"Don't thank me.

Not to mention that as the fourth Hokage, I should protect the people and things of Konoha.

Just because Chong Kushina had taught me the sealing technique back then, she... I had to save her. "

The can waved his hand.

When he crossed over to Hokage, let alone plug-ins, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was unarmed.

In addition to learning from Tsunade's medical ninjutsu and magic power, the first secret technique he came into contact with was the sealing technique from Uzumaki Kushina.

"Thank you!"

Even though the cans said that, whether it was Namikaze Minato or Uzumaki Kushina, they still expressed their gratitude to the cans again and again.

"Okay, the trouble has been resolved.

You can take Kushina back to recover. "

The can nodded, then turned his attention to Uchiha Obito.

"Fourth generation adults, although it is a bit arrogant to say that, I still want to ask, what are you going to do with Obito?"

When Namikaze Minato caught the fleeting murderous intent in the eyes of the can, his heart sank.

After all, Obito was the student he brought out with one hand.

"Konoha's prison will not accept him."

The words of the can shattered the last fluke in Minato Namiba's heart, and then walked to Uchiha Obito.

Not to mention that Uchiha Obito attacked Konoha, and he just rushed to the other party and dared to come to make trouble in his bridal chamber, and he had no reason to let Uchiha Obito go.

It should be the knife that Uchiha Obito will take, and that is a knife that cannot be missed.

"Unparalleled speed in the world!

Strong... strong enough to smash the tailed beast jade head on!

Flying Thunder God who jumps into space at will!

Enough to tame the deterrent of the Nine Tails!

It turns out... this is Tennin! "

Uchiha Obito heard the footsteps, and the corner of his mouth raised a bit of bitterness.

The series of feats, such as two defeats by the hands of Tian Ren, smashing the tailed beast jade, taming the nine tails, etc., were like a big mouth again and again, and slapped him in the face.

Let him wake up from the bloated, arrogant.

At this point, he understood.

Tennin is tenacious after all.

It's not something that he can touch after learning from Madara Uchiha for a few years.

Chi Chi

After the cans walked in front of Uchiha Obito, he quietly looked at the man who was three times as strong as black, and then his right hand clenched into a fist.

With his five fingers, the atmosphere around him suddenly vibrated strongly.

"Aren't you interested why I'm like this?

Don't you want to know who gave me the power I have now? "

Although Uchiha Obito was blind, he felt a force that destroyed the earth engulfed in the can's fist.

"No need!

Whether it's a conspiracy or the person behind you, it's just a matter of spending a few more punches. "

As soon as the can's voice fell, his right hand slammed out.

"and many more!"

Namikaze Minato dodged, reaching out and grabbing the can's wrist.

"Don't forget, in addition to being the ninja of Konoha, you are also the husband of Uzumaki Kushina and the father of your newly born son!"

The cans glared sideways at Minato Minato.

"Sorry, Obito is my student after all.

Four generations of adults, please hand him over to me! "

Namikaze Minato knelt down on one knee.

"it is good!"

The can took a deep look at Namikaze Minato, and then dissipated the shock from his fist.

"You're doing this because of Lynn!"

Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Obito with complicated eyes.

"You don't deserve Tilin's name!"

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