That Person. Later on…

Those who came after us.

Now my eyes were approaching so many heavily armed beasts at once that they filled all my sights. Now, let's do it.

When I pop out at once, I quickly punch the nearest beast man. Of course, I try not to kill him. Well, I want you to be prepared for a couple of bones. You're the one who's attacking me. The beaten beast man blew away, involving about ten beasts who remained behind him. The armor I was equipped with was blurry and dented, but I'm not paying for it. I mean, I don't even have time to breathe. The next guy shows up as soon as he thinks he hit him. He wields his sword wide and tries to kill me. When I smacked the sword with my bare hands, I grabbed my head and slammed it to the ground. When the ground cracks wide and the beasts break their attitude big with that vibration, I move instantly and beat a dozen people to death. My movements will not stop while the battered are in the sky. When I find the beast man who is still disoriented, I am very busy kicking, beating and throwing him away. Still, the visible numbers don't seem to be decreasing at all. Looks like it's still a long way to go...

Well... I'm surrounded. It should have blown up quite a few, but it doesn't look like it's diminishing at all. How long have you been here? Well, I can't help it. I can't deny that being thorough about not killing you is going to be inefficient. You thought the other beasts didn't have a winning shot at going decent, too, and now instead of trying to stab me to kill me, they were grasping at me to suppress my movements first. I have difficulty coping with such a large number of people coming at once. Because my status makes it easy for me to kill someone if I can help at all, so I'm always turning my consciousness to a lesser degree. Still trying to be aggressive, I thought I would kill him as he was, and when he was grabbed by poking a gap that pulled him out of power, many other beasts jumped instantly, grabbed and ambushed. When you sealed my movements, you wanted to tell me that you would crush me to death as it was, and so many people jumped on top of me. The action continued, and now about three or forty people jumped on me one after the other, resulting in a big mountain. When I lifted the mountain with a slight chirp, I felt the sight from all over my eyes of fear, saying I couldn't believe it. I throw the mountain away with Pawn. Well, you won't die about that. I paid the dust on my clothes and slapped my hands on bread. Well, I wonder what's next...

There are still a lot of beasts... but I am one now. No, not exactly. Only the space around me is empty. I wonder if it's the result of the rampage, no one tried to get close to me. The heavily armed beasts surround me in far-flung windows. Call me. But when I step forward, the Beasts take one step back. Going a long way further, but they dropped back proportionally to my distance forward. Yeah, so, what do we do now? If I thought so, countless arrows poured down from behind a large army of beasts looking at me and filling the sky. I was in such a hurry with the amount of arrows that I could get to my side. Are you trying to finish me off with every ally? Not willing to let the dead out, I immediately kick the ground and fly to the sky, releasing a bit of a serious kick. By the wind pressure created by that kick, all the arrows lost sight of where they were going and blew away to the distant sky. The Beasts were poker at the sight, but no one's dead, and this is it...

Speaking of which, will Mr. Grave and the others be all right? As always, I'm idle around me and nobody's trying to attack me, so I figured I'd turn my gaze in the direction where Mr. Grave and the others are. It was just a fierce battle there. Mr. Grave seems to be struggling a little because he's fighting just like me to keep the Beasts from killing as much as possible. But there's just an S-rank adventurer. I was only pruning the other person's consciousness properly. Still, a lot of people are passive, but there was a presence to help that Mr. Grave. They are the wives and the moderate beasts. They work together to repel the opponent. Of course I didn't imitate taking my life. I'm just taking away the power to fight taking weapons or tying them up. Still, it would be of sufficient use to Mr Grave. Their faces were vivacious in the evidence, and the king himself laughed at each other for covering the kind of attack that would actually poke Mr. Grave's blind spot. Nice...... sounds like fun...... I envy you...... of course I didn't fail to be vigilant so I could be attacked whenever I wanted, but nobody tried to attack me. Why not? Come on, call me. Thinking about that...

A loud noise sounded like an explosion in the detached sight.

When I turned my gaze toward you, there were beasts rising into the air. No, really? The rising beasts never ended, and they went up into the sky one after the other. The beasts around me are panicking about something. When I glanced at the place, one girl was there, and it was a girl/haosui with the characteristic that one part of her green hair was like two horns. Apparently he was feeling better again. He grabbed the beast man near him and threw, and he grabbed the throw repeatedly and came this way. I was relieved by its healthy and safe appearance, but if you look closely, Haosui is not the only one on the spot.

I see people pushing on after Haosui.

Floyd, perhaps? It was photographed by the invisible people watching it in such a light way.

... Huh?... You're lying, right?... Why are you here?

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