That Person. Later on…

Goddess Temporary Return

It wasn't an illusion that it was increasing.

Right in front of me was Mr. Salona, Mr. Tata, Naminisa, Narelina, Haosui, and... sometime there was a goddess.

"When did you come in!!

"Huh? Did you just follow me?

Why are you doubtful!!

"... Dear Waz, what the hell is she? With that being said, it looks like there was a similar battlefield earlier..."

Naminissa asks me.

"... who was forced to take her husband's lips"

My future Harlem members who will move into combat at once to increase their willingness to kill Haosui. I felt like teaching Haosui the word boomerang.

"Huff... I didn't know you were going to kill me... are you ready?

That said, the goddess groaned and made some arrangements. Hands up, one leg up. What are you knocking about too!!

"Goddess? You're gonna lie a little more decent."

There is no light in Tata's eyes. This, frightens me!! Your body will tremble in a different way...

"Hey, wait a minute!! That's because even then it's real for once!! Because you are a real goddess!!

"" "" ""... you don't have to try to force me to shelter you, do you?

Believe me ~!! Hey!! Hey goddess!! Not if you're depressed!!

"No, no, it's true!!

"" "" "Eh" "" ""

Why don't you believe me? Weren't you lying flat during the battle? Is that it? Speaking of which, I can't feel anything like the aura of that time from the goddess of today. I approached the goddess and asked softly.

"... I don't feel any goddess power, what's wrong?

"... uhh... use your powers to enhance the seal a little..."

Sealed? What is it? I'm willing to ask, but when I do, I'm going to get into trouble, so let's not.

"Master Waz, please leave me alone!! I can't kill him!!

So stop talking noisy!!

"And for now, calm down... I'm really a goddess. For once, a lot? I need your help... more..."

"Hey!! Why are you stuck there!! I did my best!! Even the shelter was banged!!

"Yes, yes!! There it is. I got you covered!! It's because of this goddess that I've lived this far... and I don't want to admit it."

The goddess puts her breasts in my words. Everyone looks at such a goddess, but she seems reluctantly convinced.

"... I mean, that you're a real goddess? Then I wanted to ask, does it also have something to do with Waz's hair turning black and white like it is now?

Oh, you want to hear it there?

"Ah! That? That's the effect of" deification. "


You say it lightly!! I thought I'd tell you!! Because you are a goddess!!


Naminissa gives a strange look. The goddess has already told me, and I feel like hiding from them, so I told them my status and my skills honestly... well, it's almost like being out of the public, and now they might hate me...

"I see Mr. Wazz is resistant to misdigits."

"You're a pain in the ass"

"That's very convincing."

"I'd like to ask you for a hand."

"... I want you to work out"

Is that it? Everybody take it positive?

"Did you think that face would make us cower knowing Mr. Wazz's strength?

"Our thoughts will never change."

"Rather, I'm glad you told me not to cover it up"

"Oh, I want you to believe me"

"... we are the future wives of your husband"

"... thanks. Thanks for accepting."

Nature and we look at each other with a smile. I'm going to cry...

"Hey!! Remember me!!

The goddess appeared before me to block my sight. It had a nice vibe...

"Goddess, I'm sorry I doubted earlier"

Naminissa bows her head, and when she says so, everyone learns to do so and bows her head. When the goddess saw the sight, she said, "You just have to know, if you know," and laughed dehehe joyfully. Not a little goddess......

"So I'd like to ask the goddess another question.

"Hmm, what can I do for you?

Tilt her neck tightly as the goddess laid her index finger on her lips. Don't get on with it.

"If Master Waz were completely divine, what would happen to his... life expectancy or something?

"Hmm? Life expectancy? That's not gonna happen. Because it's God."

Right ~. That will happen ~. I'd love to have a full life span as a person if I could, but maybe I can't... I feel like the race % is down galloping after some sort of deification can be done on my own volition. I wonder if I should have given up living as a person already...

"... is it gone..."

Mr. Salona and the others will have a dark look at the Goddess's answer. That? Why?

"Ha-ha-ha... I see"

Looks like the goddess guessed something. Oh, my God. Tell me, too.

"I'm worried about you. Even if Mr. Wazz is divine, if he takes you into his family, he'll stay with you forever."

"" "" Then there's no problem. ""

Everyone smiled at once. You were worried about that... but you'll be with me all the time... then I don't know if it's any less divine...

"Besides, you can always see me as a goddess."

Is that it? I don't know... I feel like I don't want to be divine all at once... when I think about it, the goddess looks back at me again.

"Well, now it's time for me to go back because it's the limit of expression."

That's how he smiles at me.

"Always... Always!! I'll be back, so please wait."

That said, the goddess disappeared to be sucked into my guild card.

Oh, you're going back there...

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