That year Huayu

Chapter 482 20’s divisible box office

Chapter 482 20% of the divisible box office

Lin Nan did not give a clear answer as to whether he would attend the Oscars.

If we say it now, the media may speculate on what it will be like within this year. If he knelt down then, it would be a shame.

The filming of "The Invisible Guest" was really fast, so much so that when Lin Nan and Liu Yifei returned to China, they even caught up with the celebration party of "囧 in Thailand".

This is the second domestic film with a box office of over 1 billion, and many people in the industry came to support it.

Apart from Lin Nan, Xu Zheng has the most people around him, although in everyone's opinion, the latter's foundation is a bit weak.

But no matter what, he is indeed the second director in the 1 billion box office club.

"Director Lin, congratulations."

Jackie Chan walked over with a wine glass in hand and a smile on his face.

"Brother, you're too polite. I should say I'm delighted. "Twelve Zodiacs" also sold 881 million yuan. Including foreign copyrights, we must have made a profit."

"What? The investment is only 300 million, but it can't be compared to your company's "囧". The cost plus publicity and distribution is up to 40 million, right?"

When Jackie Chan smiles, his iconic big nose is particularly dramatic.

Lin Nan nodded and did not deny it. This was almost an open matter in the circle.

Wang Changtian's expression at this moment was very annoyed. He had made tens of millions less in publishing fees.

"When will the sequel be made?"

"What sequel?" Lin Nan asked confused.

"Xu Zheng said that there will be a sequel to "囧囧". When the time comes, it will be released by Lighting. I will get up from where I fell."

Hearing this, Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh. Wang Changtian must be resentful.

However, Xu Zheng did seem a little out of sorts. No wonder he kept glancing at Lin Nan just now.

"It's hard to say what the sequel will be, but if it is made, it will definitely be given light."

"That's good, that's good."


The publicity for "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is the largest among Spring Festival movies.

This is Zhou Xingchi, who has his own fans and box office.

No, Ma Yun and I held a media symposium in the capital, which seemed to be the focus of the film industry these two days.

It is said that Zhou Xingchi's emotional intelligence is not high, but that is not the case in Lin Nan's opinion.

Otherwise, why would he say those flattering words at the scene:

"I think "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" is perfect, but the only regret is that Ma Yun didn't play Sun Wukong!"

Ma Yun was also rude: "Zhou Xingchi asked me to play Sun Wukong, but I didn't agree. Because my schedule was too full and the pay was too high.

But I agree with his idea of ​​inviting me, it is very imaginative. Because I regard myself as the Monkey King, who dares to fight..."

A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

In fact, the symposium between Ma Yun and Zhou Xingchi was also a step for Alibaba to enter the film and television industry.

"You went to the scene too?"

"Yes, many companies have left the invitations sent by Alibaba and Huayi at the same time. This Chairman Ma is still thinking about investing in our company."

Yue Jun recalled what happened the afternoon before yesterday and said to Lin Nan. At that time, the latter was finishing a movie in Hollywood.

"My principle has always remained unchanged. Lin Nan Pictures does not accept investment."

"That's what I answered. But that person was quite cool. It's quite interesting. He said that if he didn't accept the investment, they could buy the whole thing. Everything can be measured in money. Just ask Director Lin to quote, haha..."

Before Lin Nan could laugh out loud, Yue Jun laughed first and added:

"That person said in front of the media that Alibaba will enter the film and television industry sooner or later, and it will definitely redefine the film and television industry. Everyone thought it was funny and took it as a joke."

Lin Nan put away his smile and felt a little emotional.

The last time Alibaba held the "Internet Era + Film and Television Culture Industry Summit", Ma Yun's attitude was still very mild.

Are you now directly calling for "redefining the film and television industry"?

His face changed too quickly, his ambition was so nakedly talked about, and he looked down at the film and television industry!

However, this situation can indeed easily paralyze people in the circle. The film and television industry thinks that Ma Yun who can say such things is like a fool, a rich fool.

And when Ma Yun looked at a group of film and television company bosses, she was probably full of disdain, like looking at fat pigs...

"Seek the skin of a tiger, and sooner or later you will be eaten alive." Lin Nan muttered in a low voice.


The selection of the new four female actors has been the most talked about event in the entertainment industry recently.

Although it feels like there are many actresses and female stars selected, the situation is actually somewhat clear.

Hua Yi strongly recommends Yang Ying. This is like a big joke. What works does she have? All he can do is frown, stare, and giggle!

But no one in the industry dares to laugh. Who dares to offend Hua Yi, who is at the height of his power, and Master Huang, who has connections all over the film and television industry? The answer is no.

Tangren used the whole company's efforts to push their first sister up. Drafts and trolls are everywhere on the Internet, and they probably cost a lot of money.

Ni Nai is very lucky. She has the support of Feng Shaofeng's team. Even Zhang Yimou personally stood up for her, which was a huge momentum.

Yang Mi is the most stable. Compared to four years ago, her career is better and she has a better background.

