That year Huayu

Chapter 659 I propose to ban them all!

"It seems like today won't be over for a while."

Wang Changtian whispered to Lin Nan from the side. The faces of the leaders above were extremely serious.

Lin Nan nodded subconsciously, of course he could tell.

The bureau has been at the forefront of the storm these days, and people are criticizing it online.

When you say you should do something, you never do it; when you shouldn't act, you ban this, ban that, kill scripts and delete movies, and never show mercy.

In fact, everyone knows:

When the vicious and stubborn diseases in the entertainment industry accumulate day by day and public complaints are about to reach a critical point, the higher-ups will definitely respond.

Maybe, it's today?

There were nine people sitting on the rostrum, and several of them had the title of deputy bureau. The child bureau sitting in the middle was the first to speak:

"The film and television industry is an industry that stands in the spotlight. All employees should serve as role models, spread positive energy to the public, and play a positive and leading role."

“But over the years, many of our film and television practitioners, actors, entertainers, directors, etc., as public figures with huge social influence, have never set an example.

Instead, he is constantly involved in gangs, pornography, prostitution, and drugs... He is testing the law by himself, and he is becoming more and more unscrupulous and intensified... The film and television culture industry seems to be the hardest hit area..."

As soon as this argument came up, everyone in the venue felt a little thump in their hearts, and they knew what was going on.

Today's issue, or the immediate trigger, is the matter of high bluffing.

"...This high frequency of illegal and criminal behavior by public figures has caused serious adverse effects and negative guidance to the public, causing public opinion to be in an uproar and the general public to be indignant...

More and more people are resisting, condemning, and disgusting... They believe that the film and television culture industry is a place full of filth and cancer. "

When Tong Gang said this, he stopped and took a moment.

At this moment, the only sound in the venue was the sound of swallowing saliva, and it was so quiet that it was scary.

Lin Nan observed that the expressions on everyone's faces were solemn.

It is not clear whether he is filled with indignation, frightened, or wandering in his mind.

In short, 99% of people are veterans of meetings. But today, no one can escape!

"...those here are representatives of the entire film and television culture industry. I have called everyone here today to discuss how to deal with this kind of 'stubborn disease' and 'cancer' in the industry... We can no longer treat it so lightly!"

Well, the words "can't handle it so lightly anymore" cheered everyone up instantly.

Above, is this going to be surgery?

Low but noisy sounds gradually began to sound on the field, the loudest from the association's side.

"Lin Nan, are we all going to have to make a sound soon?"

Wang Changtian looked at the people on the left and said softly.

"Illegal crimes shall be punished by law."

Wang Zhonglei on the right said this sentence unexpectedly, the meaning of which needs to be considered.

"No matter what, it's not our turn to speak first. Well, the people with the prefix Guo in the first row, the presidents, vice-presidents, and secretaries of the major associations, they come first."

Lin Nan sounded indifferent, but actually felt a little nervous.

Sure enough, it was La Peikang who spoke first in the end.

"China Film Group proposes to severely deal with public figures who violate laws and disciplines, and appropriately restrict the acting careers of this type of people..."

With La Peikang taking the lead and the leader's roll call, everyone's speeches officially began.

"Public figures are also human beings, and they are bound to make mistakes. Even if they break the law and commit crimes, there will be legal sanctions. Besides, the film and television industry does not have a similar punishment system, so why punish others? And why restrict an individual's work and career?"

Well, the Performing Arts Association was very strong and directly refuted La Peikang.

"Shanghai Film Group supports increasing penalties, but opposes continuing to target individual public figures after they have received legal sanctions."

"Xiying, support La Dong's suggestion."

"What the Film Association means is that every individual should be given at least one chance to change his ways. But there must be punishment, and the alarm bells should sound."

"Have more meetings and study more, so that other practitioners can learn from it. Actors and artists who have made mistakes should never forget the past and be a guide for the future."

Damn it, Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh when she heard this.

The speeches made by the Writers Guild are really interesting, one after another, and they smell like farts.

Oh, Lin Nan remembered it, it seems that there are many screenwriters "looking for inspiration"!

Over at the association, everyone stood up to speak and then sat down.

At first glance, they all sound high-sounding, but upon closer analysis, there is no difference between handling and handling them lightly.

