"It's too scary, this Echizen Longya is a pervert, please spare me."

Daqu Longci smiled bitterly.

tiebreaker! he is.

That's right.

But Oguri Ryuji doesn't think he can fight Kijujiro to the seventh tie.

This is Oni Jujirou!! Among them, the strongest who was once invincible to others! Byodoin Phoenix's eyes are looking deeply at Shuangchi, the god of foxes.

in his eyes.

At this moment, the waves are up and down!! Byodoin Phoenix took a deep look at Shuangchi, the god of foxes.

He didn't forget that Echizen Ryuya would challenge Kijujiro.

The biggest reason is because he lost to the imperial fox god Shuangchi! And.

Echizen Long Yake didn't find a chance to enter the tiebreaker in the match with Yuhushen Shuangchi! So! How strong is the current Shuangchi?

I felt the gaze of the Byodoin Phoenix.

The fox god Shuangchi touched his nose and laughed dryly.

Sure enough, the most sensitive person is the head of Byodoin.

The other seniors are still here: shocked Longya and entered the tiebreaker

in the stadium.

"Senior, let's continue"

Echizen Ryuya raised her eyebrows, looked at Oni Jujiro, and said.


Oni Jujiro took a deep breath and looked at Echizen Ryuya with solemn eyes.

He decided that he didn't expect that the situation would develop to such a point!! Tiebreaker!! It actually entered the tiebreaker.


At this moment, Oni Jujiro rose up in his heart, a terrifying sense of crisis.

He won't after losing to Byodoin Phoenix.

He will lose to Echizen Ryuya! Only this result, he will never accept it!! For a while.

Kijujiro's eyes were full of sharpness and determination.

Love reading to remind you: three things to read, collect and push

366. Long Ya's Light Shot! (3)

in the stadium.

Oni Jujiro and Echizen Ryuga confront each other.

After the tiebreaker, he was the first to serve.

"I won't give you another chance, the game, that's it."

Kijujiro looked at Echizen Ryuya opposite and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, his eyes were sharp and firm to an unbelievable level.

He's the gatekeeper! Losing to Byodoin Phoenix, he can live with it.

However, losing to Echizen Ryuya is absolutely impossible!! Kijujiro didn't forget.

Echizen Longya is not an army! Moreover, he has not experienced the baptism of hell! Compared with him, Echizen Longya is two years younger! "Hey, it's still far behind!"

Echizen Ryuya pouted and continued: "I will not lose to anyone other than Shuangchi!!"

After speaking, Echizen Longya's eyes also showed a stern look.

He doesn't plan to lose to anyone other than Shuangchi, even if Kijujiro is two years older than him! This is his obsession as a small boy! Therefore, he will never lose the game.

"Then go ahead! But, I still say that."

Kijujiro shouted violently, full of anger and arrogance.

He won't give Echizen Ryuya another chance!! Boom! An unimaginably powerful aura began to spread from Kijujiro's body.

Bang! Bang! Bang! He took the tennis ball and tapped it on the ground a few times, and the extremely rhythmic sound slowly sounded.

Oni Jujiro's eyes flickered coldly.

Huh! In an instant, he raised his arm and threw the tennis ball into the air.

Boom! The purple-black light flickered instantly, pulling out afterimages.

Tennis was like a flash of lightning, disappearing in front of everyone's eyes.

Boom! Then, a roar suddenly exploded.

Not far from Echizen Ryuya, a thick smoke billowed into the sky.

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