The 21st Century of the Gangsters Everywhere

: One hundred and sixteen into Mendel

"The starboard side sinks 35 degrees, the left rudder is 15 degrees, and the "Sword in the Stone" No. 1 to No. 4 aim at the right part of the stern of the enemy ship. Fire!"

"The "Sword of Deviance" is activated, and the "Sword of Contract Victory" is aimed at the engine of the enemy ship, and the lower rudder is 13 degrees and the left rudder is 10 degrees."

Eight beams were shot from the Athena, and the Archangel evaded to the left in an emergency, dodging seven shots, but the eighth shot was blocked by a timely blast of anti-beam blasting.

However, the Archangel class also broke into the search range of the long-awaited "Parsifal" anti-ship missile. 16 anti-ship missiles were activated, the engines ignited at a very close range, and they were fired at the port side of the Archangel class.

Although the Archangel-class close-in defense guns did their best, eleven anti-ship missiles hit the port side of the Archangel-class, and Gotfield 1, Variant 1 and the tail missile launch tube were all destroyed. .

"Athena, give a shot! Helmsman, vertical descent, maximum power! The bow of the ship is aimed at the Archangel-class ship C!"

"Malik, vertical ascent, rudder 45 degrees, full speed."

The Eternal drove out of the back shadow of the Athena and got the shot of the yang electron cannon.

"The "Deviated Sword" fires!"

The Archangel class on the opposite side also pulled up urgently, avoiding the direct attack on the hull. However, most of the vertical tail and port wing of the stern were hit and melted. Along with that, the No. 1 engine of the Archangel class exploded.

"It didn't kill you?" Tiger whistled.

"After the sword in the stone is fired at the bottom of the ship, the hull turns 160 degrees horizontally, and the "Sword in the Stone" low-power rapid-fire mode, aim, fire! The body circled, and once again used the four "swords in the stone" above the hull to aim at the injured Archangel at the stern of the ship.

Afterwards, Athena's "Sword in the Stone" main gun fired at the Archangel-class with 25% output at a rate of one salvo in 1 second.

Although it was impossible to break through the Archangel-class layered armor for a while, but the armament above the hull was not to be desired.

Whether it was CIWS, Gottfield, or Variant, they were all hit and destroyed by continuous low-power beams, and there were two lucky beams from the Archangel-class. The wreck of Gottfield 1 was shot directly into the port catapult of the Archangel class. The Archangel class did not know what device was detonated. The explosion ripped from the main hull.

Afterwards, thirty-two anti-ship missiles followed up. In an environment with no residual anti-aircraft firepower, they drove straight in and hit the Archangel with one shot and one shot. Soon after, the Archangel started to explode from the engine department. Soon, the fuel tank and the arsenal were involved in the explosion, and the whole ship turned into wreckage after a huge explosion.

"Hey!" ×2

Not far away, the captain and deputy captain of the Archangel looked at the picture of the Archangel being sunk, and only felt a pain in the phantom limb.

"Go on! Gottfield aims at the fifth Nelson class and fires!" Natal shivered and immediately continued to focus on the battle on her side.

"Kusanagi, prepare positive electron cannon, fire control system linkage, target No. 6 Nelson class."

Two minutes later, the Kusanagi Yang Electron Cannon was fully charged, the Archangel and Kusanagi turned right at the same time, and the six "Lohengreens" (two regular types for the Archangel and four low-output types for the Kusanagi) aimed at them. The last Nelson class that was still holding on was hit and sunk by six-shot Yang electron cannons. This Nelson class was also gorgeous enough to sink.

On the other side, after San Xiaoqiang returned to the ship, the two remaining Archangel-class ships of the Allied Forces fired signal flares to retreat, and then spewed jamming bombs, smoke bombs and flash bombs and then accelerated their turn. A basically brand-new Archangel class leaves the battlefield.

Seeing this, the Allied Short Swords team, who was still battling with the MS team of the Four Ship Alliance, no longer considered the residual energy.

