That Person. Later on…

Long time no see...

Well, I tried to stay asleep in this caught cage, but I'm not sleepy at all because I was resting plenty. But even if I'm awake, I have absolutely nothing to do. I don't know what to do...... oh yeah! It's been a while since I've seen it on my guild card. That's how I get my guild card out of my nostalgia and confirm it. Fortunately, the lights were intact, so I don't have any trouble seeing them.

Name: waz

Race: People (51%...... you shouldn't give up anymore)

Age: 17

HP: Uh... I can't count anymore

MP: Become ~!! Now

STR: My blow shattered the stars.

VIT: You can't even kill a divine sword.

INT: You can't use magic...... now

MND: meaningless

AGL: Can we move now?

DEX: Goddess master... let's not make things.


"True Polar Cannibal" (unique)

"Condition anomaly almost disabled"

"Fighting" Lv. 8

"deification" (unique) (currently unavailable)

"Inherent Magic: God" (Inherent) (not currently available)

"The goddess of the sea is stopping at ten of diamonds"

"The goddess of war is stopping at three of spades"

"Mother Earth God is stopping at six of the clubs"

"The goddess is stopping at eight of hearts"

by goddess earth mother goddess goddess of war goddess of the sea

...... hmm? Any subtle changes in the status text?

I don't know what to give up... but I'm not giving up. I won't give up. I'm still human... I wonder if I can stay...

The AGL is updated. Uh, can you move (warp) instantly? No, you can't, can you? This is a metaphor, isn't it? You mean you can move as fast as that, right? If I could do that, I wouldn't be a person anymore!! Tell me it's a lie!! Nobody's gonna tell you... Huh...

DEX doesn't make things anymore. It's okay. I won't make anything ~. I don't plan on making it ~.

Is it always the skill in question after that?

Uh, "True Polar Cannibal" and "Condition Abnormality Almost Invalid" are intact. I'd rather "state anomaly almost disabled" be "state anomaly disabled" but it's hard to do. I don't even know what to do...... I'll ask Haosui next time. "Fighting" is also on the rise. I guess the fight with Haosui is affecting me...... isn't it too much up there? Well, there's nothing wrong with going up. Both "deification" and "intrinsic magic: God" remain intact. Of course. But you still don't know the conditions under which you'll be in that state. Well, it's not like I want to be. I'm scared that the race % is going to drop galloping when that happens.

... So, it's the rest of the problem... I don't know what the text means. If you look inside, you'll see?

"The goddess of the sea is stopping at ten of diamonds"

Huff...... you won't be able to keep going as long as I'm stopping you here. Come on, take a pass with your mind. And I'm the one who wins. I'm also the one who gets Mr. Wazz's heart..............................................

"The goddess of war is stopping at three of spades"

Heh! You can still afford my hand tag. If we keep letting it out and the others keep passing, we win. I'm the one who wins. I'm also the one who gets a full taste of Waz's body.

"Mother Earth God is stopping at six of the clubs"

Kufu. Apparently, the winning chances are leaning towards me. Again, this is also evidence of strong love for Master Waz. I'm the one who triumphs. I'm also the one who gets the curse of Master Waz all by himself.

"The goddess is stopping at eight of hearts"

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Yes, I have all the numbers for Heart's eight and beyond on my bill. I can win this for sure. I'm the one who wins. I'm the one who gets Mr. Wazz's favor. Yes, I am the victor. It's this seven-line victor.

... What are you doing, these gods? I don't know what seven lines are, but I kind of feel like I'm playing. I'm guessing there's some kind of battle to say victor. What are you doing when people are being caught? I want to say, and you want to send it again just in case?... but from the literature, it feels serious and doesn't bother me. Let's go. Let's go. Let's just leave it alone. You're with that weird butler Floyd. When I get involved, I don't feel like I'm going to be busy.

I decided I didn't see anything and gently put my guild card in my nose.

I checked the guild cards and strangely lost my strength. I was able to stay asleep.

The next morning, when I woke up, I woke up to make sure that I was still in the cage. It's a dungeon, so I don't know the time due to the height of the sun or anything, but I felt it would be morning physically. Mr. Grave was already awake and raised his hand gently to greet me in the morning when he checked that I was awake.

"Yo!! Good morning."

"Good morning. Is it morning already?

"Hmm, I think..."

Well, I don't know what time it is now, so as we were gently exercising and crushing time to bend and stretch our bodies, momentum opened the door to this room. Four beasts emerged from it. They were all fully armed, with big, thick handcuffs in their hands that were good enough to be a chunk of iron, and their eyes pointing this way filled with anger. When the person with the handcuffs approaches the cage, he throws the handcuffs here from the gap in the iron lattice.

"Put the cuffs on. Grow up. If you resist, there will be no hostage life."

To put it that way, the Beast Man went back to his companions and watched to observe this one. Me and Mr. Grave look at each other, and when we sigh one, we cuff each other. Upon confirming his appearance, the Beast opened the cage and when he let us out, he was taken to a place of public execution in such an arrangement as to surround him not to let this one escape.

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