"Cut, I'm waiting!"

Who is Whitebeard?

When he didn't use the intercolumnar cells, he dared to make waves in Marin Vatican like a seventy-year-old sick man.

Not to mention that intercolumn cells are now used.

Even if Sengoku and Garp join forces, he doesn't take it seriously.

[@飛機,skirt friend Baibeard has started a voice chat with you, do you want to answer? 】

Standing in the middle of the two major forces, the cans who were admiring with relish the white beard, Karp, and the Warring States period when the remnants of the era were more than [-] years old were waging a torment battle suddenly froze, and then he turned towards Whitebeard without a trace. look.

Looking at it, I found that Whitebeard was still focused on fighting Sengoku and Garp.

"This old man!"

The corner of the can's mouth was slightly raised, and then he answered the voice chat quietly sent by Whitebeard.

"Tan Can, I'm a little panicked!"

As soon as the voice chat was connected, Whitebeard's voice came.

Fortunately, the voice chat and video chat of Wanjie Chatiao Skirt do not need to actually speak, just recite it in your heart, and the other party can hear it.

"Are you panic? Then you're still so dragged? Do you want a two-for-one?

You are just a father, do you still consider yourself a father Kai?

However, I see that you were a fierce group with the momentum of one scolding and two just now! "

The can smirked.

When he saw Whitebeard sent him a voice chat, he knew that Whitebeard was a little cowardly.

"Stinky boy, I'm not in this situation because of you?

If it weren't for you to do some live broadcast and bring goods, holding a group of pillar cells to trade with the Warring States period, would Lao Tzu be as passive as he is now?

I said you can't wait for Lao Tzu to save Ace, and then all the people retreat before negotiating with Garp and the others?

At most, Lao Tzu will act lightly and not kill them all! "

Whitebeard cursed angrily.

Chapter 67 Whitebeard: I can't read, how can I learn Mu Dun?

"If it wasn't at such a critical juncture, how could they be willing to trade with me for a superior devil fruit?

Of course, under the mighty oppression of your white beard, they will only pay to buy it from me when they see the power of the intercolumnar cells!

Do not worry!

I don't think the two old men Garp and Sengoku will beat you to death. At most, they are half-crippled and then locked up. "

The cans couldn't help making fun of Whitebeard.

"Bullshit! Don't think I don't know all those twists and turns in your mind.

Bilian is shameless, Aizen is insidious, but your kid is really vicious.

You came to Lao Tzu's world from a long distance, not just to help boxing and live broadcast to bring goods.

Come on, what do you want me to do for you? "

The white-bearded old man has long seen through your tone.

"Don't worry! As long as you nod, old man, I guarantee that even if Garp and Sengoku used the intercolumnar cells, they would still be pressed and rubbed by you on the ground!"

cans said.

"Okay, although your kid is vicious enough, you haven't lied to me!"

Whitebeard nodded.

[The skirt friend can send a red envelope, please check it! 】

"This kid is really the lord who can't see a rabbit but not a hawk!"

When Baibeard saw that he had just nodded his head, the cans sent him a red envelope, and he couldn't help but scolded in his heart.

[You have opened the red envelope of your skirt friend's cans and obtained: Water of Heroes × 1, Wooden Dun Scroll × 1, "Shadow-level Cultivation Strategy" × 1, extra-large intercolumnar cell × 1. "

Despite the scolding, his body still opened the red envelope very honestly.

"What the hell is this water of heroes?"

Whitebeard asked in a low voice.

"The treasure produced in Longyin Village, a drink that can make people's chakra skyrocket ten times, or even dozens of times, after drinking it, but the price is death!"

Hearing the words of the can, Whitebeard's hand holding the water of heroes couldn't help shaking.

Emotional Lao Tzu will take his life as soon as he regains his youth.

Could it be that I was destined to die in this war?

"Don't worry, that's a side effect of the original version of Heroic Water.

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