He obviously ate the frozen fruit, and the thing he was most afraid of was water!

But now, he was in a hurry by the waves entwined with lightning in front of him.

"Don't look down on the Admiral!"

Akainu, who was holding a nameless fire, couldn't hold back any longer, and broke out on the spot:

"Magma is the superior of fire!

Even if you live with the wind, my lava can burn you down! "

Akainu roared, his arms turned into magma fists.

As the superior's armed arrogance swept out, he kept punching the huge waves of flames that roared like a mad dog.

Each of his punches not only has the terrifying high temperature that burns the flames, but also the terrifying punching power that can even pierce a mountain.

After a few punches, the fiery, violent punches not only shattered the waves of fire in front of them, but also penetrated the air, sweeping a majestic magma that slammed straight to the door of the can.

At the same time, Aokiji also condensed an ice blade.

Under the arrogance of the armed color, it was just a knife.

Thunder and lightning, the tsunami was split in half in an instant, and then it froze into an iceberg.

"Can, be careful.

The green pheasant kid and the magma kid are about to get real.

Although their fruit ability is suppressed by you, with the increase in the domineering of the superior armed color, they can even restrain you in turn! "

The white beard, who had been standing on the bow of the boat with his hands raised and quietly looking at the cans, had his eyes slightly condensed, and immediately reminded him.

Although Devil Fruit has the ability to restrain, it is not absolute.

Just like Aokiji, although he is restrained by magma and fire, he can still easily freeze magma in nature with his powerful strength, and even volcanic bombs ejected by volcanic eruptions can be frozen into ice cubes.

"It's okay, old man!

My front side is absolutely invincible! "

The cans looked at the red dog and the green pheasant who were killed by a magma fist and an ice knife. Their expressions were as indifferent as water. It was not the two generals who were besieging him by the Buddha, but as he said, they were just two grains of dust that were indistinguishable to the naked eye. .

Aizen Susuke: "Whitebeard, don't talk to him anymore, didn't you make it clear that you set a stage for him to pretend?"

Zhang Chulan: "Captain Lan Ran... It's so pitiful!"

Esders: "Is this the line he came up with again? It sounds really cultured! I want you to help me design a few lines."

Aizen Susuke: "And you... Your Excellency Hokage! You're not done yet, so I'm begging you, isn't it?"

Aizen Sosuke: "Let's just pretend to be here today? You have to leave me a few lines, right?"

Seeing that the cans were carefully prepared by him, and planned to use the lines that he planned to use in the future, Aizen Soyousuke couldn't help but sprouted. He immediately took the knife and slaughtered Rukia Kuchiki, and then took the Bengyu, and then immediately and Gotei The impulse of the thirteenth division to go to war!

He was afraid that he would linger on the original plan for a few more days. In the future, when he broke with the Gotei Thirteenth Division and ruled the virtual circle, he would be embarrassed to find that all his coercion was finished in cans, leaving him no coercion. !

Whitebeard: "Although the dancer is not Lao Tzu, but Lao Tzu still has the feeling that he has done something very outrageous."

Aizen Sangyousuke: "Whitebeard, I think Aizen owes you a favor. You will end me now, and you can't dance for Lord Hokage anymore."

Whitebeard: "But... I let the pots come from far away, can't stop him from having fun? Look how happy he is to please the magma kid and the green pheasant kid!"

Zhang Chulan: "Father, if I remember correctly, Ace seems to have been hammered to death by Akainu!"

White beard:"……"

Zhang Chulan: "Dad, I remember correctly, after you were stabbed by the maelstrom spider, Akainu immediately ran over to you for a duel!"

White beard:"……"

A loud and bright knife sounded in vain, and the eardrums of Akainu and Aokiji were buzzing.

Before the two could react, a knife light that split the atmosphere rolled up a violent invisible airflow and fell from the sky.

Whether it was the magma shock wave from Akainu or the ice slash from Aokiji, they were all extremely vulnerable in front of this blade of light.

Just a face-to-face, the magma shock wave and the ice slash that attacked the cans were already shattered by the knife light that fell from the sky.

"White beard!"

Akainu paused for a while, first glanced at the supremely sharp knife deeply inserted in front of him: Cong Yunqi, and then his gaze fell on the white beard who leaped down from the bow.

Chapter 52 The Strongest Man in the World He... He's going to pretend

"The strongest man in the world... Can you finally resist?"

Warring States on the execution platform saw the white beard suddenly wave Cong Yunqie, and his eyes suddenly became extremely solemn.

Even Akainu noticed that Whitebeard suddenly developed a second time, and his face became much younger. As an old rival with Whitebeard from small to big, how could he not notice the change in Whitebeard's face.

"What on earth did he experience with Whitebeard?"

Karp's eyes were only slowly curious.

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