That Person. Later on…

Where are the knights going?

Naminissa called me to help with the meals, so the meals I had in my hand went to Floyd, and I headed to where Naminissa and the others were. On that occasion, Naminisa, Narelina and Renault surrounded the fire with two other knights, and when they sat down to be sandwiched by Naminisa and Narelina for some reason, as recommended, Renault and the others told us why they had been in such a place.

According to Mr. Renault's story, the majority of the knights and the people arrived together when the Royal Marmbond left the country, but there were still people inside who could not leave a thoughtful place, so they also stayed for their people, but the rule of the Royal Flebond was harsh and tormented the people considerably. As a result, the remaining people were unable to live there and left the country. At the same time, they left the country and were sent to the place where the Royal Marmbond was located. A few days later, they left the place and embarked on a journey. By the way, according to Mr. Renault's story, the Marmbond royals are based in a port town not far from the King's capital we're on our way to.

"My country is apparently worse than I thought it would be...... by the way, why didn't it stay at my father's?

"Oh, I don't think Father would say no... but rather welcome?

"Well...... they did welcome me, but watching the royals work hard in New Heaven and Earth made us want to try it from scratch somewhere new...... and I'm an old knight with a short street ahead. Givirio's place is fine because there are many young knights and people in charge of the next generation, but I wonder if there are still places in some other country where even such old knights want to be, and this is why we are recruiting brave men to do this now. The princesses' father, Lady Givirio, gave us his blessing and his support."

That's what Mr. Renault said when he glanced at the knights.

"It's just that... we haven't decided where we're going yet, which is a source of concern."

So he turned a bitter laugh at us. Hmm. Looking for a place to spend the rest of your life, is that on the way now? Speaking of which, I wasn't in a hurry then, so I didn't see Naminissa's parents, but you seem to be feeling better properly... I wonder if Naminissa's brother, Naviglio, and his friend Orlando, are doing well... and I miss them for a long time when I remember... and I'm out of my mind. I wondered if Naminissa and Narelina could do something when I turned my face next to each other. Confirming that, I turn to Mr. Renault.

"May I ask you one thing?

"Ask what it is, Lord Wazz"

Did I introduce myself?

"Don't look so strange. The princesses simply taught me earlier. She was happy to tell me that all the future husbands and women she was with were the same future wives as herself."

When I turned my face to Naminisa and Narelina, who were next door, my face was slightly bright red so that I could shine, so I stroked my head for now, and both of them were left to me, but I didn't show any unpleasant gestures, and my face loosened if I could.

"Totally... I know the princesses' lit faces like that from birth, but I've never seen them before."

"" Hey!!!

"Ha ha ha!! Don't panic. I'm glad you're here."

Apparently, Mr. Renault was a knight who served the Marmbonds for years. I trust Naminisa and the others, but I can feel a little bit in this interaction. Apparently, he's not a bad person. The other knights around were smiling when they saw what was going on here. The knight next to Mr. Renault said, "You don't like it when you tease me too much, do you?" He called out like a joke, and Mr. Renault was laughing softly.

"... and that's what you wanted to ask me?

Mr. Renault stops laughing and turns to me.

Uh-huh... I initially wanted to ask you about Renault himself, but I was able to confirm with some people earlier, and I'm sure it's a good person that this many people will arrive... but what I've been serving the royal family for years won't be a bad sword arm... seriously... it doesn't mean I don't have a destination...

"Um... do you have any idea where we're going?

"No, you don't have any. I just can't help staying here like this, so I'm just talking about going to some nearby country or town."

... you haven't decided yet... then...

"Actually, I know a country just for you guys, but aren't you willing to go?

"Well? What kind of place is that?

"Well, first of all, to put it briefly, it's a country that has just been done and is completely understaffed. Oh, and you're allied with the Beast Nation."

"Ho, I just did... then I don't even have a busy system in place... and an alliance with the Beast Nation... that sounds funny... I haven't made any arrangements with the Beast Man yet..."

Mr. Renault is happily nibbling. I was particularly reacting to the part called Alliance with the Beast Nation. Oh, okay. This guy loves to fight, too. Maybe if you go, you'll definitely fight the Beast Man all over saying you want to work with him or something... right? Wrong candidate? But it's a fact that we're understaffed, and it's also a fact that there aren't many people left to knights right now to let soldiers and their neighborhoods...

"What country is that?

Mr. Renault asked me gladly. Something about that look was an exciting thing like before the kid got a new toy. Oh, come on. Mr. Grave would do well. So I introduced Mr. Renault to Mr. Grave's country. Finally, she also asked me to write a reference, and Naminissa and the others asked me to write it down.

I hope this helps Mr. Grave's country a little...

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