Humanity has been defeated everywhere, and half of the living area has been subdued by demonic armies.

"This is the ground... not so bad"

And finally, at the corner of the Four Dukes, Abyss descends.

As General of the Ground Invasion Army, Avis commands his men aligned in front of him.

"Drive the humans away. Give the earth to our God."

On the orders of Abyss, one Marshal and three generals were dispatched to areas not yet under control.

It was an army led by Graozaam that landed on a continent where the Richter Empire was located.

They got to the western part of the continent. I didn't aim for this otherwise, it's just a coincidence.

"Let's crush this country first, then go east"

That's what Graozaam tells his men.

The first sacrifice was the kingdom.

"Move on, move on!

Glaotherm lets his men build the base and lowers back slowly.

I sent my disposable men as an advance party first, which quickly multiplied without the need for supplies.

"A demon! The great army of demons is attacking us!

The first contact was with a fort in the western part of the kingdom.

A fighter screams desperately and plunges the kingdom into confusion.

A decree rushes to the Wang Capital, but the completion of the siege of the Demon Army killed him quicker.

The western border fort cannot inform the country's centre of its suddenness, and is brutally attacked down by the Demon Army.

"Weak, weak. Something like this."

A whole bunch of demons who can speak human language twinkle with a smile of joy.

"Nice. Kill me more."

Express your own hopes while other demons get drunk on blood.

"We can kill more. Earth life is going to kill us all."

"It must be!

The demons did not suspect because they believed themselves to be the strong and the hunting side.

They have not been given detailed information and have been a winning streak since they attacked the ground.

Nature and our minds were getting bigger and we hadn't thought about the possibility of losing at all.

It was quite late for Wang Du to notice the anomaly.

It is large that the kingdom had a wide national territory to the east and west, and that magic equipment for communications was not prevalent on the border.

Examples are the underestimation of the border and the fact that the research and development of magic equipment was not as enthusiastic as that of the Empire.

The Demon Army swallowed the kingdom's edge, expanding its forces before beginning its march towards the big city in the east.

The Wang capital manages to get the news.

"The Demon Army is breaking up in three hands and moving towards three cities: Shar, Riggle and Etoile. Each is thought to be around 150,000!

"One hundred and fifty thousand each!?

The chief ministers of the king's capital who received the news were astonished.

"All three cities are major cities, and the fate of the country will be greatly overwhelmed by the loss of three."

"When you're a demon, do you understand such a strategy?

It is not uncommon for those who despise demons yet, even though they say that their opponent is an army in the demonic realm, but that they are failing much of the western part of the country.

"But this is your chance."

said one of sixteen Pillar Jie.

"Hit the leader of the enemy's army here and the enemy's chain of command will collapse. That would make it possible to rebel."

The main force of the Royal Army is still there.

What they say is hardly a mistake.

Fifty thousand strong royal armies and the private soldiers of each lord remain intact.

With some adventurers, I couldn't say that it would be impossible to reverse the disadvantage if only the chain of command were crushed.

"But you've lost everything so far, haven't you?

The king just doesn't hide his anxiety and sends his gaze blaming sixteen pillars.

"We hadn't gone out yet."

XVI Yingjie answered confidently.

"It's a losing streak without using trump cards and without using the army's elite. Territorial failure hurts only, but don't worry, Your Majesty, it's far from fatal."

The commander-in-chief of the army also makes a smile and tells the king.

"That's right..."

It is true that the main force has not fought in any way, so the king also regained some calm.

"Nice mouth, but it's also true that the army has lost everything so far, isn't it?

In a disgusting way, the Chancellor sprinkles cold water on Commander-in-Chief and sixteen Yingjie.

The annoying commander-in-chief says back.

"Rest assured. Defeat our brilliant Demon Army and unleash the territory that has been taken from you."


A word from the king determined the course of the story.

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