That Person. Later on…

Ten separate stories, Salona and Hi Elov.

The next day, I finished my morning self-training and Mr. Wazz came by to say that I was resting in my room alone. My mind bounces with the unexpected appearance of Mr. Waz.

"Wah, Mr. Waz. What's the matter with you?

"Ah, Salona. Just fine. Actually, it's... it's hard to hear..."

Mr. Wazz is trying to say something. Lovely. What is it?

"Uh... to match my weapons... could you tell me the size of Salona's body?

... Hmm. It's only natural to make them to fit the size of our bodies in order to make our own weapons. Then teach me honestly...

"Okay. Build a special weapon. The size of the body does matter when it's dedicated. As much as I like...

You can have it measured, come on. "

I spread my hands wide and prepare to accept Mr. Wazz.

"... No, I just need you to tell me?

"Because I don't know my size"

"No, no, that's not why, is it? Or even if you measure it yourself and tell me..."

"I don't know, I can't measure it myself, and there are things you won't know until you touch it, right?

Well, I really do.

"Uh-huh... are you sure?

"We need to shy away from what. Mr. Wazz is my husband."

Is that word ready for you, Mr. Wazz exhales loudly and checks the shape as he measures my body from top to bottom. Ugh, I regret that my breasts aren't as big as Tata and Narelina at times like this.

"Wah, Mr. Waz... that... should I take my clothes off too?

"Fine!! Because you don't have to take it off!! I'm not wearing armor on my complexion!! You don't have to take it off because you wear it from above your clothes!!

His face is bright red and cute, and Mr. Hurry Waz is cute.

He then let me carefully and carefully measure the size of my body. I can't believe Mr. Wazz could touch me... what a time for bliss.

Then a few days later, Mr. Wazz gave me a special weapon. Prepared for me were fine swords (Rapier) made by processing swords originally found in the treasure trove of this castle, and silver lightweight armor made from meral dragon scales to match my hair color. Of course the armor fits my body perfectly. The fine sword is apparently made of the genus Superalloy (Orihalcon), according to Mr. Waz's story, and houses the power of the wind by Mr. Waz's "Inherent Magic: God".

As I was checking the condition of the weapon I received, the sound of a blast sounded and I turned my gaze towards you, Mr. Waz and Lady Dragon King Ragnir were fighting. When you are deprived of your gaze by a state exactly like the battle of the gods, a voice is suddenly called from next door.

"Hmm... is it that silent bullshit resistant kid who's fighting Ragnall"

I lay my sword in arrogance and turn my gaze toward those whose voices speak. He didn't make me feel any signs, and it was the same elf that was next to me, a long man who I think would be 2m, with brilliant blonde hair reaching to his waist, long ears that are proof of an elf, a stern look as if he had come through the battle. It wraps around a green based robe, but the atmosphere felt from that person was that of the mighty. I mean, I know it's an elf. This person is certainly an elf, but not an elf at its root. They are superior to elves.

"... No way... is it Master High Elf?

"Hmm. Exactly.

And I want to say, no. My name is Ruto. The race is "Hi Elov"!!


... I don't understand what you're talking about...

"That face says you don't understand what I'm saying. Well, I don't have a choice. I'm the only one left."

Whoever named him Ruto put his arms around him, and he's nodding, yeah.

"But you've seen an elf for a long time. To be able to get to the top of a mountain like this means that you are quite a strong man... okay... really good... the elves are still really good... it still has to be the elves that can sublimate this inexorable thought of mine... that is, the long ears characteristic of the elves are so beautiful that you want to bump, the silver hair is so beautiful that it takes away all the hearts of the beholder, its forged and tightened limbs seem pleasant to touch, and most importantly, its not big in vain breasts are perfect. Many people say women should have big breasts, but my preferences are different. If it's the size of the person, even if it's small, it's small. What matters is whether the breast is the person you touch and remember sexual arousal. Yeah, that doesn't mean I hate big breasts. It is also true that a woman's breast is one of the symbols of motherhood and that she wants to be wrapped around it."

Suddenly I felt a sense of crisis in the man who spoke to me in rap, holding my sword naturally strong and fine.

"Don't get up like that. What do you say? Why don't you spend the night with me? I am proud of the Explorer of the Night. Will you please sublime my research results with that body? Feel so good."

A man leans over as he moves his hands excitedly. As soon as I was uncomfortable with the word and the action and could not bear it and tried to slash it, a giant rock passed to blur the man's cheek. Neither I nor the man could even react to too much speed, and as I stood on the spot, Mr. Wazz suddenly appeared to shelter me.

"Temee...... you were definitely a hi elf who said rut or something...... try your hand at my salona...... it's not for free!!

My salona... my salona... my salona...

Yeah. Let's keep it in mind. I will never forget!!

"Oi!! My battle isn't on yet!!

"I know ~!! I'm going now!!... Any Responses?

"Yes!! I will never get my hands on it!! Swear to heaven and earth gods!!

With the satisfaction of killing, Mr. Waz, who was drooling to kill, returns to Master Ragneal again. To protect me, Mr. Wrath-headed Wazz...... my chest hits. I was chasing Mr. Wazz with my eyes. When I turned my gaze back on the man, the man was sweating startlingly all over his body, falling apart in tears.

"... you... what does that have to do with him?

"One of my future wives."

"... say it quickly ~..."

Later, when I heard from Master Ruto, apparently, the race was definitely a high elf, blessed with combat talent and boasted an unmatched strength among the high elves, but at one point he woke up to the way men and women spent their nights, reaching out to women in his hand with that curiosity, and banished himself from the high elves as a result of naming his own race a "high elf". And he lived on this mountain around and reigned as one of the top beings, but in the past he was on track to get into a fight with Mr. Wazz, and on the contrary, he got bogged down and is still uncomfortable, and he's going to be upright immobile just by putting Mr. Wazz in front of him. Well, I deserve it, so there's no particular explanation.

However, after listening to them, I was begged to somehow fix his mood. Admitting that it didn't do me any harm, well, that's about it, I was stunning grounded. Are you that scared of Mr. Wazz...

I'm a high elf...

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