We made it to Leganir. I got caught a lot on the way, but I would have gotten there a lot faster than I planned. And we got to exactly where Reganil could see us. They don't go directly to the city where the castle is as it is. The entrance to the city is already solidified by hardliners, and we don't know what happens to the people who are hostages when the intrusion is discovered, so we can't go directly through the entrance to the city, and we shouldn't find out about our presence. Ask Marrao what he will do, and there is a secret loophole in the woods that goes a little further into the city. It was prepared by the moderates and is connected to the moderate Azitos in the city. So we quickly headed to a place where there was a loophole.

The loophole is well hidden with dead trees and fallen leaves, and you won't notice it unless you know it exists. That's how Marrao led us into the loophole. Inside the loophole, he proceeds with Meal in his arms just wide enough for one person to pass through. The walls are well stiffened so there won't be any problems at all for passing without worrying about falling. Lights were also available near the entrance and Marrao was walking ahead of us with it. As he reached the poke as he proceeded, Marrao rhythmized the wall around the poke and slapped "tons, tons, tons, tons, tons". Then I heard a creaking voice from across the wall.

"... who?

"It's Marrao."

When Marrao said all that, he put his finger inside the little hole in the wall. When I stayed put for a while, the wall suddenly moved out. What's wrong?

"Confirmed. Welcome home, Princess."

Light leaks through the empty walls and lights us up. There was a wooden basement that dazzled the dazzling light for a moment but was illuminated with lamps at the end of the sight I was accustomed to. As we entered the basement, there were three beasts inside: two men and women with dog ears and the other a man with monkey ears. A man with dog ears was shaking hands hard with Marao.

"I'm glad you're okay."

"He said he was already worried too much!! All I had to do was ask Hao for help."

"Still. It's been a long time... so where is Master Haosui, the brave one? I don't see him, though?

"... sorry. Hao couldn't seem to be feeling well right now... instead Hao suggested some helpers come"

With that said, Marrao turned his hand to introduce us, and the gaze of the three beasts gathered to me and Mr. Grave. Hi, I'm a helper. When I lowered my head to react to that gaze, I looked at this one with the kind of eyes that the female Dog Ear Beast Man would even look at the incredible. Hmm? Did we meet somewhere?

"... Iula, I'm glad you're safe"

When I turned to you because I heard such a grunt coming from next door, there was Mr. Grave crying. I guess the female dog ear beast man is one of Mr. Grave's wives to see that reaction. The dog ear beast man was also weeping when he turned his gaze to you on the evidence.

"... Grave... I missed you"

As we saw them, they hugged each other to rejoice in each other's safety. Good for you, Mr. Grave. Watching that happen, I'm moving closer to Marau and the others. Because I wanted to ask what I was concerned about earlier.

"Marau, it looks like you were putting your finger inside the wall earlier?

"Oh, that's"

"I was checking the smell. We beasts have a good nose. I think it's a much more definite and definitive way than checking it out with a bad word."

The dog ear beast man who was near Marrao answered me. I thought so. Anyone could say it if they did know it was a good word. But if you can get confirmation from the smell of the person, you'll have more certainty than the fitting word. That's exactly how the beast man checks out. As convinced as I would be, yeah, the dog ear beast asked me to shake his hand when I was nodding.

"Nice to meet you, Barro. He was formerly a Kingsguard Warlord at the castle. Well, he resigned because he's taken over the castle by hardliners now. That brings together a few moderates, but the current situation is bad. It is recommended by the brave Master Haosui. Let's hope."

When I looked again at the dog ear beast man who named him Barro, he did have the body he was working out as introduced, and as a sign of how many battles he had crossed, he had numerous scars on his body and a large lateral letter scar on his face. Are you one of the few moderates who can fight? I introduce myself in response to the handshake I was offered.

"Nice to meet you. I say waz. We will try to meet your expectations."

Well, I think it's easy if you're suppressing it with force moves, but it's troublesome when you have a lot of opponents. There are hostages. I'd like to hear about it.

"So what's going on in this country now? Where the hostages are being captured?

When I said that, Barro answered me with a bitter look.

"... the situation is not good. We found out where the fellow is being captured, but we don't have much time left. The hardliners will leave for the southern countries around the day after tomorrow..."

Apparently, things are in a pretty chopped up situation.

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