That year Huayu

Chapter 469 Animated Movie Project

"Thailand" is gaining momentum.

From the sixth day onwards, the daily box office has remained stable at around 60 million, which is overwhelming.

The second round of blockbusters will all be released after the 20th.

This means that "囧" will have no competitors within the first twenty days and will almost have exclusive access to the schedule.

"The thinking of most viewers is very simple. It's the end of the year and they simply want to go to a movie to relax. Comedy is their top priority."

Lin Nan would not say that Hua Yi and Feng Xiaogang chose the wrong schedule. Because of the subject matter of "1942", no matter which schedule it is in, it is destined to not be too successful at the box office.

In this case, it is better to choose a Lunar New Year show with a larger audience. At least with the reputation, the hope of getting high box office will be greater.

If the movie had been placed in other schedules, it might not even achieve the current 9-day revenue of 250 million, unless the government rents out the movie.

"Speaking of which, they did overestimate the audience's endurance. Ten of them cried when they went in. After coming out, the mood took a long time to calm down, so almost no audience came back to watch it a second time."

Lin Nan said with some emotion. At this time, the outside world has generally recognized that "囧" will likely be the biggest winner or one of the winners during the Lunar New Year.

After reading the supplementary contract in his hand, Lin Nan handed it to Yue Jun, "Just follow this and give it to the three of them as soon as possible."

"Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang just declined a few words and accepted. Xu Zheng is different. He talked to me all morning."

"Whatever you say, just follow the original contract. No director's pay, only 30% off the actors' pay. They even made three concessions. Isn't this a waste of time?" Yue Jun couldn't help but joke.

Lin Nan also laughed, isn't this just a personal spirit? Xu Zheng is probably still thinking about the next movie at this moment.

After all, as long as the director is completely successful, what he misses from Lin Nan Pictures can be easily made up for elsewhere in the future, and it will be countless times more.


The gossip about the lawsuit between Tang Dynasty and its own artists has attracted more and more attention in the industry.

Not only all the actors in Tang Dynasty have banned Lin Gengxin, but at the same time, a lot of negative news about the latter has also appeared on the Internet.

During the filming period, he was not dedicated to his job, had a bad character, had poor acting skills and had a bad temper, had no quality, and was ungrateful...

I don’t know if there is something wrong with Cai Yinong’s brain, or if he is too confident.

She actually clearly conveyed her intention to ban Lin Gengxin to the outside world.

But obviously, she overestimated her own influence and that of the Tang people.

There are not many companies that give face, most of them look on with cold eyes, and there are even many who are sarcastic and naysayers.

"Mr. Cai, Yang Mi's Weibo has not been deleted. Zeng Jia didn't even answer our calls."

The secretary's words added fuel to Cai Yinong's heart.

As a person who has a strong desire for control, she will never tolerate the rebellion of her artists, which has made her lose face these days.

In particular, Yang Mi's Weibo had a greater negative impact on Tang people. There is everything on the Internet, and most of it is aimed at Tang people and her.

But Cai Yinong had no choice. Although the conflict with Yang Mi occurred before the latter signed a contract with Shanhai Media, if she uses other means to deal with Yang Mi now, she will not be able to avoid Shanhai Media, which makes her afraid.

"Forget it, ignore her for now. Have you made an appointment with the legal team?"

Cai Yinong thought for a moment and waved his hand. There will always be a chance to teach him a lesson in the future.

"I have made an appointment and will come on time in the afternoon."

Cai Yinong nodded. In her opinion, Lin Gengxin was able to be so tough and confident because there was definitely support behind her.

This lawsuit has been settled. Firstly, the Tang people cannot lose face, and secondly, it will serve as a warning to the monkeys.

More importantly, Cai Yinong decided to learn from the lessons learned this time and once again revised the artist's contract to strengthen the binding force.

This is another reason to invite a team of lawyers. The new contract will be more stringent, the signing time will be longer, and the price of breach of contract will be higher!


Everyone in the circle thought that Lu Chuan's hiring of navy troops was over.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the association actually jumped out again.

The Film Association issued a document expressing its understanding and sympathy for Lu Chuan's hiring of navy soldiers.

Some internal "veterans" even praised Lu Chuan for his courage in admitting the act of hiring navy troops.

In less than half a day, many big directors in the industry directly refuted the association.

Director He Ping even scolded Lu Chuan without naming him:

“Once the movie is released, all the director has to say is in the movie, and there is no need to explain the movie.

If investors spend hundreds of millions and still can't get you to express yourself clearly, you still have to spend money to hire trolls to maintain your reputation.

That can only mean two things: first, the investors chose you blindly; second, you are very incompetent, very incompetent! "

It was rare for Tian Zhuangzhuang to speak:

"A film's reputation cannot even be 'maintained' by trolls, so the director should reflect on it. Maybe it's not your competitors' trolls who are hacking you, but the real audience..."


Embarrassing, extremely embarrassing!

Lin Nan was watching the news at home and could imagine how embarrassed the association and Lu Chuan were.

This time, those who did not give face to the association and killed Lu Chuan were all fifth-generation directors, mainstays in the industry with status and status.

"It's probably just a day or two."

"What one or two days?" Liu Yifei asked curiously.

"The movie "The King's Feast" is almost out of the box office. It will probably be canceled in the next two days."

Lin Nan looked at the charming Liu Yifei and explained.

"When "囧囧" is almost finished, I will go to Crystal Pictures."

"I am coming too."

"Don't you still have so many announcements lined up?"

Liu Yifei's current announcements are all about high-end endorsements and brand activities. The closer it is to the end of the year, the busier she will be.

"Are you stupid? I can fly back and forth. Besides, there are many brand exhibitions and shows abroad."

