To be able to treat the Warring States as a naval marshal so seriously, and to be named a doctor, he only thought of one person.

Scientists who lead the world for [-] years by themselves: Vega Punk.

"It's the same substance as the intercolumnar cells that Miss Stucey injected just now."

The man suspected of Vegapunk carefully checked the intercolumnar cell that Sengoku handed him.

It didn't take long for him to give an answer.

"Lord Hokage, please forgive me.

This list is really too big, and I just work part-time.

Once something goes wrong, I can't bear this pot! "

Warring States was relieved, and then apologetically told the cans that there was no such thing as the King of Konoha Pot in the Navy Headquarters.

If something happened, there is no way to throw the blame on the king of the pot.

He can only carry it by himself.

"I understand!"

The can nodded.

After all, not everyone can be as happy as him.

In his career, he is not only the fourth Hokage of Konoha, but also the famous Konoha Pot King under his command.

In terms of love, he married Tsunade at the very beginning. Even if he is a married man, there are still many famous female ninjas such as Yuhika and others who fall in love with him.

"Let's continue!"

With the first successful case, Warring States is obviously more at ease.

This time, he exchanged five high-level Devil Fruits for five tubes of inter-column cells from the can, and then asked Bergapunk to check the inter-column cells one by one.

After confirming that the intercolumnar cells in his hand were all right, Sengoku immediately waved his hand proudly and handed the remaining four Devil Fruits to the can.

"Old Bei, are these intercolumnar cells all right?"

As soon as the deal was over, Garp asked Vega Punk anxiously.

At the same time, his name also made the cans confirm his conjecture just now.

Nine times out of ten, the man who was called Doctor by Sengoku and Old Pei by Garp was Vega Punk.

"Is there a problem, I don't know.

If you ask me if these ten tubes of intercolumnar cells are the same as those injected by Miss Stucci, then I can answer you.

It is indeed the same substance! "

As soon as Vegapunk's voice fell, Garp violently grabbed a cell between the pillars from Sengoku's hand, and punched it directly into his arm.

"Whitebeard, your tailwind is over.

The old man is about to lead the navy to make a comeback! "

Karp grinned at Whitebeard as soon as he pulled out the empty tube.

He has been looking at the old man for a long time.

Why is everyone in their seventies, the old man with the white beard can be all-powerful and dance on his chassis just now.

Now that the intercolumnar cells were injected, he just happened to get the bad anger out.

"I'm waiting for you!"

Whitebeard gave Garp a disdainful glance, and then continued to lower his head to study the wooden escape scroll.

He was injected with intercolumnar cells.

Clearly it will take a while for this thing to fully work.

During this time, it was just time for him to crawl.

Having just left the illiterate class, he does not expect himself to learn every ninjutsu on the Quanmu Dun scroll in a short period of time. He only intends to specialize in one or two wood escape ninjutsu, which can be used to deal with the problems of Karp and Sengoku. pair of gold combinations.

"Lord Hokage, since this deal is over, should you keep your promise and quit the war between our navy and the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Sengoku glared at Garp, but didn't yell at him either.

After all, in the face of Whitebeard injected with intercolumnar cells, their navy must have someone injecting intercolumnar cells to fight against it.

And this guy is best between him and Karp.

As for the generals of Akainu and the others... Forget it, hitting the intercolumnar cells is also a vain hit.

The three generals were already at their peak, and even if they attacked the inter-column cells, they would not be so powerful.

This kind of fetish can only be used to its greatest effect on him or Garp.

"I've always been the most committed person.

If you say quit the top war, then you must quit. "

The can nodded.

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