That Person. Later on…

I thought you were about to come.

When leaving the port town of Motampe, the gate soldiers said, "Oh? Have you left yet? I was asked," I was honestly worried, so when I told him I was going to Naviglio's place, he said, "It's been a long time since I've seen you... thank you very much," so I honestly answered, "Ah."

I ran toward the coast, near the town where I was taught as it was.

Having quickly reached the coast, I turn my gaze offshore.

"Uh-huh... is that it?

I could see a pompous island in the distance. Is it about 3 km at a distance? Just in case, I'll see if there's any other islands, but I don't see anything like that. There seems to be no mistake there in the places taught. However, I found a good place to check the area. On a coast where people don't need to stand because it's a little mixed up, you'll be able to take a sea bath with Salona and the others here without anyone interrupting you. I think I'll come next time.

Whoa, now it's the Naviglios. According to the talk, Naviglio and Orlando, and about ten knights, headed for pirate exorcism. And when that pirate Ajito is on that island...

When I did a light prep exercise, I ran across the ocean all at once.


I run over the ocean making that noise. Reason is simple. Get your feet out before you sink. Just that. Well, not at an unusual rate...

He ran straight through roughly 3 km at once, jumped lightly as the island approached and landed safely on the island's coast.

Now, where are the Naviglios...

This island is not as big as it is, so I explore the signs of people... but I can't feel any sign of people because my bad feeling has been put in the way. And there was no sign of the ship that Naviglio and the others would have come aboard. However, there must have been a large number of people on the beach because there were countless footprints left. But I need to feel no sign of people... Uh-huh...

I walk towards the center of the island thinking.

It's small in the middle of the island, but forest? jungle? There was something like that, so I'm sure there's a pirate aside in it. Walk towards it. Directions are a lot of footprints on the ground. As the footprints went ahead, there were several dilapidated houses in an open place unseen from the surroundings by the trees around them. Apparently, this is the pirate Ajito, but there's still no one here. But if you look closely, there were battle tracks everywhere. I think maybe the Naviglios fought against the pirates here.

"... Hmm"

I nodded and took immediate action, and in roughly a minute's time I ran around the island, there was still nobody on the island, and there was no boat anywhere. There are two things I can think of with all this judgment material. Did the Naviglios chase the pirates who fled this island more than they have been back in ten days, or vice versa, they were hit and caught by pirates... the former may be the case given the power of Naviglio and Orlando, but it is also possible that reinforcements showed up and were surprised, for example... is there still a chance that they are alive because there is no blood...

"Well, the biggest problem is that there are no Naviglios here, and we don't know where the pirates are going..."

Well, this is troubling... I can't even help you if I don't know where you're going...

My guild card suddenly glowed as I was in trouble and a pillar of light appeared in front of me.

... Ah, this flow...

In no time a woman appears from within the pillars of light.

There was deep pale hair like the sea all the way around his waist, his eyes were so threaded that he didn't know if they were open, but he looked so neat that everyone would look back, and he dressed brilliantly in a deep blue dress close to glowing black that he thought was dazzling. I find that standing somewhat erotic... or the appearance of a goddess like this is definitely a goddess, a goddess I have never met...

"Nice to meet you... My name is Goddess of the Sea"

The woman who named herself the goddess of the sea gracefully salutes herself. I mean, I was wondering what that might be. When I bowed my head to be caught, I heard it just in case.

"Ha ha... uh... it's real, isn't it?

"Of course."

That being said, every time the goddess of the sea proves the familiar aura of God wrapped around her. Somehow, I'm just used to it when I get this far already. I was surprised when I was a goddess of light, but now I take it for what it feels like to say, "Ah... yes, yes".

The goddess of the sea pulled the aura in when she was satisfied that she could prove it to me, so I ask.

"So why is the goddess of the sea here?

"Of course, there seemed to be trouble with the wazz, and this time it was about the ocean... so I thought it was my turn."

I'm glad to hear that, but didn't the goddess of light say something about building up strength for the anti-evil god? Can it manifest itself that easily? No, well, I'm sure it helps... speaking of which, I remember with evil gods, but you said something about the goddesses of darkness... sure...

"... the goddess of the sea but narrow-minded or something... (WHISPERING)"

As far as I'm concerned, I was going to whine to make sure I didn't hear what I remembered, but the goddess of the sea has a dark grin as to whether the whine reached her ear. It's a little scary when a beauty looks like that...

"That's what the Dark Goddess said...... but forgive me"


"My heart is as wide as the sea. So let us forgive the goddess of darkness who said such things. Yeah, yeah, totally rootless. I am the goddess of the sea. There's no way my heart is narrow like that. Instead, isn't it the Dark Goddess who says such things that narrows her mind? That's a sad fact. So you can't look at yourself, you don't want to admit it. Well, I don't care at all what such a person tells me. Yeah, yeah, because my heart is big enough to even drink out this ocean. I'm such a broad hearted person, but you still won't be able to leave the Dark Goddess like this. To make her understand the narrowness of her heart too, let me myself lay down an iron hammer and let the breadth of my heart be upon her. But if you receive my iron hammer with a wide heart, the narrow-minded goddess of darkness may perish herself in despair at the difference in size of that vessel. Well, I was wondering if I could do that too..."

I care so much!! I claim to be very broad-minded!! And the second half is definitely a willing statement to kill the Dark Goddess!!

Don't touch God... Let's not touch this anymore...

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