That Person. Later on…

You thought this was gonna happen, didn't you?

Now I'm standing in the middle of a training center built for soldiers, like a castle courtyard, like an arena. We made this place, too. Made by carrying stone and assembling with King Grave and sometimes reinforced with the magic of Kagane. It is a prized place for practicality, although it is not excessively decorated and is made of martial bones.

And right in front of me is Days' daughter, Mr. Maureen, an opponent who's flexible about his body. At first I remember being Daze's daughter, but after I heard from Daze that your daughter wanted to fight me, well, when I told her that I was busy there, too, rebuilding the city and training the salonas, she replied like a battle freak to do it immediately, and when she was introduced again, I remembered her name, but she was ready for it, if she noticed. Well, that's fine...

And, of course, it's built like a battlefield, so I've got seats to watch, but for some reason there, I'm watching King Grave and his wives, King Gio and Marau on Days, plus the new soldiers in this country, as the beasts who came with King Gio talk amicably about this one. I can tell because Salona and the others were with Mr. Maureen. King Gio and the others know. But why are the beasts here with King Grave and his wives and soldiers?

So you're telling me to be a spectator?

When I glanced at King Grave with Zito's eyes, he was talking to his wives amicably, sweating cold. You're definitely noticing my gaze... I'll tell you more about that later. Well, is it around the reason that you want the soldiers to breathe a little...

But the most puzzling thing is that Mr. Maureen and I are just around the halfway point, and Floyd, the septic deacon who stands there and says it's only natural.

What are you? and sent a gaze to see the frigid, returned with a frigid grin, as usual. No, I know that standing there means judging this battle. But why you? That's what I don't get... Ha... Enough is enough. No, going deep into Floyd is going to make it extra, and let's go...

When I send my gaze to Salona and the others, they all respond by smiling and waving. As I was warming my heart to the way it was, a voice of support flew out of Kagane.

"Brother ~!! Don't try!!"

... wouldn't that be the opposite of normal? No, I get it. I have something to say. Because if I try, it won't be a battle, will it? But you think that support is wrong, your brother...

That's how you're killing time, and you're turning your belligerent eyes at me when Mr. Maureen's ready. Floyd, who confirmed his appearance, makes a noise that echoes everyone in this arena.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are ready for both, so let the battle begin!! First of all, Warrior Maorine of the Land of the Beast!! And this is my lord, Lord Waz, the deacon, the hero who saved the kingdom of the beast man and this country!!


There was a part for me that was not to be overheard as I cheered from everywhere. Wait, your lord would be Naminisa though!! That's why I'm the main one!! You said that before!! I didn't admit it!! You're about to bury it from the outside moat!! But before I pinch a word there, the conversation goes on.

"Then I look forward to seeing what kind of battle it will be!! Okay, here we go!!

You plotted this place!! You Floyd!! Maureen slammed this way into the gap where I was turning my consciousness to Floyd.

Mr. Maureen has daggers of slightly different lengths in each hand, which seem to fight with so-called "double swords". If you thought you were coming towards me in a forward leaning position with your face protruding forward and hands with two swords lowered back, you suddenly increased your speed by one step and appeared in front of me.

"Come on."

At the same time, Mr. Maureen has his body spinning wide, and the blade of the dagger hits me precisely by targeting me in the throat. That's where I noticed. Is that it? This dagger... Seriously? The blade isn't crushed, is it? Hmm? Wasn't this a game or a training? That's what I said, right? Why are you normally like a life companion? Well, they haven't slashed me anyway...

I avoid moving the looming dagger slightly backwards. I try to keep my body back in its original position, but Mr. Maureen doesn't stop spinning, and the other dagger comes after me. It's a good track for my broken attitude. I'm spinning my body. I'm in the middle of it. You take a good look. I move my torso further back to avoid that dagger. My hips... As the dagger passes right in front of me, I immediately rebuild my posture and turn my arm around Mr. Maureen's hips and throw him high.

In the meantime, now that I've taken a breath, I turn my gaze toward Mr. Maureen when I exhale Phew... Mr. Maureen was still in the sky, but he had already made an attitude and landed beautifully as he circled. He pointed his face straight at me, but his expression was laughing happily. He comes at me with a lot of excitement. What makes you so happy...

In the same forward leaning position I pushed in again, but at a critical distance the dagger was likely to reach, this time jumping up rapidly with unlikely movements and speeds as a person. I thought it had spinned for a spin as it was, and the heel drop was imminent. I stopped it with one hand, but Mr. Maureen stays in a collapsing position and a kick flies upwards that blurs around my jaw with his other leg. I dodged it just tilting my neck, but when Mr. Maureen spun his body a little, something hit my face beautifully clean.


What the hell happened? Something like this... it's like... it's like having a core inside... I grabbed it like this. It feels a little good when it's pulled out... oh, this is the tail. When I was thinking about that, another kick was coming to me, so I prevented that kick with my arm. Mr. Maureen leaps as he scaffolds my arms and takes distance from me. As usual, he doesn't seem to distract himself from me, but what a delightful look on his face, like his expression paid off with one arrow, like he won. Looks like a lot of fun...

Does that sound like fun to you? I think so, but it's time to end it. I help rebuild and so on. So when I exhale loudly, I look at Mr. Maureen with a serious look.

"... then... it's time to decide"

When I threw that word, Mr. Maureen held his expression and took a breath. Even so, there's nothing special about what I do. It just rushes out, it just releases its fists, it just means that the movement is so fast that no one here can perceive it. But the truth is, I don't beat him up like that. I'll stop it pitched in the last minute. It would be like my fist suddenly appeared in front of me from Mr. Maureen. However, Mr. Maureen was about to blow up due to the wind pressure generated by my movements because I rolled out at too much speed. I immediately grab Mr. Maureen with the opposite hand and stop him on the spot.

When the wind subsided and I let go of my grasping hand, Mr. Maureen went straight into the ground.

"I didn't know you were this different..."

That's what I said. Mr. Maureen's expression blew somewhere, it was lucid.


If you think you suddenly cheered, Floyd would have declared my victory softly in the rear. It's uttering words that compliment me as it is. What are you doing, really... he can't beat you now? I tried to try the alarmed Floyd, but I just stopped. I offer my hand when I turn back to Mr. Maureen. For once, it was a training exercise in me, and I'll give you a call or so.

"It worked well, and I think you can still be strong."

When Mr. Maureen grabs the hand he offered to say so, he draws a lot of attention. Oh?

As it were, I was spoken to by Mr. Maureen...

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