Chapter 240 The Extinction of the Extinction Dynasty, Fighting over How to Eat Tofu!!

Right now.

Extinction dynasty.

The Ninth Prince, Ibrais Beljagiaz, looked ahead at the scene, and the wolf bit his tongue fiercely.

“Cover me! Hurry up! ”

【King of Thunder Acid Snake ——— Merrisegg!!! 】

A huge snake-like beast emerged from behind him, unleashing a powerful demonic power flame.

【The army of death!】 More than ten huge giant beasts, the dinosaurs, descended from the sky and stopped in front of the King Snake of Thunder Acid.


In front of the Ninth Prince, Iblissberg, the purple-haired and red-eyed ancient imperial sister opened her mouth lightly.

“Boom!! ~~”

The purple-haired royal sister just snorted softly, and the Ninth Prince and Ninth Prince Iblisbell almost fell to his knees on the ground.

Feeling the fear and powerlessness coming from the depths of his blood and soul, Iblis Bell still resisted.

After all, the newly summoned King of Thunder Acid Serpent ——— Merisegg was one of the few beasts in his family who was not affected.

It was hard to summon out, at least to protect himself to the point of being able to run, otherwise he would not have any chance!

“Boom!!! ~”

The King Serpent of Thunder Acid responded to the call of the Ninth Prince, and a series of blazing thunder rays that were almost liquid descended from the sky.

The battle between the top level of the second-generation vampire and the true ancestor is officially launched!

In addition to the snake-playing dead guy, there are actually at least a few top second-generation vampires in the world who can fight with the True Ancestor.

After all, even if the True Ancestor’s beast was not strong enough to reach the level of the Transcendent, it could not be done until the second sand killed the Demon King-level beast.

Iblis Bell.

The ninth prince of the direct lineage of the Second True Ancestor “Extinction Pupil”, he is one of the few second-generation vampires with this fighting power.

He has a 12 to 13-year-old appearance, black hair, brown skin, and blond eyes.

Although it has survived for more than 70 years, in terms of the life span of a vampire, it is definitely a young age, or even a young one.

Iblis Bell is a man of great intimidation, and although he often puts up a shelf, he does not appear to be approachable to those who approve of him.

Very interested in foreign cultures in the original plot line.

Iblisbel once carried 2 “Flame Night” substrates to the island of Strings to participate in the “Feast of Flames”, but after being attacked by Zaharias, he lost the “Flame Night” subbody and thus lost the qualification to participate in the “Feast of Flames”.

Later, after learning that another second-generation vampire had framed him, Iblissbell swallowed it directly and seized the beast from it.

The surprise was good.

Blue feather shallot is the person he recognizes.

To this end, he also gave Xiaocheng City help, so that Xiaocheng realized who to ask for help in order to truly develop the power of the True Ancestor, rather than a half-hanger like him.

It was such a powerful second-generation vampire that was being hunted down like a lost dog at this time.

Not because of anything else.

Just because…

Hunting him down is the true ancestor of a generation of vampires!

The ruler of the Extinction Dynasty ——— the Second True Ancestor Eswardgul!

She was not only the true ancestor who could defeat him, but also the giver of his bloodline!

He got the blood of the vampire true ancestor from her, and only then did he become the second generation of vampires, and the entire extinction dynasty existed because of the purple-haired and red-eyed royal sister in front of him!

“No way! The Empire of the Night is on the verge of collapse! Even staying here is useless! ”

After clarifying the fact that the Second True Ancestor had also fallen, Ibrais Belle made a decisive decision.

Where there is life, there is hope!

【Appear! 】 Kaib Hill Nave! 】

The golden hunting set with fourteen and fifteen meters of wings gradually condensed and formed at the feet of Iblissbell, and the huge leather feathers rolled up countless winding wind knives, and the wind blade repelled the beasts surrounding him, leading him straight away to the place where he could break through and run as fast as possible!

“If there is a place in the world that can solve the problems that extinction dynasties face now.”

Iblissbell stood on the golden hunter-type beast, thoughtful.

“Then this place must be…”

“String God Island!”

That place is the heart of the flow of power in the world, the eye of the wind and wind of the recent turmoil.

Only there, Iblis Bell believed that a solution could be truly found!

Hurricane Eye.

Iblis Bell used such a word to describe the island of Strings and its surroundings.

This is a very apt metaphor.

Because, except for the area centered on the String God Island, the entire world has fallen into a state of chaos.

At this time.

String God Island.

Wearing a white chef’s outfit, Kanzaki is cooking the teacher’s “Seesee.

“This dream mapo tofu, the reason why it is called dream mapo tofu, is only because it has more flavor.”

“The sixth point called ‘crisp’ complements the rest of the spicy scalding and scalding to form a dreamy taste and aroma.”

“The horned sensation of the lips, the taste of the mouth, the smell of the nose, and the fragrant sensation of the face all together constitute the soul of this dish.”

“So be sure to rate me when it’s hot, understand?” Otherwise, whether it is one of the six tastes, ‘hot’ or ‘incense’, will be greatly affected. ”

Kanzaki Yo strides through the cooking classroom.

Because of the talent of the “King of Medicine King”, his interest in cooking has been greatly improved this time, and he has specifically asked for the position of a cooking teacher.

Blue Feather Onion was cultivating the required magic guide materials with Nina’s help, and could only wait slowly for the materials to be prepared.

Kanzaki Yang mainly goes to learn technology, and this kind of work that only needs to wait is naturally not thousands.

His main job now is to be a good teacher while guarding against possible space-time beasts attacking String God Island.

As for the construction of the Star Orbit Globe…

As for the priority or not the high priority of building space-time machines and destroying space-time beasts, Kanzaki Yanggu has entrusted this task to Radleyen.

It is important to master this planet, but if you want to make a star orbit globe and expose this planet to the claws of space-time beasts, this is also something Kanzaki Yang does not want to see.

“Elder Kanzaki Yang, this is my mapo tofu!”

The squad leader Tsukishima took the lead.

Directly served the plate.

“No, no, no, it should be mine.”

Blue feathers and shallows were full of confidence and also brought a plate of red and white objects.

She had just seen Kanzaki Yoshi’s steps and recorded them, her movements, time, etc. were all reproduced one to one, and she had absolute confidence!

“Good location and nice staff”

Kanzaki Yang sent two mouthfuls of mapo tofu into his mouth at the same time.

He always had the feeling that he was eating tofu, not ‘mapo tofu’…

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