That year Huayu

Chapter 175: The rich man buys horse bones, the arrogance of the golden rooster

Jiang Wen felt like a tiger falling flat.

When the film was first shortlisted, the highest price quoted by domestic companies for the audiovisual copyright of "The Sun Also Rises" was two million.

Now that the film festival has ended, he has not won any awards, and the price for the audio and video rights has suddenly dropped by half a million.

This was the first time he experienced the humiliation brought about by this sense of gap.

"It just depends on the results of the domestic release."

Zhou Yun said softly.

From the moment the awards were given, reporters’ questions were more or less intended to provoke trouble.

Jiang Wen also has a bad temper and almost always confronts reporters.

There are definitely a lot of colleagues waiting to see the joke now.

Ying Huang's invitation to hold a large-scale premiere of "The Sun Also Rises" was distributed throughout the industry.

Everyone thinks this operation is a bit confusing. Is it worth it for a literary film that didn’t win any awards?

Having agreed to Jiang Wen's invitation before, Lin Nan was not absent.

At the premiere, Jiang Wen directly stated that during the filming of the film, the cost increased and the cost was increased.

"From more than 10 million to more than 20 million, I had to start over again halfway through the filming. Director Yang, who was very talented, didn't say anything and just kept giving me money.

This movie took more than a year to shoot, and I didn’t hide the cost, it cost over 60 million..."

When these words were spoken, both the media and people in the industry took a deep breath.

This is really a monster!

Yang Shoucheng was also on the stage and smiled.

"I, Jiang Wen, have taken note of Director Yang's affection. If I wanted to let others go, I would have been asked to get out, haha.

I won’t talk about this literary film. I’ll wait until next time. I’ll make a commercial film next time, and then I can return the favor..."

"I still understand the principle of buying horse bones with a thousand pieces of gold, so Yinghuang is willing to cover the whole story for Director Jiang Wen."

60 million to make a literary film is just like buying horse bones for thousands of dollars.

Many production companies present have never done such a large project.

The movie starts.

Most people in the industry took it seriously, including Lin Nan.

Everyone wants to know why the film festival report said that many people can't understand this film.

After seeing two-thirds of the film, Lin Nan knew why this film was not favored by the foreign judges on the jury.

Jiang Wen's old habit recurred, too many metaphors.

Four fragmented stories, the first two are completely unrelated, but starting from the third one, they are slowly connected.

The most important thing is, who abroad knows about the history in the film.

I couldn't understand the background. The plot structure still uses a circular narrative mode, coupled with a lot of metaphors, which resulted in the current result.

By the time the movie was over, many people at the scene were confused.

I really didn’t understand it the first time. If they didn’t know that the director was Jiang Wen, most people probably wouldn’t watch it a second time.

Faced with reporters’ questions: Where did the crazy mother go at the end in the film? Did Xiao Liang commit suicide or commit suicide in the end? Who is Li Dongfang's father?

Jiang Wen's answer seemed a bit casual and perfunctory, but it really was what he meant.

"These plots are left blank and left to the audience to think about."

Lin Nan felt that Jiang Wen's thoughts were too beautiful. If the story is approaching perfection, it would be better to leave some room for imagination.

But in his movie, it feels like the story has no beginning and no end. The audience will not think about your original intention and connotation when making this movie, or what kind of thoughts and realm you want to express.

During the cocktail party, they saw Yang Shoucheng and Jiang Wen joking with people in the theater.

The pressure at the box office was so great that even Jiang Wen temporarily put aside his pride.

Lin Nan and Huang Xiaoming were chatting aside.

The latter just attended the Bazaar charity auction party two days ago.

I heard that it was a star-studded day, with A-list stars such as Zhao Yanzi, Li Bingbing, Zhou Xun, Fan Bingbing, and Chen Kun all present.

"How much did you donate?"

"Three hundred thousand was bought for a ladies' watch, but I didn't want it, so I just treated it as a donation."

Huang Xiaoming said this very grandly.

Lin Nan and Liu Yifei both received invitations, but one was with Ning Hao's crew and the other had a talk show to appear on, so they both declined.

At this time, Jiang Wen was seen walking over.

"Director Jiang."

Huang Xiaoming said hello and walked away. He could see that the other party was looking for Lin Nan.

"Brother, I am embarrassed this time. I am still thinking about the Palme d'Or and the Golden Lion. Now it is inevitable that I will cheat Director Yang."

"A movie? Who can say it's successful every time?" Lin Nan replied.

"But it seems to me that you haven't suffered any losses?"

"Is there a possibility that I won't make such an unpredictable movie?"

"You also think this movie is too esoteric?"

"Director Jiang, we make movies for the audience. We have to consider their ability to accept it. If they can't understand it, it won't matter how good the industry reviews are."

Lin Nan gave Jiang Wen his own advice,

Just look at the latter nodding, thoughtfully.

"If you want to make a commercial film, you have to pay attention to this aspect, but the style cannot be changed..."

Jiang Wen muttered, "When I make a commercial film next time, I'll ask you to help me."

"Okay, I'll wait for Director Jiang's next movie."

Lin Nan agreed wholeheartedly.