"Huh? That's fine. As long as you're not tired, it's up to you. But in this case, someone will have to pack up the Beverly Hills villa in advance."

Lin Nan took Liu Yifei into his arms and said warmly.


It’s that time again every year when the three major colleges and universities announce their admissions plans for art exams.

This vanity fair attracts tens of thousands of candidates and flocks to it.

China National Theater announced that although the new campus has been built, the performance department will not expand its enrollment within ten years. It will still only recruit a maximum of two classes of 50 students each year.

But Nortel is different.

The undergraduate performance department has expanded its enrollment from 30 to 75 students, not counting the 30 in higher vocational classes.

But how many of these expanded enrollment quotas will fall on ordinary students?

Many people in the circle who have children, relatives and friends have already started to take action and run.

What Lin Nan didn't expect was that he would be greeted by people from the school and asked if there were any "promising talents" that he could recommend to apply to his alma mater.

The meaning behind these words is very naked. But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Just like when the school leaders went directly to Zhang Yimou to talk about Zhou Dongyu, everyone has already acquiesced to the status quo of this circle connected by interpersonal relationships, nepotism, and interests.

In line with the principle of "no waste", Lin Nan also specifically asked Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin and others.

"It's different for great directors. Unfortunately, I don't really have any relatives or friends I need. If I do, I'll look for you again."

"However, the school contacted me and hoped that I could return to the platform during the art exam. After all, it has been exactly 10 years since we first entered school. I guess the same is true for you and Yifei?"

Zhu Yawen changed her tone and asked about Lin Nan.

"Haha, Yifei was a guest of the Art Examination last year, but her views were completely changed. This year she refused decisively and said she wouldn't go. It's even more impossible for me to go. There are still things to do later."

"Then I have to be mentally prepared. I heard that there are people who can't even tell who the four famous authors are, haha."


In 10 days, the box office was 620 million.

"囧" far surpassed "1942"'s 12-day score of 300 million, becoming the most eye-catching movie in the Lunar New Year season so far.

"Looking at this situation, if nothing else happens, it is expected to become the second movie to exceed 1 billion..."

Many production companies, while envious, cannot accept it.

After all the hard work, big investment, big production, and big cast, is it possible that a mid- to low-cost comedy with an investment of 30 million will finally take the lead in this Lunar New Year season?

"Directed by director Li An, "Life of Pi" has a total domestic box office revenue of 570 million and was successfully released."

"The movie "The King's Feast" has failed both in terms of reputation and box office. With a total box office of 64.2 million today, it regrettably withdrew from the competition for the Lunar New Year slot."

"Director Lu Chuan said that one despicable act of suppression and smearing will not defeat him. In the future, he will come back strongly with better movies."

""Big Shanghai" held its world premiere at the Singapore Film Festival..."

The renewed popularity of "囧囧" has led to more film projects seeking investment from Lin Nan Pictures.

Everyone knows that there is money here, and it can also help the film's reputation and reputation, but there are really few good projects.

There is never a shortage of funds and discerning people in the industry. For a slightly better project, people will invest and occupy space as soon as the project is established.

Most of the projects that hit a brick wall have some problems or are too risky.

Over the years, Yue Jun has been handling all the people who come looking for investment, including the filmmakers who have been coming to the door in droves in the past two days.

Lin Nan and Liu Yifei visited the crew of "Space Traveler", and the filming of this movie has also reached the last third.

"I'm confident that it will be completed in two weeks at most."

During the break, Guo Fan said confidently. A group of main actors also gathered around.

It can be seen that the leading actors got along very well during this period and were very enthusiastic about each other.

"I remembered, is your Gone with the Wind premiering in the past two days?"

Lin Nan looked at Luo Jin and Tang Yan in front of him and asked.


Tang Yan smiled and replied that she was more talkative than Luo Jin.

"They didn't come together in the TV series, and they didn't come together in the movie either. How about you guys try it in reality? Haha..."

"Come on, don't mess with the relationship. If someone else has a partner, it's not good to spread it."

Luo Jin stopped loudly and looked at Lin Nan with a disgusted expression.

"Thank you, Director Lin, for your concern."

Tang Yan also smiled, but it seemed a little unnatural.

Liu Yifei was already chatting and laughing with Reba. She has the potential to be a big sister!

As soon as he said hello to "Lu Bu", Lin Nan's phone vibrated. It belonged to Yue Jun.

Sitting in Guo Fan's director's chair, Lin Nan answered the phone.

"Are you sure you're not joking? Are you really looking for a needle in a haystack and coming across a good project?"

Lin Nan has never refused to those people and projects who come to the company to solicit investment.

But he never had high expectations. Just like those scripts sent to Hongxingwu, 99.9% were substandard. Occasionally, he encountered a few decent ones, and they all opened their mouths.

"I really think this project is good and promising!"

On the other side of the phone, Yue Jun said in a loud voice.

This was the first time Lin Nan heard Yue Jun say this, and his curiosity was instantly aroused.

"What type of movie? Costume or modern? Comedy, suspense, science fiction, crime, or a combination of a few?"

Lin Nan didn't ask who the director was or who the screenwriter was.

Because those with a little bit of strength and fame will definitely not worry about investment. Those who can find Yue Jun by sending emails and making appointments are basically not very famous.


Yue Jun's words made Lin Nan suddenly confused.

"What's the meaning?"

He asked subconsciously, his voice louder.

Liu Yifei and others all looked at Lin Nan, who waved his hands to indicate that it was okay.

I heard Yue Jun chuckle and replied:

"Director Lin, you really guessed wrong this time. It's not what you said."

"what is that?"

"It's an animated film project."


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