The overnight drive did not disrupt the normal routine of the fourth-generation Hokage.

On the second day of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, he just slept with Tsunade until five o'clock in the afternoon, and arrived at the Hokage Building on time before leaving get off work.

In this regard, Hatake Sayun, who was already waiting in the office, was not surprised.

As one of the elders who watched the cans graduate from the ninja school and grew up all the way, he already knew the basics about the cans.

In Sayun Hatake's view, although the fourth generation of cans can be called the most powerful Hokage in Konoha's history, it is also the Hokage with the most undisciplined and most enjoyable style.

"Uncle Yun, it's so early!"

As soon as the cans entered the office, they waved hello to Sayun Hatake.

"Fourth generation, you are now Hokage.

Just call me by my name. "

Hatake Saun's heart warmed slightly.

For the Hokage of the can, he recognized it from the bottom of his heart.

Not to mention anything else, if it wasn't for the cans, he would have walked faster than Uchiha Obito last night in the fishing reel incident back then. He had already killed himself in self-blame and guilt.

It was also thanks to the can that stated Konoha's two wills: the will of fire and the will of the pot buried in the depths of Konoha.

Let him clearly understand the law of Hokage that if there is a pot, it must be Danzo.

He was able to recover from the endless guilt.

"You will also say, I am Hokage.

Now Konoha is the biggest, I can call you whatever I like to call you.

Who can control me?

Two consultants, do you think my words make sense? "

While talking about the can, he still kept his eyes on Mito Kadome and Koharu who were behind him.

"Respecting the old and loving the young is a virtue, okay!"

Being stared at by the can, Mito Kaoru coughed softly.

"Zuoyun, since the fourth generation said so, don't refuse."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun also followed.

Whether it was the third generation of Sarutobi Hizan or the fifth generation of Tsunade in the future, when the two of them were in power, the two of them chattered a lot.

But when they got to the cans, they didn't dare to rely on the old and sell the old, let alone make a few more beeps.

Without him, on the first day of the cans, he would dismiss them and send them back to old age, so that they would not dare to have any objection to the words of the cans.

"Okay, then I'll take care of it."

Hatake Sayun saw that the two of them, Xiaochun and Xiaochun, who had worn his little shoes a lot in the past, had low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and he was also secretly happy.

This is also the Hokage who reached the top with the strength of the can.

With other people, it is estimated that these immortals would have jumped out and pointed fingers.

"Let's get down to business, when Uchiha brought the soil and cholera Konoha last night, what was the reaction from the pot king?"

The can reached out and tapped the table.

The two advisors, Koharu and Mito Kadoka, immediately shut up and stood quietly behind.

The two of them knew very well that if they wanted to stabilize their positions, they would be less beeping and doing more things.

"As expected by the fourth generation, after you issued the wartime alert, the pot... Danzo consultant immediately withdrew all the root ninjas, and did not put the root ninjas into the combat position according to your order."

Hatake Sayun almost habitually said the word pot king.

In response to this, Mito Gate Yan and the two on one side looked at the nose and the heart with their eyes, and they didn't hear anything.

"It seems that our pot king seems to have a little free time recently.

When I cleaned up Kyuubi last night, I seemed to hear him say what is Danzo? "

The can's eyes flashed an imperceptibly cold color.

In the past, Mito Menyan, who had been frowning with Danzang, heard it, let alone debate with Danzang. At this time, they didn't even dare to take a breath, so they could only silently say in their hearts: I wish You are happy, Danzo!

"Fourth generation adults, in addition to the pot... Danzo advisor, there was a ninja family last night that did not follow your orders."

Hatake Saoyun heard the words, and also knew that the pot king was going to suffer again.

He had no sympathy for this.

After being enlightened by soda cans back then, he had already realized a truth.

Don't worry about right or wrong, if the pot is thrown at the pot king, that's right.


The can's eyes narrowed slightly, but he already had the answer in his heart.

"The Uchiha family!"

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