That year Huayu

Chapter 695: Breaking 100 million on the first day, recruiting new students in the college

In the early morning, the bureau quietly issued the red-headed document No. 100 of this year.

The bright red lettering briefly and comprehensively covers the direct management departments of the domestic television broadcasting system at all levels from top to bottom.

It also covers movie channels, the upstream and downstream of the film and television production industry, China Film and other major state-owned enterprises and institutions.

The great intensity and wide coverage are evident.

Although the name of the document is called "Notice on Strengthening...Production and Communication Management".

But everyone knows that this is the "Bad Artist Banning Order" that the entire industry has been arguing about, paying attention to, and worrying about for a long time.

All media outlets jumped into action upon hearing the news, and official media, print media, and online media all rushed to report on it. On Weibo, Tieba and other platforms, the topic of this news immediately exploded.

"In the early morning, the relevant departments issued the "Blocking Order for Bad Artists" to strictly rectify the film and television entertainment industry."

"According to the content of the document, celebrities and employees who engage in 'drug-related' or 'prostitution' behavior are clearly named and banned, and moral issues such as cheating are not mentioned."

"All film and television cultural works, such as movies, TV series, web series, micro-movies, TV shows and variety shows produced by bad actors, that have not been deleted or remade, or have not been censored, are prohibited from being broadcast. They have been screened or broadcast All works have been removed from the shelves. After modification, they can be re-released..."

The media has made a detailed interpretation of the document, and the concerns of the film and television industry can be settled.

Even if some people are unwilling to accept it or even resist it from the bottom of their hearts, the fact that it is a foregone conclusion cannot be changed. They can only accept their fate!

There has been a lot of commotion on the Internet, with everything being said.

"In this wave, Lin Nan Pictures, Enlight and Wanda are at the forefront of the industry. Director Lin is so courageous and awesome!"

"Oh haha, several unreleased movies have been infected. "My Love Rival is Superman", "Tiny Times 4", "Heart of the Burning Sun"..."

"If that's the case, wouldn't the first three "Tiny Times" have to be removed from the shelves for 'pruning'? "Macau", "1942"...many movies and TV series require surgery, otherwise they will all be completely destroyed. Damn it!"

"It would be fine if these bitches didn't have many roles, but if they were the protagonist, they would really screw up the producer, haha..."

"You can be banned for a while, but you can't be banned forever. My idol will come back one day."

"What a crappy document...a group of mentally ill people are messing around every day..."

Lin Nan was also woken up by the phone in his dream, and Liu Yifei, who was in a daze, complained that he didn't turn to silent mode when sleeping.

Miss Liu has a bit of a bad temper early in the morning, so she can't be offended!

Simply, he got up early to wash up and sat in the living room to chat.

"Let me tell you, the industry is already in chaos. Which company doesn't have some movies or TV series and has problems? Everyone has to get busy.

Wang Wei should have sent you a message, right? Tudou, as a video website and a major copyright holder, has received the document notification. "

"Yes, I've seen it. TV stations and theaters will definitely have strict requirements for already broadcast works. But for online broadcast channels, as long as they are not starring, it should be relatively loose."

Lin Nan said with a yawn. This is considered a "hidden rule" in China. Potato will probably take it off the shelves first, and we will see the situation later.

The red-headed document issued today can definitely be regarded as one of the important milestones in the development of the domestic film and television industry.

The unscrupulous entertainment industry finally has a somewhat intimidating butcher knife.

Although there is no guarantee that the evil spirit in the circle will be completely eliminated, as long as someone shows up and is caught, he will definitely not be able to escape this knife!

"What I'm most interested in right now is what Bona and Anle Pictures are doing? Haha..."

On the phone, Wang Changtian smiled unbridled, really like a villain!


The film and television and entertainment circles have been busy all morning.

Hong Kong and Taiwan are also paying attention to and discussing the "Blocking Order" because the current general environment is to go north and develop in the mainland.

Now that the above documents have been issued, artists and companies who want to make money have to consider strict self-discipline!

Not long after Lin Nan arrived at the company, he heard that the movie "My Love Rival is Superman" that was originally scheduled to be released in October had been decisively announced to be withdrawn.

This is the first film to "rectify the law on the spot" after the issuance of the "Red Head Document". Many people in the industry are still a little bit sad, giving people a ridiculous feeling of sorrow for the rabbit.

Lin Nan was no longer interested in this. After all, this was the ending he knew at the beginning of the month.

"How about "Heart Blossoms on the Road"?"

Lin Nan called Ning Hao. Lin Nan guessed that this guy must be paying attention to the news from the theaters and online movie reviews. He probably didn't care about gossip.

"Well, not bad, very good! Haha..."

This series of words is enough to explain Ning Hao's mood at this time.

"speak English."

"There are no reviews yet, but the theater data forwarded to me by Enlight shows that the film scheduling rate is around 46% and the attendance rate is as high as 80%. This time the data is the best among my several films!"

Lin Nan couldn't help but nodded when he heard these two data.

