That Person. Later on…

Request for rescue from Marrao

A beast-eared girl called Mar ran into Haosui and hugged her. The girl's head has perfectly golden cat-like ears on her golden hair, and her face has a sweaty, sad look. I'm sure he usually looks happy with his eyes up. The outfit is wrapped around the chest and hips and feet with fabric like the one even used in leopard beast hair. I know how you look because of that outfit, but there is just a little bit of chest and buttocks on your tight body. My butt had the same golden cat-like tail as my head. Such a girl hugged Haosui and spoke in a chopped voice.

"Help me hao!! If we stay like this, we will end the Beast Clan!!

"... what do you mean?

A girl tries to keep talking to Haosui, but she finally notices us there. She hides herself in the shadows of Haosui and stares at us sharply to intimidate her.

"F ~, f ~"

"... calm down... I can trust my husband, Meal and Serena... but I don't know anything else"

You can trust Mr. Grave, too. I don't know Floyd, though. But when I say that, I can't get on with it, and somehow the girl seems in a hurry, so I can't help it. When I explained to Haosui about Mr. Grave and Floyd and told the girl to teach it to Haosui, the girl finally stopped staring at me, so now she can finally listen to the girl.

Once the girl calmed down, we created a forum for discussion. We gathered around it around Haosui's sleeping bed. Haosui's strong hope led me to sit next to Haosui on the bed. Mr. Grave and Floyd smile, and Serena smiles somewhere at me and Haosui. Floyd busts it later. Meal is on my head as usual and the girl is sitting next to Haosui in the opposite direction from me.

"Well, so there's some kind of sign that something's going to happen, but what happened?

When Mr. Grave cut it out like that, he spoke with a face the girl was ready for.

"My name is Marrao-Leganil. I am the daughter of King Gio-Leganil of Leganil, the kingdom of the Beast Man to the west."

That said the girl Marrao slowly bowed her head to us.

"... helped a place where people were going to enslave me before"

When Haosui said so, Marao rebutted with a bright red face.

"That was just a little screwed up trying to help the other guys!!

I got the feeling of rapprochement with Haosui instead of feeling angry. Maybe these two became friends from there.

"So what's the big deal about asking for help?

When Floyd encourages the conversation to continue, Marrao turns to us with a serious face.

"Yes, I would have liked to ask the brave Haosui to help me as the king's daughter. Currently our country is divided into moderates and hardliners. We royals belong to moderates, but most of the beasts who specialize in combat belong to hardliners and have no say. Because beasts are more inclined to follow the strong. At the top of the hardliners is your father's brother, Dais-Leonille. He was the strongest and kindest of us beasts, but one day suddenly people changed, and now he's going to wage war on a kingdom that holds many beastly slaves south of the country complaining about improving the status of beasts, freeing slave beasts. I know why and how you feel, but I don't have the means. Because war only gives hate to both sides. We moderates tried to stop Days from imposing, but on the contrary, many people, including your father, were captured in response. It is Days who now holds the real power of the kingdom, ready for a steady war"

Something pretty big is about to happen. When I checked around, Mr. Grave and Floyd had some idea, and Mr. Serena was out of line. Haosui is not sure with his usual expression. Meal was yawning. Did you get sleepy? As I stroked Meal as usual, Haosui sent Meal a sight of envy, so as I stroked Haosui's head with my empty hand, Mr. Grave uttered words to Marao with a serious face.

"I see what's going on. So what were you going to let the brave Haosui do?

"I want you to come with me to the kingdom and help your fathers out first."

"First things first, there's a continuation of that, isn't there?

"After that, I wish I could ask you and your fathers to help stop the hardliners..."

"Simply put, you know what I mean? I guess hardliners are mostly militants, huh? It's definitely going to be a fight. Isn't that a big danger?

"That's... yes..."

Marrao leaned over when he said that much. Squeeze your hands tight. I won't say anything. Then Haosui, who is being stroked by me, turns to Marao.

"... I'll be fine. If your friends are in trouble, I'll help you."

"... Hao"

I turn to Haosui with the look of Marao's delightful, and then sorry look.

"That being said, I can't do it in my current state of body. You know you're not feeling well enough, right? Going in that state is with dying."

"... I know. So..."

Hmm? Haosui turns her gaze on me...... ah!! I wonder what it is. I have chills in my spine. I know what Haosui will say next.

"... ask your husband. Help Mar."

I thought I'd say. Still, I kept stroking Meal and Haosui. Marao asks Haosui with a full look of surprise when he does so silently.

"Yea!! Hao, are you married?

"... not yet. But that will happen in the future. I'm sure. Absolutely. Firm Matters"

Is that a push for me? Mr. Grave and the others threw words at me one after the other as I laughed bitterly.

"Well, Wazz Boy would get it over with in no time. Congratulations."

"Now you're relieved. Congratulations."

"If you leave it to Master Waz, you'll be fine. Congratulations."

"Cui! Cui!

Why is everyone throwing their last words of thanks? We're not married yet!! I still have plans to!! Why have you already made up your mind!!

"... uh, I can't see the story..."

"... Mar, you can leave it to your husband. My husband is stronger than me."

"Yea!! Are you stronger than Hao?

Marrao sends a suspicious glance at me. Excuse me. I'm most often suspicious, but it's true. As for strength. I haven't been married yet. Believe me there.

"... please, sir. Help him."

Haosui begged me again. The expression is with me all the time but my eyes feel serious. You really want me to help a friend. Serious feelings have been conveyed. Well, there's a reason Haosui is in this state right now... is there?... Well, okay. Besides, I can feel you asking me to say no with such a serious look... can't help it...

"... ok. Fine, but we might have to work it out, right?

"... no problem"

Oh no, even if you don't have a problem with Haosui, you might have a problem with Marao!!

"Hao's husband will solve the problem if he will defeat Days. If you suppress the Beast as a strong man, we moderates will do something about it. I was originally going to leave that role to Hao."

Oh, that's the problem. Then can I do something about it?

That's how I headed with Marrao to the kingdom of the Beastman to the west.

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