Chapter 165 Meet Hades! Are you a man from another world!!!

“No, no, no, no, it seems like you do have something commendable.”

Nix looked at Kanzaki seriously.

“At least Ru’s appearance is a level that absolutely makes the gods care a lot.”

Nix gave a fairly high rating.

“What’s wrong? Are you the kind of god who pays attention to the faces of mortals? ”

Kanzaki asked with a chuckle.

“No, I’m not that kind of person.”

“At least your existence is too special.”

“In this day and age, those who are provoked to challenge God or anything are beings like you. Moreover, you have the ability to reach the level of the gods. The fact that you make costumes to deal with you is unexpectedly very enjoyable. ”

Listening to Nix’s words, Kanzaki Yang got the expected information.

Sure enough, Nix had a special trick against him!

Saying… What is the most distinctive means he has now in the eyes of various gods?

Handsome? Is it a demon? Or is it the artifact user? Who uses the power of the Dragon Clan?

Without noticing Kanzaki’s same look, the goddess Nix continued to tell her dissatisfaction.

“The users of the artifact are those of you who have human blood, and your existence is really a special point.”

“It feels like you’ve been over-enhanced in such a short period of time… The owner of the divine apprehension, and the people around it, are very dangerous factors. ”

“You, and the supernatural beings who are too strong because of the power of God’s annihilation, are constantly twisting the world of aliens, and that’s what he thinks. I agree with all of this. ”

“That God-made prop is really too buggy, don’t you think so?”

“Your powers are strange, but this Ingerville’s abilities are even stranger, right?” You are already strong enough to fight with me or even have a low winning rate, but you were knocked down by the song? God has transcended the abnormality. And it’s increasing. Of course I feel fear. ”

【My power… Strange? Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes, as if he had heard some interesting information again? In the eyes of ordinary people, his strength could be called powerful, but how could it be called strange?

Is it strange to gain great power as a hybrid of humans and other races?

No, it’s not a strange thing at all.

That…… What was there about him that deserved to be strange by the long-standing Primordial God like Nix, the Goddess of the Night?

Is that the only reason for that?

“So, did Emperor Shi Tian tell you the news?”

Kanzaki Yang squinted his eyes and asked.

This is a natural conclusion.

What happened to the Divine Exterminator? Eating your rice using a god extinguishing device?

For some gods, it is true that they have eaten their rice.

Giving this existence of human beings a powerful force, the power to make the world changeable, the power to lead the period of historical flux, is quite unpleasant for many gods.

However, the user of the divine extinguishing device is a long-standing problem, and the user of the divine extinguishing device has always been very jumpy in history.

Why do you suddenly want to take a shot at the user of the Divine Annihilation Device?

He also did not rely on Orpheus and the Red Dragon God Emperor to obtain a breakthrough [Dragon Deification] power like the Bing Fuji Kazumaki in the original plot?

So, can’t you be a little bit clearer?

In the past, it was because I did not know whether the God of the Bible was still there, and since the God of God was called the God of Destruction, since the God of the Bible was willing to give such power to mankind, it meant that it was her irrevocable will.

If we say that we simply live and die, everything that should be experienced in life, or passively involved in the waves of the world, even if the user of the Divine Annihilation Instrument dies, it is a very normal thing.

But if the existence of the Lord God level is entirely aimed at the user of the artifact, the God of the Bible will absolutely come forward.

It’s like hitting a child and an adult to come forward.

And now, the God of the Bible is gone.

Therefore, some gods who are unhappy with the sight of the Divine Extinguishing Instrument also dare to take a shot at the users of the Divine Extinguishing Device.

Your adults are gone, what else are you wearing?

That’s roughly the mindset.

“Emperor Shi Tian.”

Hearing this name, Nix’s smile was even worse.

“Yes, Emperor Shitian told Hades that news was coming.”

As he spoke, Nix pulled Kanzaki Yang and disappeared into the Fa.

The next moment, Kanzaki Hiroshi and Nix and the others appeared in an area filled with darkness and soul power.

“Okay, how about going with me for a check-up?”

“It should… It should be what you call a medical examination, right? ”

“Hades said he was going to have a soul check on you?”

“I’m interested in you too.”

“There is no trace of your soul in this world…”

Nix hugged Kanzaki Yang as he slowly flew inside.

Perhaps because he felt comfortable in contact with Kanzaki Yang, Nix flew directly with Kanzaki Yang.

Not even Ingville behind her received such treatment.

In order to ensure the suppression of Kanzaki Yoshi, Ingville was brought with him.


Nix’s words made Kanzaki Yang squint his eyes instantly.

I see.

I see!

That makes sense!

After just thinking about it for a moment, Kanzaki made a decision.

As if in response to Kanzaki Yang’s thoughts, the red jade at the holy cross on Kanzaki Yang’s chest shone with an almost imperceptible brilliance.


At the border of the underworld, the red mist gradually rises, gradually isolating the underworld from the outside world.

And Nix was also brought to the destination by Kanzaki Yang.

In the deepest part of the underworld, the throne of Hades, the king of Hades.

The god of the underworld, composed of skeletons, sat on it, and in the two hollow eye sockets, the blue-white soul fire was constantly beating.

Hades, the king of Pluto, is an absolute master even in the whole world!

“It’s a little surprise that you were able to bring it here, Nix.”

Hades sincerely expressed his surprise.

He also thought that someone like Kanzaki Yang would definitely have some backhand.

The result was brought over so easily?

Was he thinking too much before?

“People from another world, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

No sooner had he seen Kanzaki than Hades said straight to the point.

“As a god of the underworld, even if you unite many other gods of the underworld, the gods of the night, etc., you can’t find out the history of my existence, so you have judged me to be a person from another world, right?”

Kanzaki Yang returned directly.

“No, no, no, we still have the kind of person who has judged you to be a god of the Bible or a descendant of a god of the Bible, and the only one who has the ability to do this before us exists.”

Hades responded calmly.

Because it was determined that Kanzaki Yang was not such an identity, he could be so calm.

If it was one of his speculative identities, he would not dare to take a shot at it.

Ghosts know what means the gods of the Bible have left behind for themselves to live their descendants

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