Chapter Fifty-Nine The True Meaning of the Sun! Cyan other side flowers!!

“You don’t need your supervision, do you?”

Chestnut Flower Fall Chanahu tilted her head and asked.

“Ah, no.”

Matitaya Shikiya felt that she was going to be unable to hold back.

How can such a thing require concubine supervision!!! How long are your brain circuits??!! 】

Even if Issei Yashiki is very smart, it is difficult to compete with people like Kurihana Rakura Kanehu, who does not play cards according to common sense.

Natural gram belly black, belly black coat pride, this is the truth since ancient times.

“You don’t need the supervision of the lord…”

Karihana nodded her head as if she understood it, since she didn’t need the supervision of the lord, then her actions could be much freer.

“Wait… What are you doing? ”

Look towards Kanzaki Yō

There is also the chestnut flower of Kanroji Temple Miri who walked past Kanahu, and the matita Shiki took a step back.

She felt that she was indeed not suitable to deal with such a person as Chanel’s unpredictable movements.

“Huh? I’m going to? I’m going to……… Upside-down weeping willows? ”

Chestnut Flower Fall Kanehu thought about it and used an academic term that appeared in the memory of a future branch.

“Upside-down weeping willows? Isn’t this a chapter from the story of the Ancient Kingdom of the East? ”

Katsuya Shiki said it was difficult to understand.

“Specifically, that’s it…”

In the astonished eyes of Katsuya Shikiya, Kuroka Rakura joins in the battle between Kanzaki Yoshi and Kanroji Temple Miri in a silent and silent manner.

[Stupid, why are you wearing clothes?] 】

[So, is this the so-called upside-down weeping willow?] 】

[There is really nothing wrong with saying that it is a willow, straight, tough, hard, and the branches of the willow.] 】


Matitaya Shikiya only felt that she had grown.

She felt that she was extremely shallow at this time, and it turned out that all that knowledge was true

It turned out that what was taught in the family was just not completely correct.

For example, the point of asking the wife to serve her husband and untie his clothes is a great disagreement with the maternity house.

She has been practiced and proven in the memory of future branches as well as in the practice of the present.

Fu Jun does not like to untie loose clothes………

The kind of person who likes to wear clothes all the time……… Better not take off your socks………


It’s still daytime.

Today’s day, the time is a bit long.

“How long have I been asleep?”

After Kanzaki finished his business, he looked at the side of the maternity house.

There was no way, the Ganlu Temple honey glass and chestnut flower fell Kanahu both slept, and only asked the night of the Hui.

“Lord Yang, if you are talking about the time from the time you fall asleep until you wake up, it should be two hours.”

Sanya Shikiya responded respectfully.

Seeing that Katsuya had reacted in this way, Kanzaki just waved his hand.

“Don’t be so rigid, just call me Lord Jun, after all, I think you should also prefer this title.”

Kanzaki smiled and shook his head.

Of course, he could see that the reason why Ganlu Temple Miri dared to come to him today and silently gave him a knee pillow was because of the maternity house in front of him.

In the memory of the future branch of Kanroji Temple, it had never dared to express itself, or Yashiki saw it and took the initiative to send it with Katsuya Shikiya.

And the reason why Katsuya Shikiya brought Kanroji Miri over was also clear to Kanzaki Yoshi.

Isn’t it necessary to help the hostess serve the hostess when the hostess is not good?

Katsuya Shikiya definitely felt a strong sense of threat in Kanae and Shinobu, which is why she made such a move.

Therefore, Kanzaki felt that he needed to reassure her.

“Yes, sir, concubines like this title.”

Midoriya Shikiya smiled and saluted, and she was very satisfied with this reply.

“Okay, then I’ll keep working.” You keep working, right? Didn’t your father already give you the job of the Ghost Squad? This is trust in you, and you have to be worthy of your father’s trust in you. ”

Kanzaki Yang instructed

After saying this, Kanzaki Yang disappeared in the same place.

He had noticed the anomaly.

He didn’t have much time, and he had to wipe out all the ghosts in the world before things developed into an uncontrollable situation!

