That Person. Later on…

Second part of the match against Siro

As proof of Shilo's deification, the color of his hair, which was originally dominated by white parts, turned to black, and the floating grin also looked as if his personality had broken.

Moment after moment I blew to the wall with the shock of being punched in the cheek.

I don't feel any pain in my back hitting me on the wall, but from my battered cheeks, the pain runs and cuts a little in my mouth.

Collect the blood accumulated in your mouth with a corn and spit it out.

I was a little surprised by the pain I felt for a long time.

Ever since my bullshit status, I've never felt any pain... but when I said that, I thought it hurt... and Shiro shows up in front of me again.

"Do you have time to mock me?

I was flying to the ceiling with a sight of Shilo's upper, and the fist of pursuit entered my belly straight from the bottom, creating a big crack in the ceiling.

And Ciro grabbed my clothes and slammed them to the ground.


"Look, what's going on? Are you done? You're gonna die like this, aren't you?

"You don't have to tell me..."

Forced to contain the pain running into my body, I activate deification too.

"I'll do it!!

I am instantly awake and beaten to the ground.

Shiro, with the same grin, took me by the fist and released his fist like a counter, but when I took that fist, he became antagonistic.



Come on... that laugh is so annoying!!

When I draw Shiro all the way, he eats his head poke and kicks him in the crack.

Shilo landed brilliantly as he was flown, but regained his posture in the air.

"Haha!! That's Mr. Wazz!! Strong, strong!! But... apparently, I have a higher status when I'm deified, right?

I agree with that word of Shilo in my heart, too.

We've only been relative to each other for a few moments, but there's still something we can tell.

Shiro is right, I'm just a little bit weaker... can I just say I'm less divine, the fact is that Shiro feels more in character.

"... Shit"

"Why not?


Moving instantly to Siro's side, but you can see my movements, before my fist arrived, Siro's fist beat me to pieces.

Hit him in the back against the wall just like he did earlier.

"Is that it? You really don't get it? Then I'll tell you. The only difference between me and you, Waz, is the difference between being totally deified or not!! Aren't you ready enough? Is there that much untrained in the shell of a person? What are you so obsessed with? Wouldn't you be more proud? We were chosen by God. Come on!!

... Oh, I see... I see...

Then let's deify him properly!! I did feel scared that I'd be gone... I have no idea what divinity is... but I can't hesitate to die here... because I have people waiting for me to go home!!

The moment I put my strength into my body...

I felt the build of my body turn into something that wasn't a person.

It turns out that I must have gained a true divinity.

"Can I ask you one thing?


I stare straight at Shiro and ask.

"Why don't you go out of your way and tell me so I can win... Shilo, you want to die so bad?


To my inquiry, Shiro returned in silence.

There was no usual grin there, and he had a face like Nobu.

"... right... if you want to know so much... I'll tell you the moment I die, okay?

"You're not going to teach me, that."

I laughed a little in my heart at the strange and light-hearted answer.

I smile invincibly at Shiro.

"Then let's go!!

"Whenever you want!!"

After that, we fought each other using roughly everything we could with our bare hands: beating, kicking, grabbing, throwing, etc.

The body feel time was a very long and intense thing, but when I replace it with the actual time, I don't know if it was a moment, a minute, or an hour.

But I'm pretty sure it wasn't that long.

My breath was also heavily disturbed in front of me, leaving marks of beatings all over my body, and Shilo, who was spitting a lot of blood from his mouth, lay asleep and turned his gaze toward this one.

"... aha... you're strong after all... my loss... you're already dead... this won't help anymore..."

That's not true. I would be able to heal Shiro from here.

But I won't.

Shilo has been a lot of trouble, and my daughters-in-law has been a nuisance to me. I don't even want to forgive you.

"... right... I'll take care of your death."

"... I knew... Waz you were sweet... until my life disappeared like this... I can't believe you stayed by my side..."

"I haven't asked why yet."

"... Speaking of which... you did..."

At the same time as the words, Shilo slowly closed his eyes, trying to remember his past.

"... it's not that hard to talk about... in a world like this... common, common...

... born into a normal family...

... normally...

... Normally attacked...

... survive normally...

... Normally resent the world...

... Normally do it again...

... lived normally...

... just, that's all...

... it's just that the means... other... similar things happen to you... are different from the people who happened to you... Waz, what would you do?.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I don't answer Shiro's queries.

If anything happens to Salona and the others... no doubt... it will destroy the world...

Use all the power you can have...

Shiloh said, "Similar to the Unequal" …

I have Salona and the others.

But there's no one in Shilo.

That's all the difference...... but that's also a big difference.

If Salona and the others' feelings hadn't made it to me and had reunited with Aria as they were, I would have definitely followed the same path as Ciro.

I resented the irrationality and could have dropped an iron hammer on the world...

That's why I have no sympathy for Shilo.

Me and Shiro are different... because we're already on different paths...


"... aha, haha... you don't say anything... but that's fine... because we're“ alike and non-alike "... not the same... different... because we're enemies of each other..."

Shiro laughs powerlessly.

"... so this is... the last restitution souvenir from me... at best, to someone like the irrational decentralization of the world... try to resist it..."

Shiro slowly shook up his arm.

"... such an irrational world... be gone..."

He held the hand he shook up as hard as if he were determined to do something, and Shilo slapped that fist against his chest.

At that moment, there was a sound of something cracking "parrin '" from where I tapped it, at the same time.

Gogo, gogo, gogo...

And the earth swayed, and I felt disgust from behind the cave.

In the meantime, when I take my eyes off Shilo and confirm my death, I turn my gaze behind the cave.

There are no words to hang against Shiro.

By analogy, he is my enemy for nothing...

I rushed out to the back of the cave.

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