"Chase?" Tiger looked at Captain Gladys.

"Let's retreat, the MS troops have reached their limit. Supply and repair the combat troops first." Captain Gladys swiped the screen. Even though the two ships had a clear advantage over the three Archangel-class ships, the Athena still remained. Multiple hits by Archangel-class artillery fire, multiple armor breaks on the hull and loss of external equipment.

If it is not repaired in time, next time a "lucky" missile or something will come in directly from the broken armor, and this ship will not be far from turning into a large fireworks, and the hapless Archangel is an example.

"Understood, Eternal returns." Butterfield nodded.

"The MS team returns. After receiving the MS troops, the hull turns 180 degrees and returns to Mendel's port." Captain Gladys slumped on the captain's seat. "Damage control personnel begin repairing the hull."

"Lieutenant Colonel Flagg and Major Edward did not return? In this kind of battle?!" Li Ping's voice was an octave higher.

The high-performance MS of the Union Army's Gundam series are all dealing with four nuclear-powered MSs. Those who attacked the warships were mass-produced machines such as the Assault Dagger and a small number of dueling Daggers and 105 Daggers. of normal production machines.

If those two first-class or even super-class ace pilots can be shot down by that kind of enemy while driving a Gundam system, Li Ping can use Lao Ganma to eat the fission fuel of Messiah Gundam.

"The battlefield recorder shows that the barrel-mounted Strike Gundam and the sword-mounted Calamity Gundam No. 2 left the front line 15 minutes ago and went to the colony of Mendel." Milielia looked back at the record of the battle recorder at ten times speed. report later.

"Kira-kun, feel the direction of Mendel, can you feel anything?" Li Ping stopped the return ship procedure. After setting the body to automatically follow the Athena, open the helmet, take out the towel and energy drink from the storage box in the cockpit, and take the time to wipe off the sweat and refuel.

"...There seems to be something malicious..." Kira frowned and looked in Mendel's direction. "Furious?"

"...I don't understand your feelings very well." Li Pingmeng took a moment, this kind of new human-style statement really doesn't matter? "Itzhak, the supply and maintenance operations are handed over to you, and Kira and I will go to Mendel."

"I will go with you."

"No, UU reading Aslan is staying. We don't know how long we will be going. The coalition will attack again at any time. Someone must deal with those four mobile suits." The battle just now explained that apart from San Xiaoqiang and Yuexia Aside from Rabbit, the pilots of the other Gundam-type MSs are all just mock battle trump cards.

The MS pilots of their own can fully cope with their existing machines, but San Xiaoqiang and Rabies under the Moon are not good enough. These four people are all super-class trump cards, and they can easily form an overwhelming advantage over their MS with cooperation.

"Understood, you should be more careful." Aslan nodded.

And Li Ping opened the escape material storage box on the top of the cockpit. Taken from above a new driver's personal defense weapon (PDW) commissioned to PLANT's Unified Design Bureau.

It was a folding carbine developed based on the classic AR15 gun series of the old days. After confirming that there was no problem with the gun, Li Ping put the gun on his leg, then put on a tactical bulletproof vest, inserted all six spare magazines into the slots on his chest, and took off another 1911 and installed the magazine after inspection. And loaded, inserted in the chest pistol pouch. He took off the multifunctional dagger and pinned it on the hanging point on his chest.

Then remove the night vision device at the slot on the top of the head. After checking that the night vision device can be used normally, Li Ping pushed the night vision device to the top of his head.

Then, holding the joystick again, the body broke into Mendel Harbor.

After passing through four layers of airlocks, the Liberty Gundam and Messiah Gundam entered the interior of the Mendelian colony.

Thank you, Poverty Sky Tour, leo627, RocketRobot, Mottled Breeze Minghe Ye, book friends 20190312230850867, eva-xy, the low-key brother Li and several old brothers for the reward~~

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