After thinking hard for a long time, the soda can also thought of going to war.

Only the Fourth Ninja World War can embellish a little passion for his simple and tasteless Naruto life!

"Uncle Yun, Lu Jiu!"

As soon as the idea of ​​destroying the village came out, the cans could not stop the car.

Sitting on the Hokage chair, he just opened his mouth and roared, and the two Anbu who were hiding around quickly rushed to summon Sayun Hatake and Shikahisa Nara.

In no time, whether it was Sayun Hatake, who went to arrange the reconstruction of the Hokage Building, or Shikahisa Nara, who was taking care of the newborn child at home, they all arrived at the Hokage office that was overwhelmed by Susanoo of Uchiha Fugaku.

"You said that if I were to choose one of the Shijo Ninja villages to fight, who would be better?"

After seeing the two coming over, the cans went straight to the point.


"Lord Naruto, are you going to start the fourth ninja war?"

Hatake Sayun and Nara Shikahisa were shocked when they heard the words, and they were stunned.

Is this too sudden?

Thinking of the seriousness of the Ninja World War, both of them were shocked into a cold sweat.

"The ninja world's cake is so big.

Five ninja villages are not enough.

The fourth ninja war broke out, and that was a matter of time.

That being the case, I might as well kill one of the Ninja villages now. "

The can said it as a matter of course, without any concern that once his words were spread, it would set off a storm in the ninja world.

In fact, it wasn't all because he was idle and bored that he wanted to go to war.

The plan to destroy the Four Great Ninja Villages and let the Konoha family dominate was decided long before he ascended the position of the fourth generation.

Now it's just a little bit ahead of schedule.

"Although I don't know what prompted the fourth generation of adults to have such an idea, I suggest that you consider it carefully, and it is best to give up this idea first."

Nara Shikahisa glanced at the can, and thought to himself which one is this guy playing!

As one of the people who almost grew up with soda cans.

He really understands the temperament of the fourth generation of cans.

When I was still in ninja school, I was better when I didn't graduate.

After graduating from the cans and making his name in the [-]rd World War, this guy started to float.

Baked and eaten the half-god and half-stored sansho fish, and made a [-]-person group of Chiyo’s mother-in-law into a figurine. Let’s not talk about it, the most classic one is the operation of sneaking into Wuyin Village. The three tails from Yakura Tachibana's body were pulled out, and she also prostituted the first genius of Kirikin's family: Terumi Mei.

For this reason, he did not spare the cans and wipe his ass!

"I don't take your advice!"

All childhood playmates.

The cans did not put on the shelf of Hokage, and directly rejected Nara Shikahisa's suggestion.

"I knew it would be like this!"

Faced with this statement of the can, Nara Shikahisa could only helplessly cover his forehead.

"Fourth generation adults, even if you don't accept Lu Jiu's suggestion, it's still a must for this war!"

Sayun Hatake saw that Nara Shikhisa was the first to die in battle, so he could only end the game himself to dispel the dangerous idea of ​​​​cans.


Am I not strong enough? "

The cans looked at Sagumo Hatake.

Facing his rhetorical question, Hatake Sayun didn't know how to answer.

Said cans are not strong?

During the Third World War, there were only five shadows in the five major ninja villages in the ninja world.

Four of them died at his hands.

It is said that even the third Hokage was almost killed by him in a conflict with the soda can.

In the face of this veritable Five Shadow Killer, even if Sayun Hatake wanted to dispel the terrifying idea of ​​​​destroying the village from the can, it was difficult to say that he was not strong in his conscience.

"You are strong!"

Nara Shikahisa could only come out to answer the call.

"What's the problem then?"

The can said inexplicably.

"It's not a question of whether you are strong or not.

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