intercolumnar cells and... how much is this thing worth?

There are hundreds of pipes in his house.

If it wasn't for Orochimaru alone who could produce this new type of intercolumnar cell, and Orochimaru had to focus on other research, it is estimated that there would be more than one hundred and dozens of tubes in his warehouse.

"We can give you an advanced nature devil fruit!

I think even the right wrist of One Piece, Raleigh, the Hades who has been to Rafdrew, will never be able to come up with so many advanced Devil Fruits! "

Sengoku's face sank, but he didn't dare to get angry.

"Natural and unnatural are not important, what matters is my face.

Seeing that the five old stars came to me to do business with sincerity, although I don't have many cells between the columns in my hand, I will find a way to get them five more tubes afterwards! "

The can shook his head.

What do people live for?

Isn't it money, women, power, face, and power?

He has all four of these five things.

Of course, pay attention.

After all, he has never eaten the face fruit, but he has to earn back a little bit of his face.

"Please wait for a moment, Your Excellency Hokage, I want to ask Lord Five Old Stars!"

After the Warring States said to the cans, he immediately took out the phone bug, and then reported the transaction situation to the five old stars like no one else.

Zhang Chulan: "Cow, Boss Yi La's operation! He actually turned the battlefield into a shopping mall!"

Aizen Sosuke: "High! Your Excellency Naruto is a genius! Not only can you easily get the treasures of the pirate world, but you can also gain a transcendent status."

Esdes: "Hokage, Pirate No. [-], and the only middleman, just eating the price difference will kill him!"

Zhang Chulan: "Using the most valuable pillar cells in his hand to pack and take away all the top Devil Fruits in the Pirate World, after this order is placed, Boss Yi La will take off."

Whitebeard: "Emotion, this kid came to Lao Tzu's world with so many inter-pillar cells, just for this purpose!"

At this time, the group of skirt friends still can't see the purpose of the cans going to the pirate world.

It's one thing to help a fist with Whitebeard, and it's another thing to dance in a pirate.

The key is to use intercolumnar cells to buy Devil Fruits!

Seeing this, even Aizen Soyousuke couldn't help but feel envious.

Dominate the commodity trading rights of the two worlds.

For this alone, the can has become the fastest-growing bigwig in the skirt chat.

At least, after this order is finalized, his Aizen Soyousuke will be far behind the cans.

"No, we must vigorously develop world commerce. Only by communicating with other skirt friends in the world can we stand in the position of the first brother of skirt chat!"

Aizen Soyousuke watched the cans that were talking about a big deal through the live broadcast, and made up his mind secretly.

After watching this time-travel live broadcast, he will do a wave of cans.

Chapter 64 I'm an old driver, what do you mean by giving me Yang Wulei?

Can: "What do you want to sell, I can bring it for you!"

Zhang Chulan: "Fuck! Boss Yi La, you are going to be the first person to bring goods live in our skirt chat!"

Esdes: "Are you sure?"

Can: "Of course, everyone is a member of the skirt chat. It's really good for you and me to be good to everyone!"

Zhang Chulan: "Ask weakly, boss Yi La, do you charge for bringing goods?"

Can: "Which anchor have you seen that don't charge for the goods? Well, let's not talk nonsense, the pirate's journey of bringing goods will start immediately, and whoever wants to bring goods, please chat with me privately!"

Sure enough, you still have to pay!

Zhang Chulan, Esdes and others couldn't help but complain.

But the spit returns to spit, and through a live broadcast of the top war, they have been eyeing the good things in the pirate world.

Not to mention the Devil Fruit, the physical skills that run through the mountains, the swordsmanship that splits the sea, and the domineering three-color pirate specialty are enough for them to be moved.

"Oops, one step at a time, one step at a time!

Once Tian Ren started the business of bringing goods through live broadcasts, it would be equivalent to holding the lifeblood of world trading by him! "

Zhang Chulan and the others only saw the fees charged for live streaming of cans, but Aizen Sou Youjie saw the terrifying threat hidden behind the live streaming of cans.

But it was helpless, even if he talked about the idea of ​​​​cans in the skirt chat, it was useless.

At present, the first skirt friend to complete the journey through the world of pirates is only one can.

Even if he asks Whitebeard for help, it will be useless to break the monopoly of cans in live streaming.

Just the fact that the cans went to help the fist was enough to show loyalty, and Whitebeard, who didn't talk much, refused him.

Just when Aizen Soyousuke was struggling with how to break the monopoly of live-streaming cans, Esdes, who pursues power and desires to go deep into the bone marrow, has started a private chat with cans.

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