No one would think of replacing Yang Mi, because it is almost impossible.

All in all, this year's "Four Little Actresses" are more commercial in nature and have a background. Their works are secondary, and they have a lot of room for maneuver!

But in other words, once you get this title, it will be of great help to the career of a new actress.


Liu Yifei's Weibo account is already crowded with netizens, and it's fun to be noisy.

"Producer Liu is the only one who has been promoted to a top actress. Who do you support as his successor?"

"The word 'successor' is not a good word, because no one can copy her path. Where can I find another Director Lin?"

"This is all a false reputation. In fact, you don't need to take it so seriously. Friends around me don't really care about it, including me at the time."

Liu Hanhan replied to a Weibo post and was instantly surrounded by netizens.

"If you say this, it will shock a lot of people."

"If you dare to say that, you will kill a bunch of people."

"Director Lin, please take care of her. She only tells the truth and is irritating..."

"I can't control it, she's the one who controls me!" Lin Nan joined in the fun.

"I'll go, alive!"

Lin Nan stopped checking Weibo because Xu Zheng arrived.


"Thank you, Director Lin."

Xu Zheng looked in good spirits, and Lin Nan didn't pay much attention to him at the celebration banquet. Looking at it now, compared to the time they met a month and a half ago, Xu Zheng is obviously more rounded.

It seems that in the past month and a half, there has been a lot of socializing and socializing, and there has been a lot of eating and drinking.

The other party spoke, trying his best to restrain his nervousness and speaking in a calm tone:

"Director Lin, you said you would discuss the copyright issue last time after returning to China. Now?"

"You have already said that there will be a sequel. It seems that you are really determined."

"Yes, I am confident to make it." Xu Zheng nodded and said.

"Then what deal do you use? You should know that the cost of this kind of series of movies is not high, but the box office reputation is so good, the copyright is not cheap."

Lin Nan said with a smile, acting very casually.

But in Xu Zheng's view, the more casual the tone, the less likely Lin Nan would give him the copyright easily.

"Director Lin will give me the copyright and leave everything else alone. 30% of the film's proceeds will be given to the company."

Hearing this, Lin Nan was stunned for a moment, "I thought you would directly tell me how much money you would give me to buy it out."

"I can't afford it. Even if the cost of the sequel is the same as "囧囧", the box office will be calculated as 600 million, and the producer's income will be around 200 million.

I can't afford that much money, so I can only promise the profits after the movie is released. "Xu Zheng was honest and told the truth.

"30% of the movie's revenue is 30% of the producer's revenue?"

"Yes. The company doesn't have to worry about anything. And as you know, movies are just gambling, and there's no guarantee that the next one's box office will be able to match "囧囧"..."

Lin Nan nodded. Although he said that, this is the "囧" series, and the reputation has been accumulated so far.

Even if the sequel is a bad movie, it can still lure a group of people into the theater...

"How about you listen to my thoughts?" Lin Nan said.

"You, you said."

"30% of the producer's revenue is too little. I will give you the copyright. In exchange, I will take 20% of the divisible box office of the first sequel, and 10% of the subsequent sequels. How about that?"

Lin Nan's words made Xu Zheng swallow his saliva unconsciously.

The 20% of the box office that can be divided is 20% of the total box office after deducting special film funds and other expenses, which is almost half of the producer's income!

Because the producers and distributors can only get about 43% in total, and there will be changes only if they bet against each other.

"you can think about it."

Lin Nan said softly, he was ready to bargain, but he was stunned the next second.

"I accept this condition."

Xu Zheng said it eloquently. In his opinion, the cost of a series of movies like "囧" cannot be that high in the first place.

Moreover, with the blessing of word-of-mouth for the first two films, the box office of the following films will definitely not be low. Xu Zheng is confident that he can control the costs and make a lot of money!

To be honest, Lin Nan was surprised by Xu Zheng's decisiveness. He is indeed ambitious and ambitious!

"Where's the script?"

"I think I can do it myself."

"Then another day, you can sign the contract."

"Okay, thank you, Director Lin."

Until Xu Zheng left, Lin Nan still didn't recover.

The other party actually agreed to his conditions once and for all?

How afraid are you that he will change his mind, or how much do you value this opportunity?

"Maybe it's both..."


Lin Nan returned home in a good mood and saw Shu Chang.

The two girls were chattering there, commenting on the candidates for "Four Little Girls" on the Internet.

"Changchang, why, do you still care about this?"

"I don't care about this. They are all my juniors. I started as a child star and now I have the Best Supporting Actress."

"If you choose me, it will be me who is embarrassed, just like Sissi back then. Don't you think so, baby Sissi?"

Shu Chang's arrogant look is definitely something he learned from Liu Yifei, Lin Nan vouched for it with his head!


Liu Yifei moved Shu Chang's face and said with a smile, and the two started to fight again.

"Okay, as long as you are happy."

Lin Nan shook his head and sat aside to watch the battle.


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