“Today’s daylight hours are 2 hours longer than theoretically, if my guess is not wrong…”

“In just a few tens of days, the life of ghosts will disappear on the surface. Disappeared together……… And humans. ”

“Forget it, it’s useless to think about this kind of thing, first make sure that you can do a good job Kanzaki Yang squinted his eyes and started working again.”

Three days later.

Kanzaki Hiroshi successfully controlled all the forces in the world.

The members of the Ghost Slayer also completed their initial education and were sent around the world by Kanzaki Yoshi according to the established area.

The practice of portable ghost detectors was taught by Kanzaki Yang to the Ghost Squad, whose members spread their methods of making them around the world.

Wuxia is mainly active in Fuso in the Orient, but this does not mean that there are no ghost tribes around the world.

Once the ghost’s breath is queried, the location and intelligence will reach Kanzaki within a few minutes.

During the Taisho period, the limited telephone had been invented for fifty years, initially popularizing the Western world.

As for the place where there is no telephone line, Kanzaki Yang is helpless, and he can only temporarily arrange some communication arrays to maintain communication.

After all, Kanzaki Yang’s strength was limited, and it was impossible to rely on the strength of one person to spread and maintain the communication array all over the world in a short period of time.

After Kanzaki Yang received the communication, he would rush to the scene at the first time and kill the evil ghost.

As for the columns?

Kanzaki chose to retire and let them become teachers for the members of the Ghost Squad.

The goal of Kanzaki Hiroshi is to obtain an S-rated rating in this [final simulation].

To do this, it is necessary to complete both the A-grade evaluation of this article ending and the delusional ending.

The delusional ending is unexpectedly simple, and in the case of an emotional basis, according to the conditions for achieving the delusional ending before, Kanzaki Yang has now completed 70% or 80%.

In order to reach the end of the chapter, you need to complete the finale, and the situation cannot be worse than the finale.

The specific condition in the world of ghost annihilation is that the cost of killing no misery must be lower than the original price.

Kanzaki told the pillars of the Ghost Slayer not to act arbitrarily, lest they accidentally encounter the winding ghost and then fight to the death.

Kanzaki Yang no longer needs their combat strength, they want to contribute, which is good.

But just keep that idea and want to really get out? No way.

Kanzaki Yang made it clear that unless someone could defeat him head-on, he wouldn’t want to take the initiative to go out and kill ghosts!

Kanzaki Yang’s purpose in this action is, of course, to ensure that an S-rated rating is obtained.

But in the eyes of others, it is different.

Let others not participate in the action of killing ghosts, and take their own hands the whole time, exposing themselves to danger and fatigue, there is no doubt that this is the act of the saints!

The Ghost Slayer’s loyalty to Kanzaki Yang, or belief value, soared to a very high level in a short period of time.

“Drop by drop! ^~^”

In Kanzaki Yang’s room, golden points of light flickered continuously, sounding alarms.

“It looks like it’s time for work again.”

Kanzaki stood up, and the holy cross on his chest was deformed in the form of mercury.

Holy sword, shape!

There are countless dim points of light in Kanzaki Yang’s room, and each light point corresponds to a stronghold in the world, and whenever a ghost is found in a place, it will be reported to Kanzaki Yang.

Kanzaki Yoshi will go to the established location as soon as he receives the news.

Generally speaking, after being discovered, even if the ghost immediately escapes, it will not be far away, and under the guidance of a large number of portable ghost search compasses, and under the search of Kanzaki Yang, no matter what level of ghost will be destroyed!

Kill the ghosts!

Now, the characters of the man and the ghost have been reversed!

“According to the intelligence, the target this time is the land of the winding, and it seems that the winding will not be able to hide, which is good news.”

Kanzaki Yang roughly liquidated the number of ghosts.

So far, it is estimated that only the first black death of the winding, the third nest of the winding, and the winding of the land and the prostitute Taro.


Before Kanzaki left, he heard a series of knocks at the door.

“Bang bang bang!! ~Bang bang bang! ~”

The knock on the door was loud, and it was the kind of sound that I wanted to smash the door.


