There was something coming at me at a tremendous rate trying to get back to Salona and the others. It is Meal. Meal didn't slow down and stormed straight into my head, hissing at me. No, it's me, so I can take it without being slightly mobile, but usually when I bump into it at that speed, it blows up. Zito eyes on Meal, but there Meal. When I climbed over my head and felt like I wasn't involved, I fell asleep feeling safe. I gently stroke the sleeping Meal over my head. Ha... healed.

Meal was delighted with his actions. You exposed so much anger, and it wasn't the earliest thing a person could do, Meal is on top of my head as usual. I was happy with the usual. Meal doesn't scare me like this, does she? I stroke Meal one more time and I turn to Salona and the others. What about them? Aren't you scared of me...

"sloppy!! It's sloppy!!

"I can't believe Mr. Wazz mouthed me!!

"Sister, I envy you!!

"... was affectionate"

"Fuck!! Ugh, I can't believe I'm jealous...... Ugh... yah... sooo!"

"... so hehe"

... Somehow I was surrounding Narelina and doing wierd. Neither Narelina nor that reminder seem to care what happened to Mukatsuku.

As I approached him, Salona and the others, who noticed that I was approaching, stuffed me all at once.

"Mr. Wazz!! And to me... the... the... the... the... the..."

"From Mr. Wazz to me too... can't you please?

"Dear Waz. It's just my sister, Zului. Please don't even do it to me!!

"... accept anything at all times"

"Brother!! Enthusiastic to me too, like this...... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

"To me too... that... again..."

Is there something that everyone wants you to talk about? Or you're not scared. Well, then that's fine. I'm surprised as usual. It's called Meal, it's called everyone, it's really enough for me. I cuddle up too much joy.

"" "" "" No, now please mouth it "" ""

Eh... now you're holding it tight in a good way. You're done beautifully. Isn't that all you have to do now? Can't you? You can't, can you? Really...

"Eh...... ah!! Look, Floyd's watching, and the mouthpiece is another chance."

"No, you can think of me as a roadside stone and gently flush it."

"" "". "" That's what I'm saying, and please!!

Come on!! You Floyd!! You're definitely having fun, aren't you? Look, I'm not mad, so be honest with me!! Oh, stop staring at me!!

"... what? Are you in the middle of something? I rushed, did I interrupt?

Soon, that's what Mr. Grave said as he watched us as he laid his hands on the entrance to this room. I was holding everyone in my arms instantly. Hands off. Nice!! What a good time to come!! That's Mr. Grave!! You're an air readable man!!

"" "" ""... chi "" ""

Is that it? I think I heard tongue pounding from some close distance right now... I'm sure it's an illusion. 'Cause you're close to me... there's only Salona and the others who put a full smile on me... I guess the tongue beating just now is really a fantasy... let's see...

... I want to think so...

When I thought so, Daze came into the room from behind Mr. Grave.

... Ah!! With that said, I forgot about Daze's daughter. I looked inside the room wondering where he was, and I was watching this one in the corner. Suddenly a lot happened, so it still looks dazed. I'm looking at this one. I'll hand signal Daze's daughter to Daze. Days turned his gaze toward me.


When Daze, who confirmed her daughter, screams like that in tears, your daughter reacts freakedly and turns her gaze toward Daze. Seeing Daze in its eyes makes me cry sooo much.


Days and your daughter ran off together and hissed each other to rejoice in each other's safety. Yeah, yeah. That's a touching face-to-face for parents and kids. Good. Good. Mr. Grave came here as Days and his daughter rejoiced.

"Looks like you're cleaning up over there, too. Well, the air was relaxed when I got here, and I didn't originally think there was a problem."

Mr. Grave calls out as he sees the kings of the world calling himself.

"Did the city clean up that you were here, too?

"Oh, Floyd's stuck to the stakes, and you're done without any particular problems."

Floyd? I turn my gaze to Floyd for that word, but I've been gracious with the same frigid grin. All right, let's go.

"So what?

"Hmm? What do we do?

"No, for now, though temporarily, I saved this country... the problem is going to come, isn't it? The royalty of this country will be gone..."


"If those who can steer this country toward the better don't stand at its top, it will be another dance for the same thing..."


As I replied with a slight look at Mr. Grave, I noticed my expression and Mr. Grave laughed bitterly.

"Wazzy boy... I have a really bad feeling about this..."

"Mr. Grave... could he be traveling all the time?

"Well, as I said before, my wives are all over the world."

"Don't you want to gather your wives somewhere and live with them?

"Well, if that's what you can do... it doesn't seem to..."

"This country has a kingdom of beasts to the north, a king's capital to the east, and a sea to the west, and it's not a bad location, is it?

"... right..."

"It's time for you to have kids, right?

"Well...... hey"

"Besides, you wrote it when you came in here, right? Taking responsibility?

When I say it, Mr. Grave gives up something or leans up in the sky like he thinks.

"... I mean, Wazzy wants me to be king of this country?

"I'm sure Mr. Grave can make a good country"

I'll be honest with you. Because I really thought Mr. Grave would make a fine king.

Mr. Grave has looked at me with a strong eye like he was ready.

"I wrote you to take responsibility. But I'm a king, not a pattern... I'm talking about some kind of story about being a king from an adventurer... you think you can be a fine king?

"You can be. I'll work with you whenever I can."

"... haha... if Wazz Boy is going to cooperate... why don't you go for the king of this country? I can't travel forever, and I want to reassure my wives that I'm worried about them."

I smiled at Mr. Grave talking so I could light him up.

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