That Person. Later on…

conversation with his

"For now ~!! You've come to my king's capital ~!! I missed you ~!"

The man in black all over clapped at me with his pussy, but I moved instantly and was beaten to the man.

But my fist stops in front of the guy's 1cm. I couldn't go any further from there.

"Haha, no use!! You can't do me any harm."

"Damn... why can't I hit you"

I can eat up my teeth and use my strength, but I can't move forward at all. The man continues his words with a smile unchanged as he looks at me like that.

'Cause this room has a "non-killing junction."

... non-killing junction? I'll jump back from the spot and rendezvous with Salona and the others. When you look at Salona and the others, Naminisa, Narelina and Haosui, who have met each other in person, turn their gaze to the man, and who is Salona, Tata, Kagane and Mao? You've turned a gaze like that on me. Haosui is especially direct damage, so forgive me. Meal was also roaring small with his gaze fixed on the man.

I don't know what's going on. I'll brief Salona and the others before checking with Naminissa.

"Naminisa, do you know what a non-killing juncture is?

"Is it a non-killing junction? Sure, within the stretched boundaries, we invalidate any attack, but that's the same condition for both this one and the other, so at best it's something to the extent that the hostile countries are used when discussing peace with each other... Normally, we can't use it without a magic guide..."

I don't care what you think. I don't see anything like it in this room. Does this mean that the man is on his own... When I sent my gaze to the man, I raised my jaw slightly to look down at this one with the same grin?

"Haha, yeah, so it fits, but it's really a little different!! This non-killing junction can't hurt" people "as long as" people "can't hurt them."

I didn't know you could explain it...... is he an idiot? I can't believe you're teaching us the obvious hostility... but you're emphasizing the "people" part...

"Is that it? Don't you see? So, as long as you're a" person "in this room right now, you can't attack me? As long as you're a person."

Koitz...... I see what you're trying to say. I mean, nothing can be done as long as the race is a "person," but at the same time, he knows about my deification... was he seen in some battle?

But as long as I'm right in front of you, that's fine. It's with something you don't know if you do it here. I'll keep my mind open so I can activate the deification at any time.

"Don't worry about it. I was in a hurry, and I wanted to talk to you a little slowly."

"I never talk to you. If you still have that ball, give it to me. I'll smash it all."

"I'd say that's troublesome... but there's only one more red and black ball already... I don't know what to do with it."

Koitsu... Enough is enough... Let's just dehumanize and disable...

"Don't panic so much!!

Stick your hand forward so the man can control my movements. I've been thinking about it for a while now, but it feels like you're sensing something about my movements and it's disgusting.

"She's the one you need, isn't she?

When a man snaps his fingers pattin ', one woman appears from behind the man.


Naminissa tries to stick her voice out.

"... no. It's a fake we just met."

I calmly denied it. You calmed down with my voice, you stopped Naminissa from trying to run out, so I pull that arm and pull it behind me.

"Heh... I really get it... this is amazing!! Me, the brave guy, nobody had any idea... is this the power of love?

What about that?

A fake aria smiles thinly and answers to the man to answer.

"Yeah, right. I'm surprised, too... Exactly..."

I didn't hear the whining of the last one, but the fake aria leans against the man as it should.

"... you wanted to make sure of that?

"No, no, you said it first, didn't you? I wanted to see you!! I wanted to meet and talk to you somewhere where I couldn't get in the way of the extra. I've got things to do, and I couldn't move freely, so I've been waiting for you guys to get here. That's why I sent word to the Adventurer's Guild that you were in this fake aria at the time you entered the King's Capital. Thought you guys would definitely go ask the Adventurer Guild first. But I was surprised to find out!! I can't believe you knew Aria, the Virgin of the Brave Party!! Oh, it's okay, I have some proper souvenirs too!!

Somehow I find this man disgusted by his very existence... as if to say even with an unacceptable opponent... he never interacts with me...

"... so why do you want to talk to me?

"I need to introduce myself properly before I do. I say the basics of the conversation come from introducing myself... is that it? Wouldn't you say? Well, okay!! It's been a while, isn't it? That's coming too!! My name is Shiro. The name comes from hair like this."

The man who said so and named himself Shilo took the hood he was wearing on his head. The hair was as bright white as snow and just a little darker in the back, with a cute face like a child who felt no harm.

"Oh, that's a good introduction, I looked into it... I don't think it's someone else, so I'll call you Wazz!! Because me and Waz you are twins!!!!"

Hey, what the heck!!

"It's a lie!!

I want to smash him seriously. I thought you wanted to ask your parents a few questions.

"Hey? Surprised? In a hurry?"

Shiro asked pleasantly if he felt my upset.

"Ah, that was interesting. But this is a really serious story... me and Wazz, you're a" stranger "."


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