"I don't know, at that moment just now, Shuangchi's sense of disobedience was extremely powerful, and you should have all seen it."

Kimishima Yuto let out a suffocating breath and said with difficulty.

The rest of the army was silent.

At the moment just now, the left eye of the fox god Shuangchi's different-colored pupils also seemed to have the traces of the clock! At this moment, Mitsuya Yajuto's voice sounded: "At the moment just now, the measurement of the Shuangchi's data, but”

What! After measuring the data, all the First Army was shocked and looked at Mitsuya Yakuto.

"Say it."

Byodoin Phoenix frowned deeply and said.

He was equally curious about this question!".

! "

At this time, Mitsuya Yakuto's somewhat hoarse voice sounded.

For a moment, all the first troops were stunned

! The data is null! There is no data! "The data of Shuangchi, I can't test it, the data tennis, I can't capture the data of Shuangchi, and of course, there is no way to calculate and infer."

After a moment of silence, Mitsuya Yakuto said again.

Numerous people have been silent, completely silent for a moment, but everyone's eyes are full of stunned and horrified.

Mitsugu Yajiudou's data tennis, there is no way to capture and calculate the data to infer the fox god Shuangchi! What the hell is going on! "According to my judgment, this should be related to the different dimension of Shuangchi!"

Mitsuya Yakuto's voice sounded again.

All the First Army looked towards the field.

A looming giant clock.

What is this different dimension of Shuangchi! At the same time.

", Yuhushen Shuangchi, the score is 1:1!"

After falling into a strange silence, Yukio Kurobe's voice sounded and announced.

on the field.

"How did you do it just now?"

After a long silence, Medanore looked at the fox god Shuangchi and said incomprehensibly.

He couldn't react to the ball just now! Not only did he not react, but the field he formed seemed to be ineffective at that moment.


you guess"

The fox god Shuangchi chuckled lightly, looked at Medanore and said.

Medanore was silent, and looked at the fox god Shuangchi deeply: "I understand, I will use my method to test this ability of yours!"

In the third game, this is Medanore's serve.

Standing in the tee box, Medanore looked extremely solemn.

Huh! In an instant, the tennis ball was thrown into the air by Medanore.


Medano thundered loudly.

The moment the tennis ball reached the highest point in the air, he immediately jumped up and blasted the tennis ball violently.

Boom! Moo! Moo! Moo! The mighty roar of bulls exploded in an instant, and the tennis ball blasted out with a destructive momentum.

Thorn! It seems that a bull's horn broke through the sky in an instant, opening up the space, as if there was a huge shadow of the bull god standing in the cloud.

At this moment, the aura on Medanore is beyond imagination! Opposite.

"As expected of Medanore!"

The fox god Shuangchi looked sharp and solemn.

Boom! ", Medanore, score 2:!"

Boom! ", Yuhushen Shuangchi, the score is 3:3!"

Boom! ", Yuhushen Shuangchi, the score is 5:5!!"

Suddenly, a terrifying deafening roar exploded.

Along with this overwhelming roar, the score on the scoreboard was also changing rapidly.

At this moment, the score is Medanore 5:5, about to enter the tiebreaker! In other words, this is the rhythm of entering the tiebreaker.

because no matter what

Whoever wants to win has to net two games.

Or, after the tiebreaker, two goals in a row.

at the same time.

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