A proud director like Jiang Wen will not only make artistic films, but sooner or later he will move into the field of commercial films.

The next day, "The Sun Also Rises" was released. News from the premiere was also reported.

60 million literary films have also become gimmicks to attract audiences into theaters.

Liu Yifei dragged Shu Chang and ran to the cinema.

When I came back, it became a hundred thousand whys.

Lin Nan still had to give answers one by one.

The box office on the first day was two million, which is a good box office result for a literary film.

Now the industry is waiting for the final result, how much money Yinghuang will lose on this movie.

Judging from the data collected by the media in theaters, the attendance rate was quite high, but after it came out, 90% of the people said they could not understand it.

Starting from the next day, the box office was cut in half...

The production of "Drawing Heart" was successfully completed.

It is very appropriate for Zhang Liangying to sing this song.

Tom sent a message that the people Lin Nan sent there had already begun to learn various machine equipment and software applications, and they were very efficient.

Lionsgate's "Insidious 2" has been in production for a while, and I heard that the cycle this time will not be short.

Finally, there is the announcement of "Twilight".

Lionsgate has promised that there will be 3,000 theaters for the opening this time, and has already started promoting it.

Lin Nan also searched specifically.

Since the vampire theme is too popular there, the publicity impact of the movie "Twilight" can only be said to be average.

But this is also limited by the subject matter, a youth romance film, put on the cloak of a vampire.

Although it is an adaptation of a best-selling novel, its status in the film market is not that prominent.

Ning Hao called and he received an invitation from Jinji.

"'Racing' will be finished early next month, do you think I want to go?"

"Who invited you?" Lin Nan asked.

After a few seconds of silence, Ning Hao's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Professor Hou?"

At this moment, Lin Nan really admired the Golden Rooster Organizing Committee.

Directly ask the leaders of the film school to call them.

"Can you not go?" Lin Nan asked back.

"I understand, let's go."

Liu Yifei also received an invitation to attend as a guest.

There is a high probability that I will walk on the red carpet with the crew of "The King of Kung Fu".

Let's just be guests, Lin Nan doesn't care. Anyway, he had made up his mind not to take the movie to the Golden Rooster.

At the Busan Film Festival, Lin Nan had informed CJ that he could not go.

The latter said it didn't matter. If he got the award, they would send someone to deliver it to Lin Nan.

Recently, Tian Yu has made headlines in a different way.

When he and Tang Wei broke up before, only a few people around him knew about it, and it didn't spread.

Recently, the media has been reporting: "Lust, Caution" was fake, leading to a suspected romance between Tang Wei and her boyfriend.

During the interview, Tang Wei acquiesced in the breakup and said that they are still good friends now.

At this time, the media's attention instantly focused on Tian Yu.

His information and resume appeared online.

The most conspicuous one is the second male lead in Lin Nan's "Time Cruiser".

Tang Wei once went to the set of "Time Cruise" to visit Tian Yu.

This caused Zeng Li and Chen Minghao to be chased by the media to ask about this matter in the past two days.

"Don't worry, if the media asks me, I will definitely know nothing."

Tian Yu also called Lin Nan specifically.

The meaning is very clear. I hope everyone will not comment on this matter. We broke up because we didn't have enough fate, and we don't want to affect each other's future career.

This is rare in the industry. Many couples immediately become enemies after breaking up.

But what Tian Yu said was right. Tang Wei became instantly famous after the movie "Lust, Caution". I heard that his advertising value has risen from 50,000 to 2 million, which is on the same level as Zhao Yanzi and the others.

The Red Mansion finally released accurate news.

Li Shaohong succeeded Hu Mei as director.

All the leading actors selected in the previous draft have been "refreshed" or switched from the leading role to other roles.

This news is not big.

What is causing intense discussion in the film and television circles is the shortlist for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Picture and other awards.

Zhang Yimou's film was shaved off, while Feng Xiaogang's film was only nominated for the Best Sound Recording Award.

All commercial films that entered the competition this year were eliminated.

In addition, "The Good Man", which won the Venice Golden Lion last year, and "Tuya Marriage", which won the Golden Bear this year, have also been eliminated.

This is a naked joke.

The media interviewed the Secretary-General of the Film Association and the Secretary-General of the Jury.

Others' answers are very straightforward.

"Commercial blockbusters were all signed up, but we weren't selected. It's just that simple."

"Golden Rooster has its own selection rules. Movies of Golden Lion and Golden Bear may not necessarily meet our selection criteria..."

For those who didn’t know, I thought Golden Rooster was already number one in the world.

Ning Hao called Lin Nan as soon as he saw the news.

"If there are any movies in the future, it is better not to bring them to the Golden Rooster to make trouble. The three best films in Europe are not worthy of it, let alone us."

"We can just use it as a place to promote our movie. As for participating in the competition, it's really not necessary."

Lin Nan and Ning Hao reached a tacit understanding on the Golden Rooster Award for the first time.

These old antiques are becoming more and more arrogant in their work, and they no longer care about what public opinion says.

He really clings on to the film festival and clings to the film festival's little say in order to demonstrate his superior status and influence in the industry.

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