Swish! Coming to the place where the tennis ball was dropped, Shuji Tanegashima, a somewhat peculiar gesture appeared from his hand.


At the moment when the tennis ball rushed over, Osamu Tanegashima's eyes flickered slightly, and then the movements in his hands changed immediately!! "How come?"

Seeing this, Prome's appearance was a little stunned.

It turned out to be: when his tennis ball arrived, he temporarily switched the stroke of the ball! What happened to Shuji Tanejima! Boom! In the moment of Prome's astonishment, the tennis ball had already rushed past him and hit the bottom line heavily outside.



The voice sounded without any hesitation.

Swish!! "Team Neon!! Team Neon!!"

"Team Neon, come on, let's go straight to victory!"

"It's just this game, you can win, but it's a pity, in the end, neither Reinhardt nor the fox god Shuangchi appeared!"

"Team Neon! Shuji Tanegashima!!"

At this moment, some viewers began to talk uncontrollably.

And on the field.

Starting from Shuji Tanegashima's first score.

The score on the scoreboard began to change at an extremely fast time! Pop! ":!"

Clap!":!"Clap!", Neon Team Tanegashima Shuji, the score is 1:0!"

Prome was broken without any suspense!! Seeing this.

in the U.S. team.

Dudu, Kiko, even Hopkins and Reinhardt, all looked extremely solemn at this moment.

However, in the dignified, there was also a bit of bitterness on their faces.

"Is this the end?"

Reinhardt looked at the game on the court and said with a wry smile.

He integrated the U.S. team in order to become the new king! But now, when they are only one step away from the king, they are a thousand miles away! "Promi can't be the opponent of Shuji Tanegashima!"

Hopkins said solemnly, if only he could have won before.

The current Neon team will not fall into such a situation.

in the audience.

"The U.S. team is going to lose!"

Polk and .

Looking at each other, he said in a low voice.

"not necessarily!"

Aside, Medanore's voice sounded at this moment.

Then, his eyes turned to the direction of the fox god Shuangchi.

"He hasn't played yet"

Medanore said secretly in his heart.

In this game, Shuangchi, the god of the fox, has not yet appeared, will it come to an end like this! "Master, are they going to win!"

Ram and Rem looked at the court, a little dazed.

In this game, does the young master really not play? "Shuang Chi"

There was a smile in Echizen Nanjiro's eyes.

What a joke if you don't play! "That bastard Mifune, it's impossible not to let Shuang Chi play!"

As the teacher of Shuangchi, the god of fox, Echizen Nanjiro is very clear about Mifune Shindao's obsession with Shuangchi of the god of fox! So in such a game, Shuangchi of the god of fox decides that it is impossible to play! And on the court .

The score is constantly changing.

The current Shuji Tanegashima.

Just need to win the next game.

The victory of this game can be won smoothly, and the Neon team will directly become the new king.


Taking a look at himself and the score, Osamu Tanegashima's eyes flickered slightly, and he thought lightly in his heart.

Shuji Tanegashima's serve.

On the field, the score keeps changing.


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