It is no longer a problem for Whitebeard to hang Akainu without being stabbed by the Maelstrom Spider.

Now Whitebeard has also fused intercolumnar cells...

In this regard, apart from blessing Akainu, the cans can't think of anything else that can be done for Akainu.

"You sure didn't lie to me!"

After Whitebeard calmed down, he felt the unprecedented change in his body, and immediately clicked the send function of the private chat window.

"Ding~ My skirt friend Whitebeard sent you a file, do you accept it?"

"take over!"

After the can agreed, a Devil Fruit flew out of the chat window and fell into his palm.

"Is this the shaking fruit?"

The can held the Zhenzhen fruit, looked at it for a while, and then took a bite.

The taste is just like the legend... It's even worse than eating Xiang!

"what are you eating?"

At this moment, a pair of jade bracelets wrapped around the neck of the can.

It turned out that Tsunade, who was sleeping in his arms just now, had woken up.

"This is……"

After the cans finished eating the Zhenzhen fruit, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

At the same time, a huge explosion sounded outside the window interrupting his words.

"Whitebeard, I have a task at my disposal, let's talk back!"

The can first replied to Whitebeard in the private chat window, and then let go of Tsunade who was already a wife in his arms and said:

"There's something wrong with Minato Namikaze, I'll come back later and tell you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he grabbed the clothes beside him, and before Tsunade could speak, the person disappeared from the bed.

"Idiot, even if I get married, I'm still Konoha's Sannin!"

Tsunade scolded lightly, and then used the palm immortality technique to heal the pain of breaking the melon, then quickly put on the battle uniform and rushed towards the Minato Namifeng.


When the cans used the Flying Thunder God technique to come to the door of Minato Namikaze's house, what caught his eye was a sea of ​​fire, and Minato Namikaze bursting out of the fire with a baby in his arms.

"what happened?"

The can stretched out his hand and pulled the wave wind water gate.

"The fourth generation, someone broke the barrier, and his goal should be the nine tails!"

When Namikaze Minato mentioned the Nine Tails, his eyes were full of worry.

"Kushina was caught?"

The can's eyes turned slightly cold.

Not to mention that he is the shadow of Konoha, just saying that the other party dared to come to snatch the nine tails on his big day, the night of the bridal chamber, is enough for him to sentence the attacker to death in his heart.


Namikaze Minato nodded gloomily.

"You place the child first, and I will deal with that guy!"

As the can said, he flicked his fingers to the ground.

He has the ability to suppress the wind and water gate and win the position of the fourth Hokage.

In addition to his skills in the art of flying thunder gods, he also possesses a perception ability that is no less than that of the second-generation Hokage.

In the flash of light and flint, the can has already sensed the position of the whirlpool Kushina, and jumped space to chase after it.

"Please, Fourth Generation!"

Namikaze Minato saw that the cans arrived at the first time on the big day, and he was even more impressed by the fourth-generation Hokage of the cans.

If the two sides are reversed, it is estimated that even if he is not immersed in Wenrou Township, he will probably be late.

On the other side, in the forest far away from Konoha Hidden Village, a man wearing a mask threw Uzumaki Kushina on the ground, and then quickly formed a seal.

"You really want to fight the Nine-Tails!

Hmph, I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise when the fourth generation and Minato come, not only will you not get the Nine-Tails, but you won't even have to leave. "

Although he was in a dangerous situation, Uzumaki Kushina was not afraid at all.

Chapter 5 A few dishes, drink like this!

"God forbearance?

Truly a tough character!

But Minato Nami can't save you, and neither can he! "

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