A ray of golden light rippled from between his fingers.

Dangerous, powerful, domineering, full of destructive breath, in this moment, madness poured out.

Love reading to remind you: three things to read, collect and push

208. Destruction! !

inside the stadium.

"Shuang Chi, you have to be careful!!"

Echizen Ryuya's voice sounded, her dark green hair fluttered, and her expression was flamboyant.

"The ultimate power of this ball, I haven't really seen it yet!!"

After finishing speaking, Echizen Ryuya's racket shone brightly, and an unparalleled golden light burst out.

next moment.

Boom! The deafening sound of hitting the ball sounded, the smoke was rolled up, and the air wave was like, splitting everything crazy and spreading out.

The dazzling golden light swept across the net like a cannonball, and there were bursts of hissing sounds wherever the golden light passed.

A wisp of blue smoke rippled, and the tennis ball twitched violently.

Everyone present froze.

If this ball fell on them, they would be seriously injured! At the moment when everyone was shocked, the golden light had already pierced quickly and carried it out.

The aura of destruction exploded without hindrance, the golden light was dazzling, and the air seemed to be in waves of turbulence.

A little golden light began to pop out from between Echizen Ryuya's fingers.

Soon, the rays of light were so great that they enveloped the surroundings.

Dazzling, dazzling, powerful, full of destructive aura.

Boom! An overwhelming oppressive force hits my face, making my hair stand on end.

The faint golden light on the tennis ball grew thicker and thicker, and spread out almost like a madman.

The overwhelming oppressive aura, like substance, began to spread around.

"This breath is light hitting the ball"

The fox god Shuangchi's eyes flickered, and he thought to Echizen Ryuya, who was facing him.

He could feel the threat coming from the ball.

At the same time, his expression gradually became solemn.


Everyone felt that their hearts were trembling violently under the deterrence of this ball.

"What is this! This is too exaggerated!!"

"Who can tell me why tennis balls shine?"

"This is too strong, is this really something that a junior high school student can do? Also, get out of the way!!"

The local players in the United States all looked at each other with expressions of horror.

Wilson looked stern and his eyes narrowed.

In this ball, he felt a deadly threat! How could this be possible!! In the field.

When everyone was shocked, a whisper sounded.

"Sure enough, it's a light shot."

A figure has appeared behind the tennis ball.

It is the fox god Shuangchi.

At this moment, Shuangchi's eyes were solemn.

He knows the power of light hitting, and also knows the strength of Echizen Ryuya, so he will not let down his guard for this shot.

Boom! On him, a faint milky white color was spreading.

The realm of no self! Under the blessing of the limit of thousands of trials and tribulations! The fox god Shuangchi took a deep breath and struck towards the center of the golden light.

Clap! Tennis falls.

"Good weight!"

Shuangchi's eyes sank, and he felt his wrist sink slightly.

The next moment, he had already raised his wrist and swept towards the tennis ball suddenly.

Boom! There was a loud noise that was almost roaring, and the entire space trembled.

Afterwards, the same golden light rippled from the fingertips of the fox god Shuangchi again.

The golden light that symbolizes destruction is dazzling and dazzling, shining in the hearts of almost everyone.

"What! I don't have dazzling eyes"

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