That Ordinary Mister is a War God

Abyss, Duke of the Demonic Realm

The demonic forces that emerged on the central continent were destroyed by the elites of all nations.

The Heads of State lament the enormous damage done, and they agree by making each other struggle and by continuing not to exercise vigilance against the demonic world.

On the other hand, the defeated demon soldier went to a certain place to report.

It is a castle with some of the most feared beings in the demonic world.

Sitting on the pink black throne was Abyss, the corner of the Four Dukes governing the demonic realm.

You look no different than a thirty year old or so person than you call a demon.

purple skin and disastrous golden eyes, plus black horns stretched from his forehead, black wings growing from his back

It's different from human beings.

"My lord... so far, gestures seem to be struggling everywhere"

"Is it? Life on earth is full of enemies."

Abyss says so and laughs lightly.

Unlike his compatriots, he did not wander about the creatures on earth.

"Any word on the hero now that he defeated Gepardu?

"I have no idea. Because of the abominable junction, we cannot invade the target point. Not even that.

I think I'm gonna hit you with my hand. "

The rapporteur gives an answer that sounds weak.

I was afraid they would be forgiven because they were Abyss.

If you say the same thing in front of the other dukes and marshals, they'll rip your body apart.

"Well, it's a long way off, but I'll use Marsley's hand, but it's lucky."

said Abyss.

Marsley is the Marshal's corner and the most cautious man.

Let us use the weak people who can go to the earth to keep the people of the earth out of our hands, and let them guide us.

"I can't say much about the accomplishments of an organization named The Hand of Darkness."

That is what the rapporteur said.

It is a statement made with the desire to let me know if there is a proposal to put it in place.

"Is it just one thing? Move the staff type. Let me make five more tissues."


Abyss' orders are virtually absolute to the people of the demonic kingdom.

In principle, the demon emperors say nothing to them, and the dukes do not interfere with each other.

"I'd like to be seen as one of the fierce men who defeated Gepardu if possible..."

Abyss said pleasantly.

"My top priority is to control the earth and give it to my God."

Crush the solitaire. He closes his eyes.

Waiting is not painful for Abyss, a people of the demonic world who only thinks for a moment, such as a year.

Not all of his compatriots were like him.

Those who are strong and faithful to my desires will make noise if they cannot wait.

You can send those men to the ground as an advance party.

Make it look like you're getting rid of grievances and getting rid of destabilizing elements.

Abyss is the most moderate of the four dukes of the demonic kingdom, but he does not condone being out of line with his will.

"Is that what Master Abyss said?"

Marshals and generals under Abyss shrug lightly.

Abyss was the absolute ruler for them.

Demonic emperors are objects of faith and slightly different from obedience.

Since the chain of command is different from that of the other dukes, I have no in-laws or obligations to obey.

"Marshal Marsley."

and General Hugo speaks up.

"Oh. Let Hilgen's operation go ahead. Graozaam, I need your help."

To Marsley's words, Graozaam shook his neck vertically with a nasty face.

"If it's Lord Abyss's decision, it's inevitable. I'd like to launch a more direct offensive."

"I'm telling you I need to be ready for that."

Marsley says it back just like that.

"Little by little, the ties of the gods are weakening. What we have done so far is not in vain."

"I hope so."

Glaozarm said sarcastically.

"As long as we can loosen the gods' boundaries, we can invade them directly, right? Are you dissatisfied with anything?

to Marsley's words. He shuts up.

"I agree, but being chipmunked doesn't suit my sexuality. We should send a large number of junior citizens."

and Marshal Laob insisted.

"I agree."

The majority, including Glaotherm, supported and Marsley sighed softly.

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