At this moment, Akainu shouted in vain, and his whole body turned into a mass of magma and sputtered in all directions.

Although Kizaru's sneak attack did not work, it was not without results.

After the punch that was going to land on his head was forcibly received by Kizaru with his face, he successfully seized the opportunity and managed to squeeze it out of Whitebeard's fingerprints by using the properties of the rock berry's solid fluid.

"Kizuna, you and Akainu deal with Whitebeard!

Leave the others to the old man! "

The voice of the Warring States suddenly came from the rear.

Immediately afterwards, he flicked the marshal's coat, revealing a hardcover of aged tendons.

Obviously, whether it was the appearance of the soda can or the white beard who hit the intercolumnar cells, he completely disrupted his deployment.

Let him, the admiral who had hardly made a splash in the original top war, had to end in person.


Do you also want to besiege Lao Tzu? "

Whitebeard didn't care when Akainu slipped away.

The round of madness just now had let out all the anger in his heart.

For the urine of the Navy, he has become accustomed to it for decades.

As the strongest man in the world, when did he fight someone without being besieged?

In the "Strategy of War on the Top" written by the can, it is not also recorded that before Akainu singled out him, the [-]-year-old sick ghost, he also asked the maelstrom spider to give him a knife, and then let the yellow monkey and the green pheasant take turns. I came to consume a wave, and finally felt that there was no problem, so I rolled up my sleeves and stepped forward to "bully" this [-]-year-old sick ghost!

"The two generals will give you the funeral in person.

Do you like this grand funeral?White beard! "

Although Akainu was beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face, he immediately regained his iron-headed posture as soon as he got up from the ground.

"Don't blame us for being mean!

Being able to be besieged by two generals at the same time is also our affirmation for you.

After all, you are the strongest man in the world! "

These words were said by Qingzhi, and it was awe-inspiring.

But when it came out of the mouth of the yellow monkey, it gave people a wretched and sinister feeling.

"I won't call you despicable.

On the contrary, for the sake of the two of you being little brats, I will give you two more hands! "

Whitebeard crossed his chest with his arms and looked down at Kizaru and Akainu proudly.

Obviously, through the skirt chat, he learned the essence of pretending from the can!

As soon as Akainu gave him a chance, he, the strongest man in the world, decided to attack Madam Madam!

"Whitebeard, you are courting death!"

Akainu was furious on the spot.

What day is today?

Why are people and ghosts running out to pretend?

First, the cans regarded him and Aokiji as two pieces of dust, and then to Whitebeard, he and Kizaru had to have two hands.

"Why don't you say that you don't even need to shake the fruit!"

The yellow ape was angry.

"Okay, I will put the words here today, not only let you two hands, but also a shocking fruit!"

Whitebeard's words not only stunned Kizaru and Akainu, but also stunned the captains of Marco.

Chapter 56 Dad, don't waver!

"Dad, this is a joke!"

After Diamond Joze smashed Lieutenant General Ghost Spider with a punch, he shouted at Whitebeard excitedly.

"Don't waver! Dad!"

If it wasn't for the Warring States under the execution stand who were eyeing him, Margao would have flown back to Whitebeard at this time, preventing him from turning on the tailwind mode!

"Whitebeard, are you kidding me?"

Akainu recovered from his stupor and couldn't help but ask.

He felt humiliated when he just said to let them both hands.

But now Whitebeard doesn't even need Zhenzhen fruit, which makes him smell the conspiracy.

"You don't need to use your hands and you don't need to shake the fruit, so how can you fight us?"

Kizaru looked up and down Whitebeard, as if to determine if he was joking.

"Gu la la la, of course it's like this!"

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