Chapter 172 The State of Our Virgin! Engelville stay!!

Nix didn’t want to be thrown back into the underworld and work while doing experimental materials.

The Sword of Domination can still be inserted into Hades’s skull head ~ if Hades has any unusual thoughts or actions, it will be monitored and dominated.

Nix didn’t want to end up in the same fate as Hades.

As for Hades’s allies.

Can’t go either.

Those allies did not know the news that Hades’s underworld had been conquered, but they only thought that it was possible that the news that the Red Dragon God Emperor was injured scared Hades this cargo, making him make a good act of blocking the underworld.

Although they were also quite strong, they all knew that the enemy was very strong, and if the enemy was not strong, the Red Dragon Divine Emperor would not be able to tell them the news.

But they don’t go to the point where they directly close their own territory?

Summary: Because of Hades’s actions, his prestige among all the gods declined somewhat.

“Ahh Is she going to wake up? ”

On one side, Irina, topped with a holy aura, pointed excitedly in the direction of Ingerville.

Look over to Ingleville.


Ingeville’s eyelids moved!

From the moment her vital signs began to come alive just now, Kanzaki knew that she was definitely going to wake up.

“Hmm… Well. ”

Ingerville let out a faint whisper, and after a blinking of her long eyelashes, she finally opened her eyes with all her might.

“Are you awake?”

Kanzaki Yang could see that her current vitality was very strong, and her strength had also increased slightly.

After receiving Aisha’s treatment, some of the locks and restrictions on her body were also opened a lot, and the strength of the original superior demon increased to the highest level demon.

As an artifact messenger, it has such hard power itself, and has reached the top level of the artifact envoy, because the main strength of the artifact is still in the development of the artifact.

“Well… You are… Are you Mr. Long? ”

Ingerville said a little confusedly.

Although he was brainwashed and controlled by the goddess of the night, Nix, the earth did not have memories of when she was controlled.

She knew that it was this handsome young man who had freed her from the control of the goddess.

“Just call me Kanzaki Yoshi.”

Kanzaki smiled, Mr. Dragon this is the first time he has heard others say.

“Your sleepiness has been cured.”

Kanzaki said slowly.

“Eh? ~”

Ingerville’s eyes widened slightly.

She checked her body, and indeed now she couldn’t feel the usual feeling of powerlessness and lethargy at all!

“When I was unconscious, I must have caused you a lot of trouble for Mr. Kanzaki, right?”

Ingerville flashed a feeble smile.

Although her lethargy has been cured, because she is used to the previous way of laughing, her smile is not so soft and weak.

“Not really, that’s half a day.”

Kanzaki handed her a cut apple.

“Thank you Mr. Kanzaki…”

Ingerville was at a loss for a moment before he took the apple from Kanzaki’s hand.

“Just call me Yang or Yang Jun.”

Kanzaki shook his head.

It is really a soft girl ah ~ personality is also weak to the extreme.

“Hmm… Well! Yang Jun. ”

Ingerville smiled heartily.

She hadn’t shown that smile in a long time.

“By the way, Ingerville, what are you going to do next?”

Kanzaki asked a question that was crucial in every sense.

“What are you going to do…”

Ingerville’s eyes dimmed instantly.

She ——— is not a person of this era

Because of the sleepiness of the demon clan, she has been living from hundreds of years ago to the present, although mentally, the earth is indeed a very pure girl.

But judging from her physical age, she is no longer a person of this era

Loved ones on the demon’s side? No.

She had only awakened the demonic bloodline as far as her parents were concerned.

Her parents summoned a demon in order to save her daughter from sleep sickness, and that demon hid it in her territory because she learned of Ingerville’s true bloodline, and it wasn’t until recently that she really knew her bloodline power and artifact power.

Hundreds of years have passed.

Her parents have long been…

“You can stay with us if you want.”

While Ingville hesitated, the blonde nun offered her advice.

“Stay, stay here?”

Ingerville had a look of doubt in his expression.

She could feel the power of her own participation still warming her body.

All of this power came from the blonde girl in front of her.

She had thought that Kanzaki Yang might take her in, after all, Kanzaki Yang had used her artifact to explode with great power.

If Kanzaki wanted to keep her, she would indeed agree, and she would definitely use her power to assist Yang Jun.

But in the end, there will still be a little bit of unease.

It’s not that I’m not satisfied with Kanzaki or anything, but…

She felt that she might not be very good to the girls around Kanzaki.

But now, if it was Aisha who offered to do so, Ingerville had no such worries.

“Of course you can stay here, we can take in all kinds of girls here, as long as it is helpful to Yang Jun~” Irina nodded fiercely.

Speaking of which, now is the time when human hands are needed.

She felt that her ability was a little insufficient, and it was necessary to supplement the personnel.

Besides, she knew very well that it was Kanzaki Hiroshi who wanted Ingville to stay, otherwise there would be no need for Kanzaki to bring Ingville back.

By using the subspecies fusion forbidden hand, Kanzaki Yang himself can heal Ingeville.

“Well, in fact, you still need Yang Jun’s permission.”

Elsa added gently.

“Me? Of course I don’t have any opinions? After all, I’m the kind of person who is very domineering.”

“Ingeville, you should also know how strong we can play together, and it is really not my style to let such a capable beautiful girl leave me and face the unknown and dangerous life alone.” 」

Kanzaki said slightly domineeringly.

“Yes, if there is anything I can help, I will definitely work hard!”

Ingerville said firmly.

[In fact, as long as you stay in my house well, don’t be taken away by others, and do some things you can do, it will be the greatest help to me.] 】

Kanzaki Yang added in his heart.

The artifacts on the side of Cao Cao’s team and the fallen angel had both passed through Kanzaki Yang’s hands, and although they had not taken away the artifacts, Kanzaki Yang already had the right to use these artifacts.

Kanzaki also obtained permission to use the Ingerville artifact.

Kanzaki Yang can obtain Aisha from a distance through the “Divine Power ——— Wind” to complete the “Subspecies Fusion Forbidden Hand”, and naturally can also obtain Ingerville’s singing voice through the wind to pass it to his side.

After all…

Kanzaki felt that it was not a beautiful thing to let himself be a big man singing.

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