How to "increase the intensity of punishment" and "deal with it severely"? To expand on it in detail, that’s another topic!

"What's Director Lin's attitude?" While the director was speaking, Wang Zhonglei asked suddenly.

Many people around him pricked up their ears, ready to hear what Lin Nan had to say.

"Me? Let's talk about it later when it's my turn."

"I still think we should discuss the matter on a case-by-case basis and not be implicated. What do you think, Director Lin?" Wang Zhonglei's mask came out again.

"Is this Hua Yi's point of view? Haha." Lin Nan laughed softly.

In today's conference, so far, the heaviest words were spoken by La Peikang, but they were only "appropriate restrictions on his acting career."

Lin Nan noticed that the faces of several people on the podium seemed to be more solemn than at the beginning.

On the director's side, it's still going on.

Chen Kaige, Li Shaohong and others support the association;

Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jia Zhangke and some academics were vague;

Most people, including Feng Xiaogang, Gu Changwei, and Wang Xiaoshuai, basically have an attitude of not offending everyone and support giving public figures a chance to turn around.

Jiang Wen, on the other hand, usually laughed and scolded, but this time he was unusually serious.

He chose to support La Peikang, and it seemed that he also struggled in his heart.

The actor representatives, all of whom are veterans, spoke very carefully: listen to the leaders.

As it approached noon, more than half of the speakers had already spoken.

Lin Nan's deepest feeling from today's conference is: no one wants to be a bad person! No one wants to offend anyone! No one wants to go against the circle!

There's so much involved.

The film and television entertainment industry is like a big net that catches all favors, connections, interests, channels, cakes...all in one place. Ninety-nine percent of people are bound by it, and they are willing to be bound by it.

We finally arrived at the film and television company team, the last and most important group of people.

"Private film and television companies are the most important part of the industry. Can you tell us about it?"

Tong Gang's voice was a little hoarse, and he was probably not in a good mood at the moment.

La Peikang glanced back at Lin Nan, his meaning was very clear: be careful, don't be "too radical" with this kind of thing like before.

Lin Nan was also helpless. He was really complaining and couldn't express his displeasure.

La Peikang must be disappointed.

Wang Changtian did not take the lead, but Bona competed with Hua Yi for first place.

However, Fatty Yu still couldn't compete with Wang Zhonglei, and the latter was tacitly allowed to speak first.

"Artists who break the law and commit crimes should be punished by law. They will also bear this stain and cannot wash it away. But in my opinion, this is not a reason to interfere with their future career.

The audience can reject them and boycott them, and the market will naturally eliminate them. But official intervention may indeed be somewhat unreasonable..."

Wang Zhonglei's words may sound right at first glance, but they are not.

There is a "sharp tool" called a draft, and a phenomenon called public opinion.

Capital can manipulate public opinion and brainwash the public. The audience can be swayed whether they want to boycott an artist who has committed an offense or not.

As soon as the story is compiled, the characters are established, and the press release is overwhelming, the image of a prodigal son who can never be replaced by money will appear again, and his popularity will even reach a higher level!

"Bo Na, I agree with Mr. Wang's point of view."

"Mr. Wang's words make sense. Chengtian supports it."

"Xingmei supports..."

"Hai Run supports..."

"Ali supports..."

"Wanda supports..."

Lin Nan put his hands on his face and rubbed it. It felt cold and he felt more awake.

The situation at the scene made him feel very powerless. Was he so "united"?

Just when Wang Changtian was about to get up, Lin Nan pulled him with his left hand. The former understood instantly and let Lin Nan come first.

"I propose to ban them all!"

Lin Nan's voice spread throughout the venue, as if a bomb had been thrown in and exploded.

Hundreds of people at the scene looked at him, and most of them looked as if they had seen a ghost.

Wang Changtian, Wang Zhonglei, Yu Dong, Ye Ning... Ning Hao all had stunned expressions around them.

La Peikang showed a helpless smile and shook his head gently.

Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Wen, Zhang Yimou and others were all shocked, but responded with smiles.

Tong Gang above looked around, raised his head, and looked at Lin Nan.

"Huh? You are still the most radical one today, please elaborate."

Lin Nan was not polite and cleared his throat.

