That Person. Later on…

I didn't forget, did I?

I also told Mao about my status and circumstances, and I said put Meal over my head... sure it was a city reconstruction this morning and a salona and the others workout this afternoon... ok go.

I'm leaving the room in good hands. No, labor is fun. Workouts are fun. Walk enjoying a full day of exhilaration. Just in front of me was the figure of King Grave accompanied by his wives. I was talking to the wife of a merchant, the wife of a maid, and the wife of an adventurer, who also met in the kingdom of beasts. I greet King Grave as he passes beside his family.

"Good morning, King Grave"

"Oh, good morning!!...... hmm? Didn't Wazzy have somewhere to go? How long are you gonna be in this country? No, I don't mind."


Right ~!!

That's why we had a quick gathering in one of the castle rooms. Apparently, Meal, Salona, Tata, Naminisa, Narelina, Haosui, Kagane and Mao sat on a large circular table over my head with King Floyd and King Grave and several wives at a meeting place. And I ask King Grave.

"Eh, King Grave..."

"Wait, I was just wondering, come on, would you stop calling me" King "? Somehow, you feel the distance... we're daisies, right?

"Right!! I was wondering if I was a little tough, too. Well, that's what I would call it officially, but otherwise I would call it like before."

"Do that for me!!

Did Mr. Grave really care, when I say that, he smiles like a glow all the time?

"So, Mr. Grave. Is it okay if we leave now?

"Oh, no problem. No, well, that's even more time to rebuild, but you guys should be around here by now, right? The hardest time is over, and we have to do it from here on out in this country."

When Mr. Grave turns his gaze to his wives around him.

"Besides, I have my proud wives, and I'm still on my way here, and I have support from the Land of the Beasts. This country is fine now. Let the world make you a fine country."

That's what I'm saying, and I've got a cheerful look on my face to reassure us. I answer that with a smile.

"Okay. Then we'll travel as soon as we're ready. Is that okay with everyone?

Confirming the look on Salona's face, they all smiled and nodded.

"Our center is Master Wazz. If you disagree, I'll say it right, so Master Wazz doesn't mind you moving as much as you like."


Return your thanks to Naminisa for her words. Everyone came from that look to see if they felt the same way. I turn my smile to each and every one of you so that I can live up to that feeling.

"Well, we just need to clear up the problem and reassure them that we're properly tied to our future daughters"

Mr. Grave throws words at me like he's going to tear me up. Salona and the others are going to look at me with the kind of eyes they expect... I guess Mr. Grave said he knew this was going to happen... haha...

"I know. Because I haven't forgotten that either. I'll respond to everyone's feelings."

When I say that, everyone is happy to put their hands together.

"So, when you leave this country, are you headed straight to your destination?

"Uh-huh... that's it... there's actually a place I'm going to go before that"

"Well, then you talk to your daughters-in-law around there, right?

"Yes. I'm going on a journey the day after tomorrow or so"

"Well... listen, don't get lonely... well, you can stay in this country in the future, okay?

"I'll think about it."

"Oh, do that!! Then you can talk to your daughters about the future because you don't mind using me like this."

"Thank you"

That's what I said. Mr. Grave and his wives left the room. There will still be plenty to do... thank you in my heart and I need to say hello when I leave.

Kagane calls out to me when I think that.

"So, brother? Where is the place you're thinking of going before you head to Wang Du?

The salonas and Floyd who stayed on this scene pay attention to me.

"Oh, I'm going to the mountains. Thought we'd head to the King's Capital via the mountains."

"" "" "" ""... Mt?

"Yeah, mountains in the middle of the continent"

Everyone is out of line with my words. Floyd was the only one nodding "Hmm." Well, that would surprise you to head to the mountains all of a sudden.

"Why go to that mountain?

"We hear that mountains in the middle of the continent are not places where people can live, right?

"What does that mean?

"Is there something there?

"... hiking?

It's a dangerous place, isn't it?


Everyone returns their reactions.

"Oh, because I'll give you a good reason to head there. I want Mel to see her parents first. Meal's parents are on the mountain. Interesting dragons."

When I gave my first reason, I stroked my head because Meal sounded happy. But I feel like I'm drawing blood from everyone's face. Why? When I think about it, Salona asks me to check.

"... hey... I just want to ask... Meal's parents mean... is it okay to mean a dragon living in a mountain in the middle of the continent?

"Yes, I am."

"... a dragon living in a mountain in the middle of the continent... is said to be the only king of the dragons" dragon kings "who only appear in the legend..."

"Huh? Is Ragnall that famous?

"... do you know him... so when I first met him, it seemed like he was coming down from the mountains..."

Yeah, you're right. The first time I saw Salona was definitely right down the mountain. I mean, Ragnall was a legendary being... from what I can tell, he just looks like a normal pawnbroker who doesn't get his head up on his wife's mother. Remembering Ragneal, Narelina asks me to confirm.

"I mean, is Meal... the child of the legendary Dragon King?

"Yeah. Well, I'm not sure about that legend, but it's definitely Dragon King's kid."

I assure you, Salona and the others look at Meal somewhere nervous. Meal leans his ankle toward the gaze of those salonas. Then I lean too. Is that such a nervous thing?

... Oh, shouldn't I think about it by my standards? I've seen him many times, so it's normal, but for Salona and the others, will Ragnir and the others be legendary creatures?

That's how I explained the Ragneal couple, the Meal thing, and how I was supposed to keep Meal, and they all weakened at once. Most importantly, they were relieved when I told them I would protect them all. However, I was impressed by Kagane's words when I heard my explanation.

"... the legendary creature is so stubborn..."

I think you're absolutely right.

"So, is there any other reason to say it first?

Naminissa's been pushing me to keep going, so I'll tell her why it's not about Meal. The clothes I was wearing were made of demonic materials that were originally in the mountains. There's a part of it that's out now, so I want to make a new one. At the same time, I told him that I wanted to get new weapons and protective equipment for Salona and the others. I could have them all in this country and in the King's Capital, but if I wanted to have the weapons that match the strength of the salonas today, I thought I should hunt demons in the mountains and build them. I was cautioned not to make a detour with the DEX value of the status before, but I think it would be good for my daughters. Well, let me show you the treasure trove in the worst Ragnall castle. I think there's a lot going on.

When I'm done telling them about it, for some reason, everyone breaks their faces happily. When asked why, she said she'd be happy to wear my handmade gear. And finally, Tata comes back to visit.

"I agree to go to the mountains, but how do we get there? I hear that mountain is not a place where people can get in?

"Oh, that's no problem either. I think you can go if you guard with the strengthened Tata, Naminissa and Kagane junction magic. And if you have to, I'll sanctify you and take you all."

Everyone gives that word a convincing look, so is that settled? I thought.

"Well, when you're ready, shall we travel from this country?"

"" "" "" "" Yes!!

That's how we started getting ready to travel again.

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