!"

Outside, the energy of the Holy Shield is still used up.

"It's just that the PS armor can't be used anymore!" Li Ping threw the shield away and smashed a Gene's heavy particle cannon. Then he snatched the heavy slashing sword from the waist of this Gene. "Gundam isn't just about beautiful colors!"

Divine Shield pierced Gene with a sword, and then fell to the ground and ran for two steps. Just as he was about to jump up, an explosion occurred at his waist, and his left foot and left thruster module lost power. Holy Shield fell to the ground. He tried his best to turn the body over, and flew out the heavy slashing sword to cut off a heavy particle cannon aimed at him. A few seconds later, another Genn aimed at the Aegis.

After confirming that his title of "Immortal Kolasava" was working, the only remaining right hand of the Holy Shield raised his middle finger.

"Flower Q!!!!!!"

A red beam swept across, and several Zeons were directly shot down.

"Cut, is the white machine finished?" In the distance, the ZAFT commander who was in command of the entire operation frantically gnawed at his fingernails. "Fighting further will only increase casualties, the whole machine retreats, and the coordinates are Omega 03."

"ZAFT army, retreat!"

"Second Lieutenant Kira, stop the shooting, and give priority to recovering the Aegis. What about the situation with Air Overlord? I haven't heard from him for a long time."

"Airmaster used to contain the Dean and Baku teams on the port side, and they are now retreating."

"Is there any damage?"

"The artillery backpack is gone, and the body is slightly damaged."

"That's good. After recovering all the carrier-based aircraft, the thrust is the largest. Retreat from this area, azimuth 065, that cumulonimbus cloud. There is a small island 60 kilometers away, where to land and repair the damaged equipment on the hull." Captain Mias breathed a sigh of relief. "Maintain air-to-sea surveillance."


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