Although the National Day holiday will begin in two days, the film schedule will definitely be cut to just over 30%, but this film schedule is still enough!

"Congratulations. According to this data, the box office on the first day has a chance to reach 100 million."


"Yeah, almost."

After two or three seconds of silence, loud laughter burst out from the other end of the phone: "Hahaha, I was thinking about 80 million... I'm so happy, so happy, haha..."

Lin Nan was really afraid that this guy would go crazy with joy, and complained: "Don't laugh, be careful if you laugh over it, then you will be extremely happy and sad. Bad Monkey's employees will have to call 120!"

"Is there anyone who talks like that?"

After Ning Hao scolded him, his tone became quieter and hesitantly called out: "Lin Nan."


"Just pretend that this happy thing never happened... You and I are incomparable. This situation has more advantages than disadvantages for me. After so many years, can't I just keep making small fuss, what do you think? "

"Capital is divided into good and bad. Be careful not to be trapped or swayed."

As a friend, Lin Nan can only say so much.

Ning Hao was silent for a while, "What you said at the dinner table last time, about the director taking the blame, I thought about it and it makes sense.

So I decided to put down my job as a director after "Beautiful Heart" and take a few years of rest.

But it's not about quitting the industry, but trying to be a producer, actor, producer, etc. This way you can't take the blame for anything, right? hehe……"

Lin Nan was dumbfounded, "Good guy, have I become the sinner who asked you to reduce your production?!"

"Huh? Not to mention, there are factors in this regard!

After Huanxi's reorganization and reorganization are completed, I will be able to straighten up my business dealings with you, right? "

Hearing this, Lin Nan was speechless for a moment, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Haha, just complain and strive for self-improvement."

During this phone call, some "sincere words" were exchanged, the kind between friends!


In the afternoon, more and more movie reviews of "Butterfly Love" appeared on the Internet.

As expected, ignoring the "professional film critics", it was almost overwhelmingly positive.

"Under the body of Sansu's beauty-hunting journey, there is a heart pursuing art. "Heart Blossoms on the Road" is a comedy, and it is also a 'tragedy' for middle-aged men!"

"Director Ning is awesome! Even though he looks like a bandit, he has the heart of a prodigal son and is still so talented!"

"Circumcision, killing people, driving avatars, the most dazzling ethnic style, role-playing in nightclubs...

Director Ning Hao can handle literary films, realistic themes, and commercial films with ease. What a genius! "

"Director Lin is right, this movie has the potential to be worth 1 billion, and it feels better than "囧"!"

The momentum of "Heart Blossoms" completely overwhelmed other movies released these days, including "Dear".

The entire film industry is waiting to see the first-day box office data to estimate the film's box office potential.

The next morning.

Lin Nan had worked hard all night and hugged Miss Liu while the two of them were still sleeping.

The news from the outside world is already abuzz. Among them are those from "Heart Blossoms Blooming on the Road" and those from Lin Nan.

"Co-produced by Bad Monkey Pictures and Lin Nan Pictures, directed by Director Ning Hao, supervised by Director Lin Nan, starring Huang Bo, Xu Zheng, Yuan Quan, Zhao Liying, Ma Su, Zhang Li and others, the movie "Heart Blossom Road Fang" "On the first day of release, the box office revenue was 103 million! The momentum is overwhelming..."

“Reprinted from Hollywood Movie Daily:

Produced by Crystal Pictures and directed by Lin Nan, the movie "Manchester by the Sea" has officially entered the Golden Globe Award nomination stage..."

"Reprinted from the Academy's announcement: The 2014 Oscar Academy invitation list has been announced.

Chinese director Lin Nan has been nominated and recommended by several branches for his outstanding contributions and outstanding achievements in major international film festivals. He is now one of the Academy's invitees. The term of the jury is: permanent! "

For the film and television industry, the news that the box office of "Beautiful Heart" exceeded 100 million on the first day seems not as exciting as the news about Lin Nan?

Everyone originally thought that his movie was going for Oscars, but unexpectedly it also won a Golden Globe! Is it necessary to pass the Golden Ball and Oscar together?

Not only that, the Oscar Academy’s invitation to serve as lifelong judges is also a big deal!

You know, Zhang Ziyi, who is now a "landed phoenix", only relies on her status as a lifelong Oscar judge to barely maintain her status as an international celebrity, and can suppress the big stars in the mainland!

"Director Lin was invited to be an Oscar judge? He also competed for the Golden Globe Award?"

"My dear, what does this make the domestic film festival think? What does the Golden Rooster think?"

"This kid is quite capable of tossing. But he is the director of "The Great Wall," so I have to have a good talk with him!"

Lin Nan was woken up by Liu Yifei.

Ms. Liu, who was refreshed, rosy and pink, sat on the bed, scrolling through her phone and pushing Lin Nan.

"Lazy pig, get up, it's all news for you. There are a lot of people here, both of us, and all the news is congratulations..."

Chapter 686 is going to be overhauled, so will there be a second chapter tonight? If so, how many? There is no guarantee...

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