The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: One hundred and eighteen always feel that something is wrong

When Li Ping and Kira turned back for the second time, Cruze reciprocated with a short shot.

Then Cruze ran away again and again...

Li Pingren continued to go deeper and went to the human genetic manipulation laboratory.

"What is this place..." Lieutenant Colonel Flagg was taken aback by the dozens of strange machines in the laboratory and the corpses soaked in formalin.

"Human genetic manipulation laboratory, wasn't it written on the door just now?" Li Ping glanced at Lieutenant Colonel Flagg. Then the muzzle turned quickly and shot at the place where Cruzer emerged, and Cruzer quickly hid behind the wall.

"Kira-kun, you should be able to remember this place..." Cruze said with a bewitching tone.

"Your baby can remember when it was born!" Kira fired three short bursts at the place where Cruze made a sound.

Cruzer was choked, turned and ran deep into the laboratory.

"...Let's go." Li Ping also choked.

"Are these machines saying..."

"Well, although I don't know which one it is, come on, Kira-kun, call me mom~" Li Ping nodded.

The expressions of Lieutenant Colonel Flagg and Kira were instantly distorted.

"It seems you know a lot, Lieutenant Colonel Li Ping." Cruze heard Li Ping's voice on the other side, and was slightly taken aback.

"It's rare to come here, although there is one more person than the ideal state, do you want to know the truth?" Cruzer's tone was full of joy, and then, two things were thrown from the laboratory.

One is a frame with pictures of Vera Ring holding babies Cagalli and Kira.

One is, the Al Da Flage clone project book.

Kira looked down at the photo and frowned.

And Flagg was taken aback by the photos scattered around the project book.


"It seems that the pro-confidence conference can continue..." Li Ping chuckled.

"Huh?" Flagg was taken aback.

"Come on, Lieutenant Colonel Mu La Flage, call me Dad." Li Ping pointed in the direction of Cruze inside.

"Huh??" Lieutenant Colonel Flagg's voice was several times louder.

"You know all this... You know a lot, Lieutenant Colonel Li Ping. That's right, I'm your father, the fool who thought his life could be bought with money, El Da. Flagg's clone."

"What did you say?!" Colonel Flagg's eyes widened.

"Speaking of which, Kira-kun, do you know that your current parents are not your biological parents?"

"I know."

"..." Cruze twitched the corner of his mouth. "No, even if you know this fact, you can still grow up like this, a child with no shadow in your heart."

"You probably don't understand, Mr. Cruzer. Whether my parents are biological or not is not worth mentioning in the face of their concern for me." Kira leaned her head against the wall.

"Che... The first time I heard your name from Aslan, I didn't even think that you were that child. Because you and your father, Dr. Yura Hing, were..."

"The biggest attack target in the blue universe, right. Then your next sentence is probably, everyone thinks the twins died in the attack? But I survived and grew up?" Kira Putting her index finger against her chin, she tried to analyze Cruzer's words along Lux's thinking pattern.


Li Ping slapped the mask and looked at Kira strangely. And you said you can't read minds?

"...Um sorry, Mr. Cruze, you go on, you go on. What are you trying to say about me?"

"...You are the dream of mankind, the strongest adjuster."


"You already know what kind of garlic is in here!" Cruze fired several shots in a row, sparking all over the edge of the gate.

"Mr. Cruzer, I think there is a hole in your theory."


"My example is too unique to say. After all, the ethical problems of human beings are too serious. Then let's compare a warship. If a country uses the strongest team and the strongest technology to manufacture a ship that was invincible at the time Battleship. Could this ship be called the most powerful battleship?"


"However, from a technical point of view, this strongest warship is no longer the strongest when it is in service, and even this ship is outdated and is a weapon of the previous era. Because the firepower is stronger, Faster, more heavily armored ships must be on the way.

So, my so-called strongest adjuster is nothing but a product of the first generation of the "strongest adjuster" project. If it wasn't for my unmasked father being attacked and killed, the strongest adjuster with a very low success rate should have successfully entered the mass production stage.

I can't believe that my cheap dad can't find a way to simplify the way a tuner like me produces. "

"..." Cruzer lowered his head and thought for a while, what he said on the other side made sense.

"Also, I can't catch the school flower, and the class flower still hasn't caught up. Lieutenant Colonel Li Ping is still a little stronger than me in the land battle, and the MS battle is not much weaker than me. I have never won in the simulated battle. , Director Symonds of MS Design has been pressing me a lot. My thinking has never been as good as Lux, the battleship commander is not as good as Major Bucky Lulu, and I am not as good as Captain Ramias in winning people's hearts. Don't you think it's funny to emphasize the adjuster? The strongest adjuster who can be stronger than me?"

"..." Cruzer opened his mouth, but didn't respond for a while. After thinking about it for a while a shiver suddenly reacted. "You are not weaker than the top group of people from all walks of life in the world, and dare to claim that they are not the strongest adjusters in what they are best at?!"

"I really want to say the strongest, the future of human beings, you and Mu Sang are the ones! Are the two of you who can telepathically be the only ones in human beings! In this way, the two of you are human beings. Dreams, the future of mankind, the splendid result of human evolution, a new type of human beings adapted to cosmic life, Mu La Flage and you, Lou Lou Cruze!" Kira shouted back.

"Don't be kidding! The future of mankind... What does it have to do with me, a person who has no future and has a future!" Cruzer's voice was shaking.

"no future?"

"I was born with shorter mitochondrial telomeres than the average person, just because I am a failed clone! Premature aging, short lifespan... This is my future!"

"Emmmmmm... This is probably your father's problem. At least make things more beautiful after receiving money... This kind of malpractice that was discovered in animal cloning experiments hundreds of years ago is still preserved...

Was it that El da Flagg didn't give enough money back then? Or is your dad cutting corners?

Or did you secretly embezzle the Clone Team's funds when I was you...

Obviously the Flagg consortium is so rich, does it even have insufficient funds? "Li Ping whispered and pressed Kira.

"...Hey, I heard it." Cruzer felt that the hatred he had been brewing for more than 20 years was all wrong. Where are you a comedian from?

Thanks to Xinghai Rangers, a71009040095 two brothers for the reward

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