Chapter 189 Call the Master – Of course the Blood Companion must be a beautiful girl!!

It has to be said that future branch memories are still very useful.

At least……… Now Nangong Nayue and Xian Gu Yong both made up for their own deficiencies, didn’t they?

After saying his conditions, Koko-Yong looked at Kanzaki Yang with a slight nervousness.

As for why it was nervous.

Because while she was staring at Kanzaki Yang, Kanzaki Yang was also staring at her tightly.

Kanzaki Yang is still quite interested in the ancient chant.

Because……… As time passed, he actually saw a talent exclamation point that jumped directly out of the body of Xuan Gu Yong.

That’s a sign of a gifted mission.

[Talent Quest (Idle Ancient Chant): I hope that the person who once liked him, who has conquered his body and mind in the future, will stay by his side and conquer himself again. 】


It was precisely because he saw such a natural task that Kanzaki Yang couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.

After thinking about it for several seconds, his brow stretched slightly.

Because the performance of the ancient song was so too serious, he almost forgot the essence of the ancient song.

In a sense, it is very similar to Cangna.

The same cold attributes, the same glasses lady attributes, the same… Asakusa properties.

Or rather… Masochistic constitution.

In short, it is the kind of person who gets along with her normally, and she may ignore it or even know how to measure up.

Only after you really use the means to educate well, the other party can feel that they are the kind of physique that they desire to be conquered.

Kanzaki Yang’s eyes subtly looked at Kogu Yong several times.

It was not that he was not unaware of this, after the simulation of Xiao Gu Yong took the initiative to climb into his bed, he understood this very deeply.

It’s just that she didn’t think of it, idle ancient Yong………… Cough cough………… So much to be affected.

As we all know, talent tasks are the things that a person wants to accomplish the most.

Now it is equivalent to a seemingly cold person telling him openly and honestly that I actually long to be conquered.

How could such a thing not make Kanzaki Yang’s expression subtle?

Of course, although the expression is subtle, Kanzaki Yang is still satisfied with this established fact that has been reached.

“Regarding what you said, go to the Lion King Institution to coach?” It’s a good choice for a while.”


“I have already made a decision, Idle Ancient Wing that I will work as a teacher at Choi Hoi Gakuen.”

Halfway through Kanzaki’s words, Koko’s expression fell.

In the end, did Kanzaki still not choose her, nor did he choose to be the Lion King organ?

Really……… Was it because she had treated Kanzaki Yoshi badly before?

Also, Kanzaki Yoshi – I originally liked her. Xian Gu Yong couldn’t help but have such a thought in his mind.

Very much in line with the idea of the setting.

Because, in this world, Kanzaki Yang is itself fond of the Kokoo Wing and although the Kokoo Wing perceives Kanzaki Yang’s intentions, it has never accepted it.

I chose to refuse before, so it is really normal for me to be rejected now, right?

The idle ancient chant, which had been competing with the commune where Nangong Nayue was located, was once again hit.

However, she was sad a little early.

As a member of the so-called Equilibrium Sect, how could Kanzaki be fully involved in the family?

“But students? I do want students……”

“Well, how do you see that you directly sent the students of the High God Forest to Caihai Gakuen?”


The ancient chant made a surprising sound that could be called ‘cute’ in every sense.

“Can’t you?”

Kanzaki asked rhetorically.

“Of course… Of course. ”

Xian Gu Yong was stunned.

She was chosen.

Standing in her current position, being chosen is certainly a very gratifying thing.

Because in the information she learned, the future Kanzaki Yang chose to stand on the side of Nangong Nazuki.

Reuniting then and throwing yourself into your arms now is a completely different concept.

Original shares, dividend shares, and common stocks, is that a concept?

“By the way, Kanzaki Jun, there are experiments on the otherworld and the upgrading of the world, can you slow down the pace first?”

“I think we can wait until we have more adequate preparation.”

Kokoo glanced at Kanzaki Yoshi, hesitated, but still said it

She knew that disciplining Kanzaki Yoshi when she had just agreed was a disappointing act, but she chose to do so.

Because this matter has the need to be given such attention.

Of course, she also longed for promotion, but if she risked being invaded by another world, it was completely unnecessary.

“Of course, I will.”

“It’s just…”

“Since they are all their own people, should you change your name?”

“Just use the title you’re most familiar with…”

Kanzaki stared at the idle Gu Yong’s gaze slightly playfully.


Xian Gu Yong was puzzled for a moment.

The most familiar title.

What is the most familiar name for Kanzaki Yoshi?

“Kanzaki Jun”?

No, no, Kanzaki Jun is a very polite title.

A title that is too polite means a relationship that is not very close, and a relationship that is not too intimate means that it will not leave a deep impression.

What exactly is the most familiar title?

That is naturally the first time you see this person and want to call it out, that is the most familiar name.

And Koko’s deepest impression of Kanzaki Yo… And the most familiar name………

No doubt yes…

“The Lord… Master……… I…… I think this is more appropriate. ”

Cherry blossom’s lips trembled slightly.

On the one hand, there is stuttering and inner entanglement.

As for the other side.

Kanzaki Yang is also roughly clear.

The other aspect — is excitement.

Idle ancient chant.

It was a woman who called someone else her master, and she herself would become slightly excited, Kanzaki Yang nodded with satisfaction, and took a step forward.

“Oh yes, before I leave, I have to remind you of something.”

“Not only your Lion King organs, if you want to spread it, you can also tell everyone who is eyeing the power of the Fourth True Ancestor.”

“I don’t mind that you have things that guide the thoughts of the Fourth True Ancestor, but there is one thing you can remember.”

“What’s the matter?”

Xian Gu Yong squinted his eyes, the fourth true ancestor.

In the memory of the future branch, Kanzaki Yang has shot at the fourth true ancestor, and now, does Kanzaki Yang still want to take a shot at the fourth true ancestor?

No, perhaps the term “shot at the Fourth True Ancestor” is not quite accurate.

According to the combat effectiveness that Kanzaki Yang showed from the beginning, he did not need the combat power of the Fourth True Ancestor from the beginning.

It’s not so much a shot at the Fourth True Ancestor.

Rather, it was a helping hand to the Fourth True Ancestor.

“Remember, if there is a person who wants to restrain the fourth true ancestor with a blood partner, he can only send a blood partner of the same sex.”

Kanzaki said with a slight tick in the corner of his mouth.

After saying this, while Xiao Gu Yong was still thinking about what this sentence really meant, he activated the space technique again.


With a breeze blowing, Kanzaki Yang disappeared in front of Xian Gu Yong.

Only the idle ancient chant was left quietly pondering this question.

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