Although he was rejected, Kanzaki was actually quite happy.

Because he also verified the mechanism of a system.

Talent Quest – Indeed, only the characters of the story can open.

After entering the activity room of the Paranormal Research Department, Kanzaki Hiroshi saw a full four exclamation points.

Good fellow, he has never seen this before, and it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that it is a novice package.

[Talent Quest (Tacheng Kitten): Reconcile with his sister Tacheng Black Song and persuade her sister to get lost and return. 】

[Talent Quest (Rias Gimonli): Dissolve your marriage to Lysa and gain the right to find love on your own. 】

[Talent Task (Junai Himejima): The father and himself take the initiative to apologize, and the father-daughter relationship is reconciled. 】

[Talent Quest (Yumi Kiba): Kill the mastermind of the Sacred Sword Project and, if you can, destroy all the Sacred Swords! 】

Yumi Kiba, not Yudou Kiba.

It is not that Kanzaki Yoshi did not look for Kiba Yudou in the church booklet, but unfortunately, the lists of men and women and the training ground are separated.

It wasn’t until the Sacred Sword plan was aborted, as if the news of someone fleeing, that he knew that in this world Kiba Yudou… It turned out to be a girl.

Although Kiba Yudou does have the attributes of a friend, she has also become a girl in the original world line because of Athasher’s invention.

But Kanzaki Yang really still had no way to accept it.

After Kanzaki Yang came in, Kiba Yumi remained silent, sensing Kanzaki Yang’s gaze on her, and she stepped out of the darkness.

“Lord Saint Son, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I am Yumi, one of the children who was selected for the Holy Sword Project with you, and I have always remembered you Holy Son.” Yumi Kiba’s eyes were gloomy, like a sick woman who had been deceived by feelings and bodies.

In a sense, this statement is completely correct.

The children who participated in the Sacred Sword Project were deceived by their feelings and bodies. Cheated on their feelings for the gods and the church, deceived them into possessing the body of the Sacred Sword Factor.

“I know you too, but when I knew you, you were already on the list of punishments.” Kanzaki said with a sigh.

He knew the other party had complaints about him.

Obviously, everyone was going to participate in the Sacred Sword Project, but Kanzaki Yang, the Holy Son, wanted to participate in it, and quit if he wanted to.

You know, the first of them to participate in the Sacred Sword Project, except for her, are all dead!

Kanzaki was still alive and well.

Even if you live well, Yumi Kiba will not be too hostile.

What really made him hostile was that.

The holy cross on Kanzaki Hiro’s chest.

The few Sacred Sword Factors in his body told him that it was the Sacred Sword!

After knowing that the cross worn by Kanzaki Yang was the embodiment of the Holy Sword, Yumi Kiba remained silent, always full of resentment.

“Yumi? What happened to you? Also a survivor of the Sacred Sword Project, the relationship between you and Hiroshi Kanzaki….”

Rias had wanted to say that your relationship should be fine, but she couldn’t say anything.

Because it looks like a bad relationship!!!!, a ~~~~

“Minister, I am the only one who escaped from the Sacred Sword Project, and the Holy Son, after testing that he had the Sacred Sword Factor but did not have enough Sacred Sword Factor, chose to quit himself.”

“Well, then what?”

Rias actually wants to say, “Quit it, quit ~ She can see from Kanzaki Yang’s information that Kanzaki Yang’s faith is not firm, because the sword factor is insufficient to opt out of the plan. What? Youmi, you are jealous and angry because someone else quit and escaped the result of being punished? Isn’t that right? 】

Rias delicately stood by Kanzaki Yang, who was a stranger.

“Minister, you know what? The cross on this man’s body is the Holy Sword! Yumi Kiba said something that surprised all the demons in the audience.

Rias is even more beautiful and slightly open-eyed, doesn’t it mean that Kanzaki Yang, the son of the Parallel Goods, has no combat effectiveness? How can you use the Holy Sword?

If she knew that Kanzaki Yang could use the Holy Sword, she would have directly invited Kanzaki Yang to be a dependent!

The Holy Sword only needs one stab at the intermediate demon, and Lesa’s family, except for the Queen, will all lose the ability to fight! Even Lesa’s recovery ability will be weakened a little under the Holy Sword!

Unlike angels, the Holy Sword can be reborn into demons.

For example, Jenovia, she is the artificial sword messenger of the church, and the natural sword messenger of the holy sword Di Landal, is it not easy to regenerate into a demon in the original plot?

“Minister, do you know the method of making it possible for those who cannot use the Holy Sword to use the Holy Sword?” Yumi Kiba’s voice suddenly increased.

She couldn’t contain her emotions anymore.

“The Church will call the qualification to use the Holy Sword the Holy Sword Factor!” My partner was punished after being drawn the Sacred Sword Factor! Theoretically, having enough Sacred Sword Factor can use Sacred Sword! ”

“How do you think this Divine Son of God went from being unable to use the Holy Sword to being able to use the Holy Sword!?”

Kiba Yudou’s voice grew louder and louder.

Rias thought for a few seconds and looked slightly stiffly at Kanzaki Yoshi.

She also found an anomaly.

She believes that Yumi Kiba can’t be wrong about the Sacred Sword, and that Kanzaki Yang can use the Sacred Sword.

So why did the church let Yoshi Kanzaki, a man who could use the Holy Sword, leave the church? Deporting it? How is it possible to easily expel the sword that has a useful value?!

“Minister, please don’t stop me…”

Yumi Kiba’s voice was low, and after saying these words, a magic sword that devoured light gradually formed in her hand.

[Magic Sword Creation.] 】

This is her artifact that gives her the ability to create various magic swords and adapt to various scenarios of battle.

Kanzaki didn’t say a word, just stood quietly in place.

“Holy Son, for the sake of what I still call you Holy Son, tell me the location of the person who transplanted the Holy Sword Factor for you, and I will not pursue you for the time being.”

Yumi Kiba aimed the tip of his sword at Kanzaki Yoshi.

Her purpose was to kill the first evil, and even if Kanzaki Yang might have the Sacred Sword Factor of those sacrificial companions in his body, she could put it aside for the time being.

She just wants to know the whereabouts of a person!

Balpa Galileo! The initiator of that Sacred Sword Project! The church devil who punished all the participants in the Sacred Sword Project!

“Yumi, you need strength to get revenge. And, I can tell you plainly, you are mistaken. ”

Kanzaki frowned, he didn’t expect that he had just come over to borrow a teleportation array, and he was in trouble like this.


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