"Public figures involved in gangs, pornography, prostitution, drugs... these types of public figures are all considered bad actors. Ordinary people who break the law and commit crimes must accept sanctions, and the same goes for public figures.

But they are very different from ordinary people. Enjoying the spotlight and earning a salary that ordinary people can't even imagine in a few lifetimes!

After committing the crime, you still want to come back to have fun and make lots of money. Why? I haven’t fulfilled my responsibilities as a public figure, but I don’t want to let go..."

"Director Lin, what you said is too much. Why beat him to death with a stick?" Wang Zhonglei interrupted Lin Nan.

"Haha, I didn't even beat me to death with a stick? The society is so big and there are people from all walks of life. Why do these people only see the film and television entertainment industry?

Don't mention your love. Since you love this profession, you won't practice it. What they love is that they can make money easily in the industry! "

Lin Nan snapped back at Wang Zhonglei, who was speechless for a moment.

He went on to add:

"Not to mention the art majors in other universities, just in schools like Nortel, China Theater, Shanghai Theater, and Beijing Dance School, there are countless students struggling at the bottom, with no way to improve, no chance. The same is true in the industry. .

We have never lacked young people and people in the industry who are talented, moral and potential. Why should we let these bad artists occupy their positions, harm the entire industry and affect the reputation?

No one else is targeting them, it’s themselves. The film and television culture industry is very special and has a positive guiding responsibility for society. This is not a place for bad artists. If they leave this industry, they can go to other industries to develop. "

"A bad artist?"

Tong Gang muttered the word playfully.

Everyone looked at Lin Nan who had just finished his long speech with different expressions. To be sure, there were more people who gritted their teeth, showed fierce eyes, and cursed him in their hearts.

"Are you crazy? Do you know what you are talking about?" Wang Changtian lowered his voice and said sternly.

Then, Lao Wang seemed to have made a difficult decision and glared at Lin Nan fiercely.

"Light, support Director Lin Nan's proposal."

"Well, Bad Monkey and I support Lin Nan."

Ning Hao had a sinister expression on his face and smiled at Lin Nan. His teeth were very white, but his smile sounded a bit like crying. Well, I’m actually wearing a big gold chain today, it’s very handsome!

"The Film Association opposes Lin Nan's proposal. Such a blanket decision is too arbitrary and irresponsible."

"The Performing Arts Association opposes...killing people with no more than a nod."

"Directors Guild, object."

"The Screen Actors Guild objects."

"The Writers Guild objected."

"Hua Yi objects."

"Bona objected."

"Wanda...anything is fine."

Although some people felt that a change was needed, they could not accept Lin Nan's point of view for a while and chose to remain silent.

However, the unanimous opposition on the field was more uniform, more numerous, and louder than the voices supporting Wang Zhonglei just now, accounting for almost 70%.

"I have been tricked by you today. This has offended the entire film and television industry! It has cut off people and money..."

Wang Changtian was quietly reciting sutras beside him.

"Director Lin, you went too far today. You are also a member of the circle. Can you guarantee that your own people will be foolproof in the future?"

"It's guaranteed!"

Lin Nan glanced at Yu Dong, not polite.

The field has turned into a complete chaos, all because of Lin Nan's words: Block them all!

If other people said this, everyone would just think it was a joke, because the portion was not heavy, but it was different when Lin Nan said it.

He is a top director in the Mainland, well-known internationally, has a top film and television company, and has capital. He has great say and influence in the industry.

If the higher-ups really adopt his suggestions, the film and television industry will change. This is flipping the table!

Lin Nan saw La Peikang turning around and shaking his head.

At this time, Tong Gang above, after discussing with several people on the left and right, finally spoke again.


"Today, the majority of people's view is that in addition to legal sanctions, industry penalties should be increased and dealt with severely. After this, the General Administration will carefully consider..."

Lin Nan was stunned, and Wang Changtian and Ning Hao also sighed.

In Tong Gang's words, he did not mention a word about Lin Nan and his "ban them all" suggestion. He only talked about the views of most people, that is, give him another chance, change his past, and start over!

What the hell?

At this moment, Lin Nan felt as if everyone around him was laughing at him. That feeling of powerlessness and suffocation is really unpleasant!

"It's almost noon. We'll be here today. Let's break up the meeting."


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