And! He can be sure that his five sense deprivation is complete.

But it doesn't seem to work.

The reason for this, in the end, is because at this moment, Yukimura Seiichi has no time to think about it.

He stared at the tennis ball, stepped on his feet, and his body was like electricity, quickly came to the tennis ball, and hit the tennis ball directly.

There is no hearing, but he has two senses, touch and sight.

Therefore, he is not ready to give up the game! Opposite.

The fox god Shuangchi smiled, shook his head, and thought to himself.

"Sure enough, to deal with Yukimura, simply closing the hearing is not enough."

If it is an ordinary player, once one of the three senses of tennis is blocked, the game should be over.

However, Seiko Yukimura is different.

Not only is he powerful, but his spiritual power is also very powerful.

Therefore, in fact, the five senses of Yukimura Seiichi will take longer than others.

After thinking.

Under everyone's attention, Shuangchi, the god of the fox, has quickly stepped forward and quickly crossed away between the tennis balls.

Bang! A crisp bat sounded, and soon the tennis was going the same way.

Yukimura Seiichi has always looked at the fox god Shuangchi with great vigilance, and he can't hear the sound now.

and so,

He must pay more attention to the movements of Shuangchi, the God of Fox and the trajectory of the tennis ball.

"it's here!"

Step! Seiichi Yukimura stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the tennis ball, and then he hit him hard.

This scene fell in everyone's eyes.

Ordinary viewers haven't noticed it yet, but Ryuzaki Sumire is already frowning.

"Seiichi Yukimura's actions seem to have become a little dull."

And, for some unknown reason, she always felt that Yukimura Seiichi's current situation was very wrong.

But to say what was wrong, it was also difficult for her to come up with a principle.

"Five sense deprivation is not complete"

Reporter Mamoru Inoue looked at Seiichi Yukimura on the court, and at Shuangchi, the god of foxes, and said with some doubts.

To be honest, he's a little bit abrupt now.

What is the situation now? Why does the Yuhushen Shuangchi seem to have no impact at all! On the court, the game is still going on.

Bang! Mihu God Shuangchi returned the ball very calmly, while Yukimura Seiichi frowned.

Lob! This kind of tennis, he can hit back easily in normal times, but now in the case of his hearing loss, he must rely on his eyesight to judge where the tennis ball is falling.

This undoubtedly made it more difficult for him to return the ball.

Looking at the tennis, Seiichi Yukimura felt a burst of soreness in his eyes, but he still completed the counterattack.



The Royal Fox God Shuangchi didn't know when he had already bent his knees, took off, and swung his bat, and completed a standard smash.

The tennis ball flew out, and under everyone's astonished eyes, it swept past Seiichi Yukimura and fell to the ground.


The referee's voice suddenly sounded.

But Seiichi Yukimura still didn't respond.

But other people, at this moment, their eyes narrowed suddenly, and their faces were unbelievable.

"What's the matter! Jingshi didn't even notice this smash!"

Mori Jusaburo's eyes narrowed uncontrollably, "What the hell is going on here!"

Shouldn't it be that Shuangchi, the god of the fox, was deprived of his vision, what the hell is going on now! Why did Seiichi Yukimura make two mistakes in a row, and this one is so strange.

Liu Renji and Sanada Genichiro were all horrified.

In the Ice Emperor.

"Shuangchi, what the hell is he doing?"

Atobe Keigo's eyes flickered, and he looked solemnly and curiously at the fox god Shuangchi on the court.

Now, he is really curious about what the fox god Shuangchi wants to do and what he is doing! At the same time.

On the court, Yuhushen Shuangchi's serve continued.

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