Akutagawa Jirou squinted his eyes, his expression was icy cold, the tiredness that was always on his face was completely gone, and he was extremely awake.

Swish! Under everyone's attention, Akutagawa Jiro suddenly raised the tennis ball, leaned his body, locked the direction of the tennis ball, and swung it down.

Bang! The crisp sound of hitting the ball sounded, and the tennis ball flew towards the opposite side with a beautiful arc in an instant.

"Well, at a freshman level, that's a good serve."

Ichitani Tosio raised his eyebrows and said in a commenting gesture.

"I'm here, watch me beat him easily!"

Zheng Shan Gongxiong stepped forward with a smile on his face.

Step! With a very fast speed, Zheng Shan Gongxiong arrived in front of the net in an instant, his eyes locked on the tennis ball.

"I agree with Ichitani that it's a good serve at a first-year level."

Zhengshan Gongxiong watched the tennis unhurriedly, and continued: "However, this is far from enough for a third grader!!"

"Especially, for the third-year students who participated in the championship!"

Saying that, Zheng Shan Gongxiong was confident, and his arm quickly swung down at the tennis ball.

Bang! The racket grabbed the tennis ball, the next moment Gongxiong Zhengshan whipped out, and the tennis ball flew out suddenly, with a very fast speed.

This ball was easily resolved by Zhengshan Gongxiong and counterattacked.

"It was so easy to get hit back!"

"It seems that Ice Emperor's Doubles 2 is not very powerful!"

"Maki no vine!! Makin vine!! Makin vine!!"

In the auditorium, the voices of Makinoto supporters soon came.

at the same time.

Shepherd's Vine.

"Tsk, this is because the strength of the Ice Emperor was so easily countered by Zhengshan."

Kazuki said with a look of disdain.

The other Makinoto players beside him were also disdainful.

It's so easy to hit back

on the field.

Masahiro Masahiro and Ichitani Tosio were both arrogant and disdainful.

This kind of serve is really good to hit back! There is no challenge at all.

But in the next moment, Masahiro Masahiro and Ichitani Tosio both stared at each other.


I only saw that Akutagawa Jirou was already waiting in front of the net at this moment! He raised his arm indifferently, and the racket swung against the tennis ball, swiping out.

Bang! The tennis ball flew out instantly, rushed out at a speed that Masao Masao and Toshio Ichitani couldn't react, landed, bounced, and landed again.


The referee's voice sounded instantly! The Ice Emperor took the lead to score points.

Suddenly, the scene fell into silence.

Masahiro Masahiro and Toshio Ichiya both looked ugly and shocked.

When the hell did he go online? Before Masaru Masao returned the ball, Akutagawa Jiro quickly came to the net, but they didn't even notice.

They were actually scored by the first graders! For a moment, Masahiro Masahiro and Ichitani Hisao were stunned.

Love reading to remind you: three things to read, collection, recommendation

143. Mighty Ice Emperor

The scene of the game, .

Audience seats.

"Hey, hey, Muzhiteng was first taken away"

"As expected of the Ice Emperor, the first grade is also very powerful!!"

"Ice Emperor!! Ice Emperor!! Ice Emperor!!"

All the audience was stunned at first, and soon the voices continued.

Shepherd's Vine.

With the audience's voice, all Makinoto players looked a little ugly.

"These two scumbags who are more than enough to succeed!"

A man from Ping'an Mountain had a gloomy face and drank lowly.

As a third-year student of Makino, he was given priority by the first-year students of Ice Emperor! This was like a slap in the face of all the players of Makino.

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