"Hey hey hey, what are you doing!"

"It should be close to the national competition, training."

"I'm not training at all, what are you doing!!"

Some Ice Emperor students who passed by looked at the tennis club in astonishment.

What the hell are they doing in such a big battle! All the players are in uniform, their eyes are looking at the two people in the front! Tezuka Kunimitsu and Atobe Keigo! "Tsk, this guy Shuangchi, it's almost time to arrive"

Atobe Keigo glanced at the time and clicked his tongue.

The time is now ten o'clock in the morning. Usually, the tennis club at this time should be conducting endless training.

But today, it's different! Tezuka Kunimitsu's eyes gleamed brightly.

——Fox God Shuangchi is back! In the team.

Akutagawa Jiro and Taki Oginosuke looked at each other, and both saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Ninja Yu, Xiang Hidake, Shido Ryo and others were equally excited.

Their tennis club, the indispensable person is coming back! Another ten minutes have passed.

At this moment.

Atobe Keigo's eyes lit up, looking at a figure in front of him.

"finally reached!"

All the players looked stunned and looked in a certain direction.

The ordinary Ice Emperor students who came to the surroundings looked over suspiciously, and were instantly stunned when they saw that figure.

It was a figure with a backpack and a racket, slowly walking towards the crowd.

——Fox God Shuangchi! In an instant, the crowd immediately.

There was a burst of noise.

"Fox God-sama!!!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh, so it's Lord Miku God, oh my god!!"

"Fox God-sama is back!!"

There was an uproar, and it was very lively.


Yuhu God Shuangchi was taken aback for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he came to the Ice Emperor player.

"Tsk, Shuangchi, you are really slow!"

Atobe Jingwu looked at the fox god Shuangchi and smiled.

"came back!"

Aside, Tezuka Kunimitsu said solemnly.

The fox god Shuangchi nodded and looked at someone.

"I am back."

Almost in unison, all the way.

"Welcome back!! Mihushen-san."

The momentum was like a rainbow, and the voice was loud, and the ordinary players around the emperor also shouted, and they were very excited.

"Why is there such a big fight"

The corners of Yu Fox God Shuangchi's mouth twitched slightly, a little helpless.

"Tsk, this has nothing to do with me, it's mainly because someone's popularity is too high."

Atobe Keigo smacked his tongue and laughed.

At most, he just organized regular players.

Shuangchi, the god of foxes, gave a wry smile and handed the backpack to the direction of Kunimitsu Tezuka and Keigo Atobe.

"Let's take a look first, the surprise prepared for you."

Tezuka Kunimitsu opened his backpack and took out a camera with flickering eyes.

The next moment, he turned on the camera, and his eyes narrowed when he saw the video.

"This is this!"

He quickly handed the camera to Keigo Atobe who was beside him.

Atobe Keigo looked at it casually, and then his expression changed greatly.

"World class competition!"

The camera is recording video one by one.

The content of the video is scalp tingling content

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