And the timing of tennis, and in his budget, went wrong!

Why! Boom! Boom! Boom! ":!"

On the court, only the sound of hitting the balls continued to sound again and again.

And the scoreboard, for example, is now over [-].

After the tiebreaker, Shuangchi and Medanore, the god of the fox, had already fought hundreds of times in total.

The players and tennis reporters around Court 11 looked horrified.

Every confrontation between Medanore and Royal Fox God Shuangchi was no less than the explosion of an ultra-small earthquake for them.

Mori Hisaburo has a complicated expression. He can't even watch the game close to him with this kind of confrontation!! However, the person who played the game turned out to be the god of the fox god Shuangchi! "This kind of gap is really disappointing!"

Originally, he also felt that even if there was a gap between Yukimura Seiichi and Shuangchi, the God of Fox, the gap would not be very, very huge.

But now it looks like it's completely different! World class! At the same time.

on the field.

"Absolutely can't go on like this!!"

Medanore's face was solemn, and the more he competed, the more fear he felt! Especially at the moment when the eyes of the fox god Shuangchi changed! In addition to that kind of... weird acceleration, Medanore could feel it. , Yuhushen Shuangchi's eyes seem to be predictable! Under that strong sense of disobedience, he can feel himself, as if being seen through by Yuhushen Shuangchi!! "See through! Is this possible! Even if he is world-class, I am also world-class, how could I be seen through!"

Medanore kept asking himself in his mind, and at the same time, a thought sounded in his mind.

The game must be over! Keep going, it will only be more and more unfavorable to him! ":!"

At this moment, Yukio Kurobe announced the score together again! The score between Shuangchi and Medanore was instantly tied.

Then came Medanore's serve.

"Fox God Shuangchi, the game, it's time to end!!"

After Medano thundered loudly, he quickly threw up the tennis ball, raised the racket in his hand, and all the strength in his body gathered at this moment.

Boom! A deafening sonic boom split in an instant, and at the moment the sound was torn apart, the faces of the players and tennis reporters in the surrounding 11 courts turned pale.


Mamoru Inoue covered his aching ears that were shaken, and said to Shiba Saori with a wry smile.

"Indeed, it's amazing!"

Shiba Saori said, looking at the fox god Shuangchi and Medanore with complicated expressions, the distance between them is extremely far now, but they will still be shocked by this kind of shock.

This! It's world class! At the same time.

The soldiers of the army all looked solemn and focused on the field.

The game is coming to an end! Stab it!! At this moment, the space on the court seems to be torn apart in an instant.

Moo! Moo! Tennis began to go in the direction of Shuangchi, the god of foxes, with a terrifying roar of bulls.

"I also feel that this game should be over!!"

At the same time, the fox god Shuangchi took a deep breath, his whole body was stained with sweat and dust.

This is what he did.

The toughest, but also the most enjoyable game.

"So, Medanore, watch it!!"

The fox god Shuangchi let out a loud roar, and then, the huge clock behind him seemed to stop turning.

In the right eye that has always been calm, the red light erupts!! Love reading to remind you: the three things of reading collection, push

330. Shuangchi wins! (1)

Boom! In the different-colored pupils, which were originally orange and red, the red light was in full swing.

with this light.

Everyone in the army was stunned, and at the same time, Medanore was also stunned.

The surrounding No. 11 players were all sluggish, and the tennis reporters had even stopped moving.

At this moment, they all seemed to have fallen into a stagnation.

The only thing that is still moving is thinking! At the same time.

on the field.

The tennis ball that should have fallen to the ground.

The speed of descent has actually begun to become: slow.

What's the situation! Medanore was shocked, his eyes trembled! The next moment.

Boom! A deafening sonic boom ripped apart in an instant, in the strange-colored pupils of the Imperial Fox God Shuangchi.

The red light faded, and the orange light reappeared.

At the same time, behind the Imperial Fox God Shuangchi... the huge looming clock began to rotate.

Boom! Then.

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