Douglas serve.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Lightly slapping the tennis ball on the ground, Douglas looked solemn and his voice was short.

Now, his condition is not very good.

"The game must be over soon, or, in this collision!"

Douglas looked condensed and said secretly in his heart.

Huh! Immediately afterwards, Douglas looked firm, and threw the tennis ball directly into the air, hitting the racket violently.

Boom!! It was like an explosion, and there was a piercing screeching sound!! Then the tennis ball was like a cloud-piercing cracking stone, and after an afterimage was drawn in it, it disappeared immediately.

"Is the decision over?"

Looking at this ball, the eyes under Tezuka Kunimitsu's lenses flickered.

"I have the same idea too!"

This game has been going on for too long! He also wants to end the game.

Most importantly, his state does not allow him to continue playing.

At this moment, Tezuka Kunimitsu's hair was completely wet with sweat.

In addition, the jersey and sneakers are all soaked! Tada!! In the middle of contemplation, Tezuka Kunimitsu has quickly stepped forward.

As soon as the tennis ball landed and bounced, he immediately waved the racket in his hand.

Boom! Bombarded by a huge force, the tennis ball turned into a golden beam and rushed out immediately.

Chi Chi Chi! On the tennis ball, a terrifying spin appeared, blue smoke rose, and the tennis ball was even deformed due to the spin.

"Is that the trick again!"

Seeing this, Douglas looked solemn.

"However, the direction to resolve the spin is to chop the ball or other spin!!"

After speaking, Douglas has stepped forward quickly, and his arm is aimed at the tennis ball and slashed.


Since then, he has experienced Tezuka Phantom many times, so this time, he will not be hit again! "Something's wrong!"

But, at the moment of hitting the tennis ball.

However, Douglas's face changed greatly in an instant! This kind of rotation, and every previous rotation was different.

The moment the ball couldn't go back, Douglas' face changed violently.

"This is the baptism of the whirlpool!!"

"No, it's not the baptism of the whirlpool. There is still a very long distance from the baptism of the whirlpool."

The baptism of Polk's vortex is also a kind of tennis in rotation, and it can even reach the point where the tennis ball is in front of you, but people can't fight back.

Now, this ball of Tezuka Kunimitsu is very similar to the baptism of the whirlpool.

But in terms of power, there is still a long way to go, but Douglas can't fight back! Boom! The next moment.

The tennis ball suddenly fell to the ground, and suddenly there was a dull sound.

The dust is turbulent, and the layers of ripples are undulating.


The referee's voice came.


in the Spanish team.


Medanore's voice sounded.

"Douglas still has a chance, one more time, he will definitely be able to fight back! This time, he just lost by surprise."

Manfred said quickly.

"No chance, don't forget, he still has that... serve."

Alex said in a heavy tone: "This Tezuka Kunimitsu, he is an expert in spinning!!"

Yes, rotation experts! They have only seen two people who have overcome rotation to this point.

One is Polk who controlled the baptism of the whirlpool.

The other one is Kunimitsu Tezuka! From zero chop, zero serve, field, etc., the current spin is similar to the whirlpool's baptism.

It's enough to see how strong Tezuka Kunimitsu's spin is! Even they are world-class, and even they are much stronger than Douglas.

However, their rotation did not reach the level of Tezuka Kunimitsu.

"You won, Shuangchi, the god of foxes."

On the other hand, Medanore spoke indifferently.

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