316. Low-key?what is that? (3)

at the same time.

Main stadium seating area.

"Everyone should already know the information about the Spanish team."

Mitsugu Yajiudou helped the frame on his face and continued: "The first thing to consider is of course Medanore. According to the previous information, if this person is not injured, his strength is definitely more than that."

"Yeah. I know."

Byodoin Phoenix nodded and motioned for Mitsuya Yakuto to continue.


There was a gleam in the eyes of the fox god's twin blazes, and he had also heard of this.

There is a saying that if it weren't for the injury and hospitalization, Medanore's talent and strength might have competed with Polk of the German team.

In other words, stronger than Polk! But even so, the current Medanore's strength should not be underestimated.

"Apart from Medanore, the rest of them are also very good, such as Darren.

Douglas, Nadal and others, all in all, Spain came prepared and we can't take it lightly."

Mitsuya Yajiudou continued, and in the eyes under the lens, rows of data were rapidly appearing.

Although it was only two days away, Mitsuya Yajiu still quickly collected the news of the Spanish team.

ten minutes later.

Headed by Kurobe Yukio, Saito Zhi, and Takuzhi Ryuuji.

They were followed by the Spanish team, led by Medanore.

Around, there are some scattered tennis reporters.

"What's the matter and why are there tennis reporters"

When the tennis reporter saw this ball, many of the first army were stunned.

"Perhaps, because of our strength, there is no need to continue to hide, or in other words, there is no need for us to keep a low profile!"

Aside, Yuhu God Shuangchi pondered for a while and said.

The many troops were silent, and the Byodoin Phoenix nodded and said, "Shuang Chi is right!"

The rest of the First Army was extremely solemn.

Today's game, for the Spanish team, is an opportunity to prove themselves.

But for the Neon team, this is also an opportunity to prove the Neon team's own strength!! The current Neon team does not need a low profile.

Rather, downright high profile!! Meanwhile.

in the Spanish team.

"Sure enough, Duke Watanabe really came to Team Neon!"

Medanore's eyes sank slightly as he looked at Duke Watanabe in Team Neon.

As early as the expedition, it was rumored that Duke Watanabe had left the French team and came to the Neon team.

Now it seems that this is true!! "The leader turns out to be true"

Aside, Darren.

Dougs and the others were slightly surprised when Watanabe said.

It turns out that the destruction king Duke Watanabe really came to the neon team! "Hmm."

Medanore nodded lightly. He didn't care that Duke Watanabe came to the Neon Team. Instead, he looked at the most immature person in the First Army.

——Shuangchi, the god of foxes!! "Echizen Nanjiro's disciple, is that you?"

Looking deeply at the fox god Shuangchi, Medanore murmured.

And when Medanore's gaze came over, the fox god Shuangchi subconsciously looked over, and when he saw Medanore, he chuckled lightly.

Seeing this, Medanore raised his brows invisibly.

What's up with this guy! Meanwhile.

Many tennis reporters are already sluggish

Especially Shiba Saori and Inoue Mamoru, both of them were completely sluggish.

"Fox God Shuangchi! Why is this guy here, and he is still in the ranks of the First Army!"

Shiba Saori said in disbelief, with a tone of shock.

This is Team Neon 1!! Besides, this is the team of the First Army!! "Don't you understand, Shuangchi, the God of Fox, he is a member of the First Army!!"

Beside him, Mamoru Inoue said with a sigh, his voice was faintly hoarse.

To be honest, he had already thought about this result, but he never thought it would come true! Thinking like this, Inoue Mamoru subconsciously looked deeply at Yuhushen Shuangchi, when he saw Yuhushen Shuangchi... mark When he wore the 10 badge, he was stunned again.

"No way, this guy not only joined the First Army, but also ranked in the top ten in the First Army!"

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