Chapter 216 Three Raider Lines, My Generation of Contemporary Mothers Moving Forward!!

Xiandu Mu’a Ye was naturally reluctant to change his personality or appearance.

In fact, she is quite confident in her charm.

Therefore, she asks Sento Muyouma to dress up as her.

With her personal charm, whether it is the charm of temperament, or the charm of personality, or the charm of her body, in short, it is enough to turn that man into his companion.


Sento Mua Ye believes that Kanzaki Yang is qualified for this.

Or rather… Only he has such qualifications.

She is known as the “Witch of the Secretary”, in charge of a large number of magic guide books, and believes that her knowledge can definitely be called unparalleled in the world.

But…… Kanzaki Yang is even more special.

He possesses knowledge above all the people in this world! That was enough knowledge to make Xiandu Mu’a look up at the night!

Not only knowledge, but even technical calendar and cognition are far above her!

At the time of the simulation, Sento Mua had already made it clear that he was standing against Kanzaki Yang and had suffered the brilliance of the faith level at the same time, so he chose to sacrifice.

But now, of course, the Xiandu Mu’a Night at this moment is different from the simulated Xiandu Mu’a Night’s mentality.

Attachment still has to be achieved.

It’s just that……… The means used are very different from the original….

After completing the updated contract with Sento Muaye, Sento Muyouma set off.

Even without the advice of Sento Muaye, Sento Muyouma knew the easiest way to achieve his goal.

Xiao Weisha.

She was once a good girlfriend.

Although now Xiao Weisha must have gained memories from the future like her, knowing that she had pit her in the future in order to save her mother.

But Xiandu Mu Yuma believes……… Xiao Weisha is a good person.

As long as you sincerely apologize to her, then she will definitely accept her apology and become a good friend again!

Xiao Weisha is such a person.

It turns out that Sento Muyouma’s idea is completely correct.

Xiao Weisha accepted her again, became good friends again, and ‘revealed’ their hearts to each other…

In this way, the three parties had the power of daughters and began to struggle in different modes.

The Blue Feather Onion side is off-field support, and the Blue Feather Onion provides various tactical support to the Blue Feather Onion to achieve the strategic goal.

Ji Yu Xuecai is a master on behalf of the fight, by Ji Yu Xuecai to replace his own mother who is not a tool to complete the strategic goals, but also to find some doubts that have always existed in his heart.

On the side of Xiandu Mu Youma, it was a mother and daughter soldier, and the two of them went up together.

Sento Muyouma is restricted by Nangong that month, by Sento Muyou

Ma took the lead and let Sento Mua Ye establish a relationship with Kanzaki Yang in an almost semi-remote control manner, in anticipation of a common front in the future.

The three methods are slightly different and have their own advantages and disadvantages.

As for the effect.

They don’t know.

It’s just that this is the best way for them to choose and want to choose at the moment.

Right now.

Kanzaki Yang over there.

Disguised as Ji Yuki, Ji Yu Yuki came to Kanzaki Yang and Nangong Nazuki’s side.

Although she has always been very good at tracking and stealing, otherwise she would not have been able to detect so much gossip.

But in order to put his own mother who was too stupid to be able to help up, Ji Yuxue still pretended to be a look that was not very stalking.

Her mother’s tracking technology is so bad.

Imitation technology.

Ji Yuxue was still quite confident in this way.

On the one hand, the “God Avatar” that her father had given her to protect her had such an effect in itself, and on the other hand, it was also because Ji Yukio was very familiar with how stupid her mother would behave.


The inferior tracking technology imitated by Ji Yuxue showed such good results that she had just imitated it not long before Nangong Nayue discovered it.

“Transfer student, can you tell us why you are following us?”

Nangong Nayue sensed the arrival of Ji Yuxue Cai.

“Tracking? I……”

Ji Yuxue showed a ‘flustered’ expression.

“Can’t it be that Teacher Nangong and Teacher Kanzaki have already discovered me?”

Ji Yuxue showed a ‘shocked’ look.

Is her ‘seamless’ tracking so easily seen through?

“Of course, do you think you’re your master?” Can this level also be called tracking? ”

Nangong Nayue said very unkindly.

“So, you must have been sent as a watcher of the Fourth True Ancestor, right?” What exactly do you mean by following us? ”

Nangong Nayue asked angrily.

However, Kanzaki Yang who was beside Nangong’s side frowned.

He had just been discussing with Nangong Nayue about the Kingdom of Aldikia and the Three Nights Empire, when he noticed the stalking Ji Yu Snow Dish.

Of course, he knew that Ji Yu’s tracking technology was very poor, and it was perfectly normal for him to be discovered by a veteran like Nangong that month.

But how to say it~

There was always a strange feeling.

“It should be an illusion, right?” In essence, this is the Ji Ji Snow Dish……”

Kanzaki thought about it and made such a judgment.

He believed in his own eyes that could see through the real and the essential.

Kanzaki Yang was indeed careless.

There was absolutely no way for ordinary beings to hide anything in front of him, even if it was an evil god level.

But he could still do it himself.

Using the power of the future Kanzaki Yang, Ji Yukio initially achieved his goal, secretly breathing a slight sigh of relief.

And Nangong that side of the month.

She’s still outputting it.

She thought that she was still very good at dealing with such an innocent and pure girl as Ji Yuxuecai.

“You don’t have to deny anything, your target should be him, right?”

Before Ji Yukio could speak, Nangong Nazuki pointed at Kanzaki and said.

The Great Crisis! Ji Yukio didn’t speak.

“No, I’m just a little curious.”

She tried to immerse herself in her mood, immersed in the state when she was going to perform the séance.

If she couldn’t use the [Avatar of God] all the time, she would reveal her identity in front of her father

“Curious about what?”

Nangong Nayue frowned.

This little girl actually regained her composure, and it seemed that the Lion King organ did not raise waste.

However, the next words spoken by Ji Yukiro made her suddenly change from offensive to defensive.

“I wonder what the relationship between Nangong Sensei and Kanzaki Sensei is?”

Ji Yuxue asked very seriously.

Quite serious………

This straight ball directly made Nangong Nayue dumbfounded.


The fan she was flashing had forgotten how to fan it.

What does this sentence mean?

Has the Lion King mechanism been reduced to the point where it will probe the privacy of others?

This was Nangong’s first thought that month.

Maybe it was because she had eaten too much trouble here in Kanzaki Yoshi, but in short, she was very sensitive when she mentioned herself and Kanzaki Yang.

“Nangong Teacher?”

Ji Yuxue tilted her head very cutely, she knew that she had hit the pain point of Nangong that month.

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