“Please let me in!” I want to see Mr. Kanzaki! ”

“Mr. Yo Kanzaki! I’m Tanjiro! I’m Yamato Tanjiro of the stove family. ”

“You guys… You let me in! Please let me in! ”

“Boom!! ~” The sound of blunt objects crashing.


“It’s the sound of a blunt object hitting again.”

“Poof,” the sound of the human body falling to the ground.

Kanzaki heard this familiar sound and shook his head helplessly.

Walking out of the door, Kanzaki saw the boy with a clean and new brain door carrying a large bamboo box, stepping on the clogs, and hurriedly running in through the door.

Behind him, two members of the Ghost Squad fell to the ground.

The two members of the Ghost Squad were arranged to guard the door for Kanzaki Yoshi, but unfortunately, now their heads have different degrees of red puffiness.

Kanzaki Yang knew as soon as he saw the polished brain door of Tanjiro that the members of the Ghost Killing Team who were guarding the door were brain-concussed and fell into a coma because of the head hammer attack of the ‘head pillar’.

“Mr. Yo Kanzaki! That’s right, you’re Mr. Yo Kanzaki! Please……… Please save Midouzi! ”

Tanjiro saw Kanzaki Yang and slid down to his knees in front of Kanzaki Yang with amazing speed.

“Save Midouzi, you mean?”

Kanzaki Yang frowned and held out his hand, and the bamboo box on the back of Yamato Tanjiro flew into Kanzaki Yang’s hand on its own.

With tears in the corners of his eyes, Yamato looked eagerly at Kanzaki Yoo, hoping that the omnipotent man in the memory of the future branch would help Yadouko.

“Recently, the sun has been getting bigger and bigger, and Midouzi was able to stay in the box at first, but later, as the sun shines longer and longer, Midouzi can’t stay in the box.”

“Opening the box, I found that even if Midouzi was not directly hit by the sun, she had burned wounds on her body.”

“I’m afraid that if I continue like this, Midouzi, Midouzi, she may disappear completely as the light gets longer and longer every day, and the temperature gets higher and higher!”

Yamato Tanjiro told about his encounter in the past few days, and the tears could not stop flowing, there was no way at all, even if he would be in the daytime

Put it inside the house, and the wounds caused by the sun will also appear on Yadouko’s body!

“Have you ever thought about not putting Midou in the middle of the room?”

Kanzaki asked rhetorically.

“So, where should I put it?”

Tanjiro asked doubtfully.

“What do you think of putting it in the dirt?” Is it the kind of tens of meters underground? ”

Kanzaki Hiroshi gave an unexpected answer.

“This… Is this really OK? ”

Tanjiro swallowed his saliva.

“Of course, during this time, as the sun’s brilliance became stronger and stronger, those ghosts also had the same symptoms as Midouzi, and they all chose to go deep into the ground.”

“If the sun continues to be strong like this, I’m afraid that this kind of life of ghosts will become underground life, right?”

Kanzaki nodded.

With the passage of time, the daytime is now occupied by more and more time in the day.

Take yesterday, for example, yesterday the sun shone for 18 hours!

It is not only ghosts that are affected, but also the production and life of human beings have been greatly affected.

So Kanzaki Yang had previously made the inference that “in just a few tens of days or a few hundred days, the life of the ghost will disappear on the surface.” Disappeared together……… And humans. ”

Why did it disappear from the surface?

Because……… The sun is so strong that both humans and ghosts have to abandon the ground and go underground!

“Good! I’ll dig a pit right now and let Midou stay in it! In short, first dig a pit with a ten-meter radius! ”

Hearing Kanzaki Hiroshi’s suggestion, Yamato Tanjiro was full of energy and ready to start work!

“Wait, wait, wait~”

Kanzaki stopped Tanjiro, who was about to find a shovel.

“I’m just kidding you, why are you so serious?”

“I have the blue flower here, if the ghost is there, as long as there is a blue other side flower.”

Kanzaki shook his head, and Tanjiro was too straight and too embarrassed.

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